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/mu/ - Music

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>this wasn't even that long ago
where did it all go wrong
What is bottom right?
Grouper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLR9oEnYLxs
Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
this is all music I listened to at the height of my depression. I don’t want to ever return
You we're depressed because you were listening to such shitty undeservedly pedestaled music.
the only stuff from this I still listen to are arcade fire and grouper
oh to be a young white man from Washington in the 90s and early 2000s
why do people oppose these now?
>I love the shins
>I love arcade fire
> I love NMH
>I love the dismemberment plan
>I love songs: Ohia
>I love Elliot smith
>I love built to spill
Based af anon
Probably because they suck
oh my god its all made of cardboard
i still love all of these except the dismemberment plan, that one's just ok
Its RYM/Redditcore now. THEY TOOK OUR SHIT
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you know the drill fellas
i dont really like grouper :(
/mu/ in the 00s
When was the last year where you could discuss these without the majority calling it hipstertrash or barely anyone replying?
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>Crooked Rain
Not even top 3 wtf
No, YOU should return to the 60s
Zoomers can't into taste, sorry please understand.

It's pathetic how most zoom zooms can't name even 3 albums off that chart.

Inb4 a /mu/ zoom says "I can"

No fucking shit retard; you're on /mu/ where millennials are force feeding you taste.
im a zoomer and im proud to say I cant name a single one of those albums without looking at the text
Grouper doesn't even belong there
Perfect From Now On and ITAOTS stood the test of time. The time being 2013.
this, grouper didn't get popular until a decade after the rest of the 00s stuff in that image
grouper is good
>The Shins, Wilco
Boring as fuck
>Arcade Fire
>NMH, Microphones
Overrated af

the rest are cool
Dumb opinion fr
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This is the reason why /mu/ is dead.
>people don't like what they liked a decade ago, muh sekrit club is RUINED!
it isn't the same people.
correct. /mu/ is an alternative/indie board
To be fair I grew up on Modest Mouse and I think I found The Glow Pt. 2 somewhere else. NMH, The Dismemberment Plan, and Yankee Hotel I learned about from here , though.

I remember whenever I didn't feel well or something as a kid I'd be laid up in the bedroom and my parents would put on these DVD snowboarding montages with Modest Mouse playing in the background. Good times.

This type of music isn't my cup of tea personally (although I quite like NMH and Modest Mouse, and The Dismemberment Plan is good too) but I like to think I still have respect for old /mu/ culture and either way just about anything is better than contemporary /mu/.

It does kind of feel like zoomers have ruined this board although I guess I like to think I'm one of the few who isn't completely shitting up the place. I'm an older zoomer too if that means anything
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Hey look a bunch of perfectly good albums that have become popular so now they’re not good anymore because other people like them. Only obscure music is good. Once people start liking the same things I like I feel insecure so I pretend I think it’s all garbage.
Jews say they're "too white"
missing yo la tengo
I’d rather this board die than go back to shilling for quirky alt indie folk garbage
can't stand the vocalist on intimacy & I or whatever it's called
on the other hand i've listened to a shit ton of built to spill, phil elverum, the shins and modest mouse. wilco i wouldn't say shit ton, but i've definitely listened to them a lot.
good times.
>posted one day ago
> a bunch of shite ive enever seen before

fuck off millenial mong
go back
a much better era than 2024 /mu/ that is interested in the likes of sabrina carpenter and charli xcx
I'm a zoomer and I could name every album on that chart except for the ones from the shins. Who cares? It's all fine but there's nothing all that exceptional here, besides Songs: Ohia or Grouper. It's mostly just indie rock for midwit college students.

The millenial indie fag side of /mu/ was always gay. I remember when people championed bands like Opeth, Deafheaven and Liturgy... really gay. The outsider/autist side of /mu/ was always more interesting. I'd much rather see a thread about Coil or Throbbing Gristle or some shit rather than see lyrics from ITAOTS posted again for the millionth time.

more soulful but hospice stinks
you just can't into music, that's why categorize Grouper into exceptional and Built To Spill into Indie Rock for midwits. kys

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