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Stop, I'm already dead edition.

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played on of the new les paul studios. literally can't feel or hear a difference between it and the standard.
Tab is better than sheet music because tab tells you how to play the note the sheet just tells you what note to play assuming you already know how to play. Sheet music is for numbskulls
i have a 3k gibson that just sits in its case. I'm a producer and just wanted to have a humbucker guitar. I play my strat more. what an im doing with my life
Only difference you'll feel is in your wallet LOL!
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When did guitarists start wearing their guitars way down low by their crotch instead of by their navel? Seems less efficient.
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the only difference between the standard and the new studio is the standard has binding on the top, all the other specs are identical why would there be any change in the sound?
Watch this
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digital modelling amp is warming up
As if
You'll never be pretty enough to make cheer squad.
What is it about the Telecaster that gets them so divided and conquered?
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Gibson please bring back the Les Paul Studio lite
i need it
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Sister, that ain't it. I could steal your man rn. But instead I'll be kicking back with my Gibson SG.
treble bleed is fucking dogshit, i wish there was an alternative to 50s wiring. 50s wiring vol knob behavior is just perfect, but it becomes useless if you use the tone and volume control simultaneously
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Let me guess, you only tried one value cap/resistor because you're dumb as shit?
>but it becomes useless if you use the tone and volume control simultaneously
Never mind, that's exactly what you did lmao
i don't like jazz but will learn it
its not one of those genres you just pick up and learn. To sound authentic you pretty much have to engulf yourself in it and study it daily
So tabs are for people who don’t know how to play and sheet music is for players?
how hard can it be to learn some scales that sound jazzy and some jazz chords
>Gibson SG
The SG stands for SemaGlutide, tubby?
just so everyone know I just took a monster shit
finally had to get all that cum out, huh?
dead general
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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
but not bad enough to actually do anything about it, right?
Maybe I'll tell your mom to buy me one after I finish up with her ;)
>yes, you're right
I know
jazz phrasing is difficult as fuck. SKIBI BOO BABOODABABOOBEEBAABOOOBOO. You cant just run up and down scale patterns and expect it to sound legit
ok dude. I know how to vibrato I'm not a fucking retard.
Alright then, explain how you vibrato.
it's just something you do until it sounds right. it's not something that can be explained robotically you autist sperg.
Lol okay buddy, enjoy your "vibrato".
>learn to play some shordy songs 20 years ago to play while drinking with buddies
>have a guitar i bought a long time ago
>could have fun playing and learning a bit
>get a cheap amp from a friend
>it's pretty fun
>"hmm, maybe i should learn some songs i've been listening to lately"
>look up aethervox empty tone
>"looks easy enough"
>an hour later
>it's difficult as fuck with my nonexistent skill
Subhuman AI pajeet
sounds great little buddy, keep up the good work! (lol)
no it doesn't jazz sounds like shit no matter whos playing it.
Where should I set my action
Jazz is shit. Stop pretending that you enjoy it. You didn’t come up in the old timey era. Pentatonic is good enough for you
I had no idea Max Headroom played guitar.
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after Jimmy Page. he's the OG
Studios are supposed to have dot inlays and no binding
Gibson has no idea what they are doing. there are too many models and they all have the wrong specs.
It should be

