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I prefer sitting down at concerts (and I'm not old or fat)
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>lead singer tells the crowd to jump during this next one
Depends on the show and venue doesn't it?
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>lead singer of the opening band asks everyone to stand up while they play their 9th song in a row about their girlfriend breaking up with them
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>singer tells the crowd to clap during this next one
>lead singer urges me to climb up on stage to get my cock sucked by a big titted blond bimbo whore
Every fucking time. So tired of this shit.
what concert?
Jane's Addiction last Friday in Boston.
why is that bad?
You don't want the chair to be too comfortable though. I fell asleep during a concert once, insulting the people who'd bought the ticket for me.
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>Lead singer telling audience to do anything
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don't lie to me you are old and fat
I prefer sitting down to pee (and I’m not queer or gay)
>singer keeps telling to scream for him
>you paid for the concert and this asshole
makes you sing for 5 minutes
I’m in a wheelchair
insane clown posse
Sitting at concerts is a lost art.
what kind of shit shows do you guys go to where the lead singer asks the audience to do stuff as if its live aid or a middle school band kid performance? I thought /mu/ was all about underground alternative stuff
that's how you catch AIDS
>fat middle aged guy breaks his neck crowdsurfing
not touching you, you fat sweaty retard, I came here to listen to music, not have a fat mong coming towards my head
ask me how i know you dont lift
/mu/ hasn't been about that in a decade or more.
is it because I refused to support a fat retard ?
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I haven't gone to a concert in my life and I don't understand the appeal. People go there to listen to music.
Freddy Mercury
Even if he is, so what? Ageism and fat shaming are a blight on society.
Always said he was one of the based ones.
The art of doing nothing or what
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>SRO show
>tall bulky guy with fat neck and wearing a cap stands right in front of me
>go stand in a basement with 20 other people
That's even worse.
I also prefer sitting down at shows but I am old and fat. I did before I was though
Taylor swift
Post body
>go see Little Feat in Boston
>show is at an old theater
>friends and I the youngest people there by 30 years minimum
>get up and start dancing
>geriatric two rows back starts screaming how he can't see and he paid good money for this show and we need to sit down
>shouting match ensues
>he tries to get usher involved who just shrugs the whole thing off
Fuck sitters
I didn't even know sitting at a concert was a thing until one of my friends invited me to a concert and it was in seats. it's fucking lame and I went home early. I don't know why you would go through all the trouble to see your favorite band and just fucking sit in front of them.
I prefer sitting on my dad's cock
(he's old and fat)vn4kd
>grow up playing and loving classical music
>go to classical concerts
>you get there 15 minutes before the show starts and sit down
>the orchestra comes on at the time the show is advertised as starting
>they play the music and everyone sits and listens to it
>no one talking or making noise and you're sat down and comfy so can 100% focus on enjoying the music
>later in life, start going to rock concerts
>get there at the time it says, wait an hour for the opening act
>wait another two hours for the main guys
>they come on and play their bit
>everyone is shouting and bumping into you and shit
>have to stand up the entire fucking time
why is it so much worse? is this how normal people like to live?
Don't know why venues don't introduce designated aisles. Left aisle seating for the movers and groovers, right aisle for the couch potatoes.
Because zoomers can't afford legacy artist prices and 68 year old boomers are riddled with sciatica
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I prefer sitting down when I poop
It's called having a 140 IQ anon. Rock fans are retarded.
Rock concerts are more about getting drunk and saying you were there
so you like jazz and classical
>Lead singer plays a 3 hour set with Crazy Horse and my feet are killing me on the hard concrete of a hockey rink
The Wilbur. They have a reputation, apparently.
My second guess. I've only been there to see Kiefer Sutherland on his country music tour lulz.

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