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jesus christ almighty this album is shit
i like when they drag the chair across the floor and break a bunch of plates
mmmm banana
Its super overrated, like super overrated, but its still a decent album
i feel like people talk more about how influential it was, rather than it being super amazing
Heroin is a masterpiece. I just wish there was an instrumental version with just the guitars and the viola
sunday morning, venus in furs, and heroin are all pretty fucking amazing songs
Yeah it's bad. If you look up the bands they "influenced" they all suck ass too.
They sound awful
same with black angels death song and european son
fucking genius album
fucking moronic album
I'm not hugely into this album, but anyone who has opinions like these can very safely be disregarded on all things music-related. It's definitely a masterpiece and deserving of its status, that is without question.

Awful fucking thread btw
Go back.
>It's definitely a masterpiece and deserving of its status, that is without question.
they brainwashed you good
>its not good but I have to say it is because I'm a big gaylord and am instructed how to think
Checks out
I've been using 4chan for 19 years
It has 3 or 4 good songs the rest is crap
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oh wow OP actually listened to it?! LMAO, I didnt expect you to actually fall for it LOL!!! What a fucking faggot, everyone point and laugh
Lou reed gay voice
>Calls people gay for not having the same opinion as him

Go back.
This,their actual best was The Velvet Underground:69 Live (from 1974) which is a sort of archival live album I guess released in like I said 1974. It features some seriously jammy versions of many of both their best and best known songs with a lot of noisy garage sounding and psychedelic elements. Highly reccomend you start with that one. There's stuff off The First Three Albums worth hearing but none and I do mean none of the rest of their albums are nearly as consistent. I would say Sunday Morning,Black Angels Death Song,All Tommorrows Parties,Venus in Furs,and Heroin off the first album,then Lady Godivas Operation,Here She Comes,and The Gift off of White Light/White Heat,and then finally Jesus and The Murder Mystery from the self titled are their truly essential studio work,but as an overall album if you want to listen from beginning to end you want to hear The Velvet Underground:Live 69 featuring Lou Reed (1974) is by a huge margin their most consistent beginning to end album album.
>I've been using 4chan for 19 years
Nice lie.
The person I was responding to basically admitting that its sucks but he doesn't feel like he's allowed to say that he thinks it sucks. Yeah that's extremely gay. What, ae you actually gay? That's also bad.
oh my god STFU no one cares what you think about anything
I really hate all of you little queers. You're the same people who constantly project onto 4chan about everyone being an incel loser, because you are. This website is 20 years old. Yeah if you're the same age as this website and using it instead of what kids are doing you're a faggot. You will literally never know how fun things used to be. Still mourning the loss of /qa/. For a brief moment we actually had a blue /b/
>Being gay is... LE BAD
Okay, retard.
They were an incredibly band overall but part of them being "experimental" and taking risks is they just didn't really have as consistent albums. They're more of a band you listen to individual songs from. That being said:if you must listen to a full album by them this one is the one. Both Vollumes although I personally think Vollume 2 is better,but this is by far the best thing thing they ever released.
>doesn't like Sister Ray
I don't. It feels like Lou Reed felt threatened and needed to prove he could also record a 17 minute long song and it would be about SEX instead of GAY NERD SHIT but it doesn't really pan out. Longer The VU really need to play for is like 10 minutes max and generally other than The Murder Mystery and The Ocean their best songs are the shorter ones imo.
>Calling people he disagrees with incels
You really are no different than Nico Tranny.
Yeah it is. They're literal shit eating child molesting fuck ups and dykes are all stunted development man hating psychopaths. All gay people should be executed. It sucks they were molested but it's similar to how people hundreds of years ago used to just also kill the animal that some weird guy was caught fucking. It's better for society.
I hope one day you grow and come to the realization you aren't cut out for this music stuff.
Alright I'll level with you, maybe not all zoomers are incels, but the topic of being an incel, and the people who clearly are, the the other side who viciously use it as an insult, are all clearly youngfag newfags. I didn't start this war. I'm here because in 2005 I saw a bunch of fucked up gore juxtaposed against caturday and you better believe I was manning the harpoons and red fox standing by. What were you doing in 2005? Learning how to wipe your ass?
Actual schizophrenia.
Like he was at a party and The Moody Blues or Zappa made fun of him rather than The VU actually needed to be playing atonally in pop time for more than 5 minutes muchless 17. Like they were geniuses and they really did change music forever but sitting through Sister Ray just feels painful sometimes. Lacks enough variation nor structure to keep it going that long. Their compositonal ideas worked better in sorter song format. Modernism was largely with shorter songs same with late 50s early 60s traditional pop. These were not ideas made to work for even 8 or 12 minutes although The VU can make this work by spicing it up on The Ocean and on The Murder Mystery,for a 17 minute long concept piece though it just straight up doesn't hold up it's own weight. Nothing Song also feels kinda pointless but then again idk. Just my opinion.
Being legit here, 2005 me was 10 years old, so I was watching shit like Homestar Runner, flash cartoons from Newgrounds, ect.
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You listen to retarded shit lol.
Go eat shit and catch AIDS you molested faggot
You sound like a liberal characture of a republican. Get help
you really can tell old mu has been fully replaced by nu mu becsuse npt one person has called the thread bait, and everyone is super serious in their vicious attacks
Sorry you think that. It's their best song. Also, Aumgn is Can's best song, or Soup that one's good too.
I'm an anarchist. You sound like an actual 14 year old who doesn't know anything about anything.
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is under 14!
Again, no different than Nico Tranny.
If you're not underage b& you should be ashamed of yourself. You are though. What are you 17 and "gay" because you're too much of a loser to talk to a girl? Or you're so brainwashed you just have to defend faggots for no reason. I don't really care. If being gay wasn't wrong you wouldn't need a century long campaign that still barely works to prove the case.
I like Amugun and Peeking O they're just not like my favorite in the overall discography. I think thst desu The Moody Blues and Grateful Dead were better with long jams than either. Same opinion of Cream.
The amount of seething that gay people existing is causing you is funny.
>"I'm an Anarchist"
>"You sound like an actual 14 year old"