>les paul special: $999
>les paul studio: dot inlays, no binding $1199
>les paul classic: just a les paul standard with a plain top and no pickup covers $1599
>les paul standard $1999
>les paul custom, made in the USA factory instead of custom shop $2999
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On your guitar
i think u are a retard because i was talking about phrasing not vibrato
I just want a les paul special or double cut with humbuckers, TOM bridge, no pickguard and glossy finish.
you don't know what phrasing encompasses
if it was up your ass you'd know
its literally just how you arrange notes and time them.
if that's not something that comes natural to you then you are hopeless. it's not something you should need to practice. holy npc.
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I want to buy a Les Paul Special. Is it worth buying a used one for around $1250 before tax (but the seller isn’t giving any details on specific condition) or a brand new one for $1600 before tax? Both are online. For me what’s the big deal with only $400 more for brand new?
do you even know anything about music theory
I can play smoke on the water bro that’s good enough for me, shut up nerd
noooo you MUST learn tons of faggot nerd shit so you can play alone by yourself in your room like me!!
Holy based
she cute
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Kinda reminds me of Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears.
I can only play minor pentatonic scale everywhere in every key. I know that major pentatonic is basically same pattern in a different key offset by 3 semitones but it just does not click. What should I be doing next?
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i wish they sold a glossy black one
Someone is confused about guitars, amp, interface, keyboard, and a couple pedals?
Well, you are at a point where you know where the notes are. So you have the same physical notes, but the context is what will give you what you are looking for. Play a b minor pentatonic over a B-E-B-E-F#-E-B-F# progression (all power chords). Now play B major pentatonic over it. So use the major pattern in the same location as the minor. You will see the difference of major and minor because it's the same chords and same tonic. The chords are made of notes that are in both B major and minor. But each scale has some unique notes, so the scale you play interacts with the chords and this context, and using shared notes in the chord progression leaves it undefined until you provide the context with your pentatonic notes.
Thank you mountain man
>play B major pentatonic over it
My problem is when you say that, my brain suggests "he means G# minor pentatonic"
I know exactly how you feel. The center of your approach should be the tonic note. So using your mental approach; You are playing B minor pentatonic 1st position shape off the 7th fret low E. You know if you shift to the 4th fret and play the same shape it's B major. The shape is useful, but expand your awareness of it. The shape covers the whole neck. Each root note has a shape. So you just learn those five shapes and you can play the B major in the same location as minor. The shape will be a bit different. I hope I'm making sense. I think I may have been a bit confusing in my first post, but use my example over that progression and you will see where the notes sound good.
But I'm off to the farmers market now. I wish a peaceful day for my /gg/ friends.
Don’t copy me, I just bought a Special
No fucking way, Duke Nukem playing guitar
You can only have one guitar that you have to play for the rest of your life. What is it?
Cordoba ukulele
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They don't want to admit they were riding the inflation wave and ripping people off. Just like fender recently dropping their prices several hundred and doing more with their beaner strats
reddit moment
fender custom shop hss strat 6 point trem, texas special singles and a paf on the bridge, must have a stacked 250k/500k vol pot and a superswitch
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Whos getting it? It has a boss dimension C pedal effect
For me its the bronco bass
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Why are there so many virtuosos yet so few great bands/artists these days? Shouldn't all these prodigies be putting out mind-blowing shit?
Being good at an instrument =/= Making good music
Not enough drugs
EADG is no tuning for a ukulele, tubby
(and we know its not a bass ukulele you have)
i don’t understand the point of it
Works on my machine


Will add the rest of the Mountain Band later, guy.
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My pink Harley Benton tele has been in heavy rotation lately.

Good enough for me. And no one would bother stealing it

There have been few virtuosos that make great music. It's like battle rappers that can rap really well but can't make a good song.

