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So that fag who denied Rockstar using his song because they offered him $7,500 is geniunely retarded, right?
Tom Petty is dead how could he deny using a song
heaven 17 were commies so yea
heh that guy who did what he wanted with his own art was retarded heh
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wow, over 8,000%! that's a big number!
One of the best ways to have your music discovered is to be in a GTA game
For real. With all that exposure they oughta be paying Rockstar.
in principle theory he was right, but only in a world where gta is not free advertising to a galaxy of new fans for decades to come. probably a hidden reason like that he doesn’t own the full rights. he’s flexing like he was above it
video game people are so fucking lame
Being the central song of the trailer, which is one of the most viewed videos of all time, is far different than being one of hundreds of songs in the soundtrack. Heaven 17 were already in a GTA game, and it's not as though it brought them millions of fans. And even if it did massively boost their popularity, millions of streams amount to only thousands of dollars, which in this case, has to be split by numerous different songwriters.
Heaven 17 were already featured in Vice City Stories and they were paid $10k for Penthouse and Pavement.
Yeah he's retarded, but only because his song was kind of forgettable generic shit, & he should have gratefully accepted almost any amount of money for its use
Because their music is shit
No it isn't, retard. But even if there music wasn't good, it's ultimately irrelevant, as the bands behind the best songs on the GTA 5 soundtrack (X, Agent Orange, T.S.O.L., etc, didn't get any meaningful popular boost either.
so it went from 10 streams to 800?
GTA 6 is going to blow dog
>Penthouse and Pavement
Don't remember this song at all. Just listened to it now, it's pretty fucking meh.
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Should have gone with "Sweaty club" by The Humpers.
You're tasteless.
Dumbest post I've ever read.
fuck off back to your cunt board little cunt boy
what does a 'stream' pay?
Heaven 17, and also The Human League for that matter, suck ass
Video games are genuinely---"unironically," even---the lowest form of entertainment, which is already the lowest profession. I hope entire record labels (meaning, all three of them) decide to boycott use of their music in Grand Theft Auto, just to exercise their meager place on the Totem pole.
The guy who turned down Rockstar's offer didn't have much to gain. That deal is fucking pathetic and a brief spike in streams doesn't mean much for him. I'm glad people are listening to Petty though.
My friends and I discovered bands like the Germs at 14 all because of GTA
Oh shit the kids found Tom Petty.
woah 8000% increase? what is that, like 2 cents with spotify?
>Video games are genuinely---"unironically," even---the lowest form of entertainment
Elaborate on this
Based. I loved my game boy and PlayStation like every other 90s kid but then I grew up and put away childish things.
Many retards are saying this.
He's right. Fuck Rockstar and their overhyped, overrated garbage.
Yeah, he is a full retard. Free advertising in a massively hyped and eagerly awaited AAA game known for its soundtracks for years to come at a minimum? That's a gold mine. Douchebag
>they get exposure bro everyone will know them
>Don't remember this song
Video games, by way of being interactive, fool fool you by giving you petty, meaningless tasks to complete that serve as a surrogate for real accomplishments. Even if you know this, your brain is still tricked by having the false world react to your inputs, when all you're really doing is watching a movie with button prompts or, at most, playing a "sport" where you exercise 1% of your body. And no, they are not artistically meaningful, either. The fact that there's a Super Mario exhibit at the MoMA or whatever is more of an indictment on the MoMA than anything else.
>fool fool
Oh no, I accidentally repeated a word and didn't catch it before posting. Credibility ruined, etc.
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>musician doesn't care to give away the rights to a song forever to gain some NPC attention
>pic related, this makes NPCs seethe
lmao he's based just for this
Your "gamer" lingo isn't quaint or endearing.
If it was to be the trailer song, yes. If it was to be one of the dozens of other songs then no.
>Video games are genuinely---"unironically," even---the lowest form of entertainment
Pretty sure that's porn, assuming of course you only count to legal content.
Human League are cool
Heaven 17 are ok but meh
i wish tom petty was alive so i could kill that miserable faggot
Penthouse and Pavement and The Luxury Gap are better than every Human League album other than Dare.
Idk man, an 8000% increase from 1M streams is still like $3.50. And thats being generous with the base of streams. No royalties in perpetuity either, think dude made the right call.
You are very smart

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