Oh boy,that's ironic isn't it?
>heh.... I'm... l-laughing at you....
You're not even gay, you're just a teenage retard who has no idea how anything works and was trained to respond this way. I don't really care what you think. I'm right and not going to temper what I say about it. Gay people are an abomination, they're the result of a cycle of child fucking and should all be put to death because they have nothing to offer to society.
Ahh ok,yeah this was kinda childish.
Nico tranny you wouldn't understand a single political philosophy if it jumped up and eat your face off. You describe yourself as an honest to god communist because you "think you read" the (45 page) communist manifesto and are the biggest loser who ever lived.
>Gay people are an abomination, they're the result of a cycle of child fucking and should all be put to death because they have nothing to offer to society.
Yeah, how dare Gay people think they can exist!
Retard moment when you can't make even the most basic statement without sounding totally schizophrenic.
>how dare they eat shit and fuck children
Agreed. Reminder the only reason that faggots and niggers exist is because of the police. ACAB indeed.
No wonder you guys like Zappa so much lol. You're complete children.
You're talking like a retard again. Isn't it time for you to to beg sanjeeta to take you off the lease so you can move back in with your mom? Just a couple of more episodes of rick and morty and a couple more knock down drag out fights.
You know how to repeat phrases yeah I know that lol. Someone's angry aren't they? Little spazz out?
>how dare they eat shit and fuck children
But enough about people who enjoy Phish.
Don't look up Karl Marx's thoughts on """minorities""", comrade!