Neil Young is good example of someone who is ok guitarist but good musician
He is an exceptional guitarist. His acoustic playing is immaculate. Listen to his live sugar mountain album or Live at Massey Hall. His electric playing is top notch. An elite improviser. His muting and chugging technique is perfect.
>mountain man is actually based
huh, well shit
I misjudged you
>muting and chugging
think my sweetwater rep might try to kill me bros
How often do people break strings? I haven't had it happen yet
Martin OOO15SM
are you the same schizo that peeps out the blinds when your sweetwater rep calls and asks about your delivery lol
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Now in Clownburst
Is that supposed to not be glossy?
a lot of shit guitars itt
its just a shitty photo
I can't wait to see someone do faux binding on one of these. hell you could pay someone to put real binding on the body and it would still be way cheaper than a standard
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looks like a norlin era standard
Is there anyone that looks cool with one of these?
Did they seirously Superstrat the Fucking Les paul studio? A SuperPaul if I will?
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>playing guitar
dork hands typed this post out
What programs do you use to slow down parts of songs for transcribing?
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>les paul custom, made in the USA factory instead of custom shop
The Les Paul Supreme took that gap in the lineup for you anon, don't get pissy because it has binding on only one side or a different diamond on the headstock.
Do feel free to get mad about the ultra modern weight relief if you for some reason care, but keep in mind I don't as do most non purists..
>wigger zoomer hands type this post
Even your chicks are cooler than you at this point. More of them buying guitars than the guys now. Nobody else is feeling bad by how much you double down on being a faggot. Every white guy now is like some little cuck asking NBA players and rappers for autographs.
youtube or import into your daw and loop sections
you know who's pretty good? Brian Setzer
Outside the hairrock shredders, probably the best 80s guitarist.
too busy argueing over who gets the solo
Tell me how it's ugly, otherwise it's just a worthless opinion.
super 400 inlays are gross and the headstock inlay looks fucking gay. also the middle pickup is dumb
Is this Beetlejuice?
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Im a single coil guy, buy i've been itching for a humbucker tone lately. I just might do it bros
Is Gibson some kind of off-brand? I’ve only ever heard of Gibbons and Chibson.
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another win for Harley Benton
I'm sorry that sharp cutaway looks bad. Same goes for the well known ones like that (LTD). It's funny how much Gibson can maintain grip with just this.
>yeah let me get the uhhhhhhh dehydrated piss paul
Dude if you want a Les Paul but you are too poor or cheap to get a Gibson, Get a Epiphone. Hell my first guitar was a Epiphone and it was serviceable until I could afford a Gibson.
Can you guys post some SRV-style noodling tabs I can play to impress a girl who works at the music store? I've only been playing for about 6 months but SRV seems relatively simple that I could learn it overnight.
The First and greatest Solid body electric guitar. Everything since has been a downgrade.
my first real guitar was a Tele and kind of feel like going back. Wish I kept it. Just an easy pick up and play and not overthink shit instrument. Same goes with a solid state amp desu.
I'm currently learning Porcelain by Ichiko Aoba, and how the fuck does this woman come up with these harmonic progressions? I'm pretty sure she just has perfect pitch and has no issues whatsoever to play whatever she hears in her head.
chorus is nuts.

Martin D28 or Gibson J45? Trying to decide which one I want more
Poors need not bother
you're trying to decide which one you want more by asking others
D28 for bluegrass. J45 for singer/songwriter fags
they're both great, but the Gibson sounds a little more restrained and works better with vocals, in my opinion
the martin sounds better overall though
My Tele is annoying because no matter what I do to set it up, it's always buzzing or rattling somewhere.
I had a luthier do a setup and he shimmed the neck, set it up and everything and it still does it
Is that just the Tele sound? I say this as someone who has owned the Tele for over a decade
My dream guitar is on Reverb right now but it's in Germany
Nerd answer: Rosewood (Martin) will give more scooped mids, which is where your vocal range sits in the most.
Just want to hear other opinions since everyone has strong opinions on each
I am an electric player mainly but want to start using acoustic to make backing tracks and acoustic arrangements. I do not consider myself an "acoustic player" though
everything i've seen and in playing them both in person the Gibson felt louder, fuller. The Martin sounds amazing though, in a way the Gibson doesn't
what guitar and how much is the shipping?
>it still does it
>Is that just the Tele sound?
A little on the low E and A up the neck, but not too much.
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i like my hagstrom impala.
that is all.
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Be gentle
Did you know Leo fender didn't even know how to play guitar for his whole career
she probably experiments with extensions and drone notes a lot
My J45 is absolutely quieter than my martin, but I have the HD28 so the scalloped bracing is probably why
plus string differences too
again they're both great
meant for
I would get a Collings or Santa Cruz
Yeah, and he blew his ear out on making an amp too. Apparently that's why they're so bright, but that could be a myth. It did seem to affect him post Fender even more though. Probably didn't have as many people helping out. Music Man didn't make good guitars until after Leo was gone.
Gibson finish dampens (if yours is painted) and like I said, it's more even keeled mahogany. The Martin has brighter and lower tones.
P.S. I'm not a tonewood fag except with acoustics. Shit doesn't matter elsewhere.
I heard he got his back blown out too
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we coppin?
Get a Cordoba, Bub.
That explains the jazzmaster am i right fellas
He actually wanted to make it for jazz guitarists, who sat down a lot playing. So the offset is good for that. But no jazz players really warmed up it. I think Johny Cash's guitarist was the first major dude to jump on board. Then surf of course.
yeah, agreed
The intro is a pitch shifted/modulated ukulele. After the vocals are through I added the effect onto a duplicate track of the ukulele so the uninfected is there, and the pitch shifter and modulated track with its leslie like effect bounces back and forth around it.
you can literally buy that new from Gibson.com
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It’s true
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Warmoth just dropped new body. It's an offset strat.
Thoughts on Caparison guitars?
It looks a little long.
greatest feeling guitar i ever played in my life was a Caparison. don't know the name of the model, don't know anything about it but years later I still think about how good it was
Where the hell did you grab one

Those are beautiful . Where can I buy one, chief?
I can’t think of any major surf guitarists that used the jazzmaster but I know the jaguar was specifically targeted at them because the strat was already really popular with that market.
It was at Sweetwater in their electric room. I was passing through Indiana on a road trip and took a detour to visit Sweetwater
I played some really good guitars but all these years later the Caparison still sticks out. Just felt like an absolute dream to play
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Who's the target audience?
One of the Ventures. Beach Boys also used one along with a Strat, if they count as surf.
Japanese girls who mog all of us.
Very wealthy metal fans who like ugly guitars and extremely long lead times
A USA ESP is like 3 years wait currently, all for some ugly shit they play metal through
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you're right, something about it is off. it doesn't look like a classic design, it looks more like an uglier bass vi or something
That's an ESP Original from Japan
V1003 is the closest you can get to a LP for a tenth of the price.
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>Invented the guitar
>Home of zero relevant guitar companies
What happened?
Ah shit. I wonder if there's even a ESP white girl equivalent who can mog too. This anon is probably right though:>>123685757
Ramirez guitars are world renown. It just isn't for rock plebs like me. The most expensive classical I can get away with is some American brand like Taylor. And then I wouldn't play Classical on it.
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Kek this is just a Fender Jazz Bass body with the upper and lower horns reshaped by a retard
Also, here's the other thing. When I say pleb, to them we're still lower than shit and not even pleb. It's the Flamenco players who are plebs to the Spanish guitar maker. Yet Flamenco guys are meme chads scoring all kinds of pussy on the street like this guy. Rock has no chance.
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White girls don't own Esp or even Ltd, They almost exclusively play Fenders Epiphone/ Gibson or an acoustic.
Ok Pablo
How am I pablo? I'm the one saying I don't buy those guitars.
Ibanez was Spanish before it was Japanese, its why the brand has a Spanish name
Women do not play ESP guitars
Is completely correct
Any girl playing something that isn't a Fender or maybe a Gibson is the exception not the rule
Paco de Lucia
>Women do not play ESP guitars
I just posted one, but she's Japanese.
Wikipedia says its always been Japanese
I like playing Lamb of God songs way more than listening to them
lmao same. i love playing redneck, that intro riff is so good
the music fucking blows chode though
I doubt you can even really play one of their songs.
How can you kill that which is not alive?
if you can play one Lamb song you can play them all. they're all basically just the same thing. they're like Slayer
they're all just D minor scale, drop D. that's all there is to it
Let it be known that Leo Fender got his back blown out
I win
We used to have a poster here who got his anus blown out twice by two different rapists.

He finally killed himself though which was even funnier lol
Satanic post
Get help
I need it, the puke bucket.
Nope. You can't sit with us at lunch any more either for this little stint.
Be bender godcuck2mj0
The fact that they oriented these to be right-side-up when hanging on a wall and not being played tells you everything you need to know.
Not even close, it's you who can't see the truth of it.