I'm gonna go watch Blue Planet, you faggot enabling nigger lovers argue amongst yourselves. This band is horrific dogshit though, and everything they "inspired" sucks ass.
Someone's mad he's a virgin at 40 lol. Epic BEEFCHADS GHUYZ!!!! It's all so immature and tasteless. Sad you're like this.
Uhhh ok,why do you keep telling me what TV Shows your watching? Seems a bit random. I already said I know you're morbidly obeese and spend all day watching television. I'm watching The Crown with my girlfriend. It seems like Anglo Propoganda desu but it's alright ig. Good lighting and soundtrack. Fairly interesting story for a dry historical drama. I've seen parts of blue planet also. Not sure why that's what you focus on,maybe go outside more so you can see that shit in real life.
>"This band is horrific dogshit though, and everything they "inspired" sucks ass."

You're too retarded to understand it. It isn't immediately accsessible to you and written on a children's level so you can't comprehend it. Literally just doing retarded screeching and crying about it.
Regardless though it's this one. This is there best album. Most consistent.
Yeah, bruh. If I still give a shit about this place when I’m whatever age you are it’s over.
I was never molested but I have let trannies suck my cock before I fuck them up the ass, I loved seeing their little feminine penises get all hard and leaky from the excitement of sucking my juicy dong before the climax of them cumming all over the place from a good prostate pounding. Am I gay or not?
>written on a children’s level
Pick two
Are you pitching because it's in common time or bitching because it has disonent elements? You're wrong either way lol.
You were a curly haired boy
Just another toy even
No because it’s mogged by songs written by actual children, such ass Mmmbop by Hansen
Never heard of that so won't say.
>Never heard of Mmmbop
You got me there yeah.
yikes dawg you need to listen to that, that was a pop sensation
>"yikes dawg"
>"a pop sensation"

I think you need to get laid. None of this has much to do with me either way lol.
I re-listened to it recently after not touching it for a few years
It holds up really well
It's not funny meme music so it might lose some of the people here.
not canto whatsoever
Andy Warhol himself was kinda retarded but these ideas about art theory and whatnot translate to music much better I would say. Andy Warhol himself was a bit of a con but The VU were a good band.
Lots of classic songs.
Oh look. Another bait thread to pull out the sperg.
Falls for it everytime. Lmao.
This album fucking rules. European Son is such a fucking kick ass jam with crazy sounding guitars. Love blasting that in a quiet neighborhood at 3 am
nah. but it's stale
I listen to CAN. Are you officially acknowledging CAN is retarded?
Ita over for you now bruh. You're using a world wide web image board that is older than you as a broccoli haired muttoid. There's a 100% chance you are never making it.
Too late for you to make it, bro.
Hey Hey were the lobsters
And people say were sexist in what we found
But were to busy mewing
To let anybody down
You listen to things you saw in memes by CAN maybe,you're more listening to Beefheart probably.
whos beefheart? probably some virtuoso.
i only listen to meme music. like CAN
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Jesus Christ alrighty your taste is shit.
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>Nico's friend Danny Fields, the American journalist who helped her sign to Elektra Records, described her as "Nazi-esque", saying, "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Nico, I'm Jewish,' and she was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.'" According to Fields, in the early 1970s, Nico attacked a mixed-race woman at the Chelsea Hotel with a smashed wine glass, sticking it in her eye while saying, "I hate black people." Island Records dropped Nico after she told an interviewer that she did not like "Negroes" and that they had "features like animals". Nico said she had been raped at the age of thirteen by a black American soldier who had been court-martialed and executed; the biographer Richard Witts could find no record of this, even "when similar incidents were assiduously documented." According to Witts, Nico had misogynistic tendencies towards women, describing them as poison.
The Trust Fund Underground
I already made it. 4chan be le ebbin loser site xDDD is a uniquely new thing that started in earnest around maybe 2017 and kicked into high gear during the pandemic. Prior to that /r9k/ was the "incel board". Then hordes of underage redditors poured in and concessed/projected what futureless faggotd they are.
That's not Rubber Soul by The Beatles

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