He was obviously a homosexual, the first cock he took up his ass might've been unwanted but any man who took another cock up his ass and shit cum out afterwards a second time wanted it and therefore is no longer a man in my eyes, you can't really blame me for rejoicing in the death of an abomination before the Lord.

But please do go on trying to defend faggots who finally experienced God's wrath like they deserved and pretending you're not the evil one lol
Too much /gg/ lore for me.
Are you talking about the Teletranny?
No wait, nvm.
Ni/gg/a do not quote the bible only when it favors your position.
Matthew 22:37–39
Loving one's neighbor sometimes requires you to warn them of danger. If someone was about to trip over a cliff, you wouldn't be loving them if you just shrugged and didn't try something at least. Telling them how great they are and they should move ahead will only kill them.
>But please do go on trying to defend faggots who finally experienced God's wrath like they deserved
And that's exactly what you did lol. If I or my neighbors were homosexual perverts I'd hate them just as much as I'd hate myself and I would welcome our mutual destruction. You have no leg to stand on with me because I'm a righteous man
One Anon made a cumshitter copy pasta to clarify the lore for any newcomers

Ezekiel 25:17
This is exactly what happened to cumshitter, you're just making my point for me now lol
This anon is a liar
The necks feel slightly cheaper in the hand and the 3 of the 5 I played needed the neck relieved a quarter turn. One even had an unsightly scratch on the heel, and another had such a fucked nut cut that it was making intonation at the shop impossible and they pulled it off the wall to "work on"(ie return). Tribute series was much better deal for the dosh.
All you chillin gather round. Reckon we used to get up to some rock n roll. Reckon it rolled more than it rocked. Matter of fact, we played those nightclubs Memphis way and the crowd was hip. Maybe too hip ya dig? Didn't know what to make of us cats. Had to hassel the owner for the money every gig. But the music made it straight. Wasn't about the money.
Yep, satanic
Gibson should make one of these as a kirk hammett signature.
id buy it
>faggot pervert defender gets complete and utterly BTFO by a true child of God
>defaults to ...ACK!
So when do you join the 40%? Sooner would be better than later if you're hesitating.
Yeah but you’re not supposed to laugh about it when they fall off a cliff, especially when someone else pushed them.
Satan has got his claws deep in you, bro. What you’re feeling about this is not holy, it’s demonic.
Sold my soul to the devil for my guitar skills, he got scammed though I'm a Ginger.
You're the one attempting to use the Bible to defend a sexual pervert lol

There's one one only demonic thing here and it's you.
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it's just an epiphone version of the ESP KH3 spider
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Joe Pass played a Fender Jaguar briefly before he got a real guitar
No one cares bud
New song

Incredible work
If you laid on him, there’d be nothing left of him, tubby.
Cumshitter was pretty fat though, remember? At least he was until he killed himself lol
learn to do your own setup or take it to someone who knows their shit. rattling and buzzing have nothing to do with the body shape. maybe bad bridge or bad nut, but since you already shimmed the neck for better break angle id say the strings are just too low.
francoist spain wasn't a great place to make music and art.
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i finally tried one of these today at GC and bought it 10mins later. goddamn they really live up to the meme
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>/gg/ schizo dabbing on a tranny he mercilessly bullied to death
top kek pick up nigga its for you
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that's not a Jag
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>tries to be as aggravating and annoying as possible
>plays offsets
checks out.
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>forget to loosen up the strings
>cut them with a cable cutter
Is my guitar kill? I forgot to do it right.
The redpill is that guitars are consumables like picks or strings.
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Not this one.
>limited edition
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>manlet jew with tiny little bitch hands
>24 3/4" scale les paul weighs too much for the 90lb yid to lift
>finds a 24" womans guitar to be a perfect fit
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>>limited edition
Go ahead, post your $400 chinkshit Epiphone, we all know that's where you're going with this anyway.
I just want to know about the strings.
>>limited edition
It should be OK. Just a little sudden structural tension release. Don't do it again, though.
They make classical guitars.
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They make el Mariachos. Too uneducated to deal with electromagnetism.
Some of you whipper snappers dont even know what a triad is
why do i need to know that? i just play the notes that sound nice and combine the nice sounding notes to make chords.
>So far as I can tell, the strings are in the same position
yeah no shit you fucking mongrel that's the point
My friend we're both wrong
Googled it and bass E is still at the top when playing left handed. I was confused because I was listening to McCartney's interview where he said he played a symmetric bass because it wouldn't look weird but of course he restrung it
Albert King played strings upside down
Dumb faggots
Any good players doing left side of pic related?
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Left is good for bends, right is good for scales.
on youtube, if I search for "guitar teacher reacts" I get pages of the same guy (Michael P...) reacting to gay shit. It's like the top 100+ results, maybe more. Thought was kind of weird. Maybe it's an unsaturated niche, if anyone wanted to make videos or something there might be an opportunity there if you like making faces into the camera like a doofus
candy apple red strat. end of.
Master Baitio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJaXfs1LipM
Does the blues scale just sound the best for everyone or is it just me?
This is the peak guitar design whether you like it or not
Where is the buzz specifically? Headstock? Bridge? Frets? Is it only when played open or does it also happen when holding down the string? It might sound stupid but make sure the pickup isn't directly touching the string when you fret anywhere. I've had Luther's fuck up pickup height some how when I only asked them to file the nut a little
Besides the cool bird inlays why are people always putting PRS necks on random guitars?
So you can really adopt either hand position?
You'll find good and fast players using either one. But I'd still try to develop the non-anchored technique because on an acoustic for instance, anchoring your hand would dampen the sound. That's why gypsie players all have that weird hand-floating-over guitar technique.
Stochelo has a real good picking going for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYiq2ed-qGs
what kind of weird faggot plays an orange guitar
Brian Setzer
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This kind
I don’t like solid colour paint jobs
Bursts and natural wood tones only.
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I used to be like that but now it’s only solid colors for me
Thanks Anon, that’s helpful
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Are there any good acoustic guitars under $3000? Or do I just need to bite the bullet on a J-45 or Hummingbird
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Why have TTTides Guitars seemingly deleted all of their social media accounts? I was gonna make a shitpost on here about how amateurish the woodworking looks on a lot of their guitars, but now everything is gone except for their home page and I can no longer find the best examples.
just get the epiphone hummingbird lol
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Yes, get the bird
Dude for $1500 you can excuse some relaxed workmanship on a fully custom built aluminum neck guitar. You can barely get a decent US/Euro production model for that price from any other manufacturer.
j 200 ec
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Dios mio!
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lmao this nigga keepin chips in a drawer
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>trying to learn scream vocals
>throat hurts after 5 minutes so i stop
how the fuck do i do this when i can only practice 5 minutes a day, or am i doing something horribly wrong?
heh I got something that'll soothe your throat baby ;)
Few really keep it up for long. They're just making a sacrifice. "I'll die for rock n roll!" etc.
Maybe take care of yourself instead.
Taylor. Not all of them, but some good ones. They're nothing like Gibson or Martin, except the Grand Pacific. And it's better desu.
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>scream vocals
lmao please post a voca of your high pitched woman screams in broken english i need to hear this shit
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Get an app
It looks like the uncool kid in school who is copying the cool kids by imitating their style.
Decent import acoustics start around $1200.
if it hurts, you're doing something wrong
scream vocals with proper technique don't hurt, no matter how brutal they sound
Tone is in the neck. Get the biggest fattest neck you can fit your hands around
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>Tone is in the neck
incorrect. tone is stored in the wall sockets
At that rate you're better off getting a mid-range Strat and replacing the neck with a Fender-licenced Hoxey neck, tbqh. Not that much more expensive and you won't be stuck with a guitar that looks like a high school kid carved it in shop class.
This faggot ruined ESP for me
Nothing can possibly compare to an amp powered by a fused plug with a glass fuse. Almost like an extra valve.
>Decent import acoustics
no such thing lol
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that's not under 3k though...

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