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Imagine your favorite band writes lyrics abusing you, the customer like this, and you keep listening to them.
Why are tool fans like this?

"All you know about me is what I've sold you, dumb fuck
I sold out long before you'd ever even heard my name
I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit
And then you bought one
All you read and wear or see and
Hear on tv is a product begging for your
Fat-ass dirty dollar
Shut up and
Buy, buy, buy my new record
And buy, buy, buy, send more money
Fuck you, buddy
Fuck you, buddy
Fuck you, buddy
Fuck you, buddy"
the song is dedicated to a "fan" who told them they "sold out" after their first EP.
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I pretty much never listen to the lyrics and Tool just has a very great sound so people don't "need to" listen to the lyrics. Prison Sex made me delete my entire Tool discography for a while though because it disgusted me so much so you have a point
>Maynard is edgy
We all knew that, but thank you
Based fan. Imagine getting so angry at a fan just because he wanted you to make good music.
Diaper fetish core
>Prison Sex made me delete my entire Tool discography for a while though because it disgusted me so much so you have a point
Have you heard the live version with added lyrics?

Perhaps it would change your mind

thought I could make it end

thought I could wash the stains away

thought I could break the circle

by slip under into your skin

so sweet was your surrender

we have become one

I have become my terror

and you my precious lamb and martyr
>if a band i like hates me and views me as an idiot consoomer farm animal, they should not say anything about it and lie about it so i can keep consooming in blissful ignorance
Looks like youre not any less of a cuck as the midwit time signature worshipping redditors who listen to tool, OP.
>a grown-ass adult man wrote these lyrics
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There is a reason Tool don't play Prison Sex live anymore and it's probably the most edgy song of the 90's by a country mile, imagine crafting a song with such peaks and troughs and your singer comes in and writes lyrics about pedophilia and not only that during the crescendo sings about the pleasure of passing on the pain onto another victim


Both Adam & James were failed stand ups btw
>make cool band logo
>says word
>but it's not your band's name
i can't speak english so i don't even understand what anyone is singing about
it's all about pretty sounds to me bruh
This but I can speak English
I've literally never bought a tool album and I think Maynard is a geek
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>band is "progressive"
>hasn't remotely changed their sound in 30 years
just listened to the song
It might be the first TOOL song that didn't make want to sleep
>t. temporarily sane with shit, blood, and cum on his hands
imagine listening to lyrics ever lol
>All you know about me is what I've sold you
>what I've sold you
>Perhaps it would change your mind
No need. I have my Tool discopgraphy back now, just postponing Undertow for a while but will listen to it soon.
Thanks for the song. Added.
I did not know.
>Both Adam & James were failed stand ups btw
Nobody cares
You knew what you were getting into for the fact he's a faggot. They're never not disgusting.
What a dumb logo
>You knew what you were getting into
Not really
>for the fact he's a faggot
There wasn't exactly a big faggot warning/alert on the album cover when I first played it
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>All you read and wear or see and
>Hear on tv is a product begging for your
>Fat-ass dirty dollar

That's a very good lesson actually. Thank you Maynard
Song is from 1996, Limewire from 2000
>we live in a society
Maynard is very deep
its one of my favorite tool songs, either you're a pussy or you got raped hard and fast (sorry that happened)
Them seething proves he was right
It's called not taking yourself too seriously you should try it
Based tool hyping up the bros
Did they even have fans during time period of that EP
This board is so fucking shit
take the shit with you back to Faggit
tool are a very "reddit" band. the holy trinity of redditcore is tool, primus, and foo fighters
Tool is so based for this.
>pussy just listen to this child rape trauma
No, it's a healthy disgust response mixed with contempt. The latter of which I have for you. I guess you lack intuitive morality.
It's "Fuck you, I want to earn money too," the song. Or in faux street talk, "Nigga, did you think we wuz doin' this shit for free? Look at you all decked out in marketed products bitchin' that we sold out. Fuck off back to poor's ville with that talk."
Imagine being a grown adult man and listening to Tool.
Tool is literal Freemason faggot shit. Soen's first few albums are much better
Soen are a bunch of Tool wannabe posers
>Calling his fanbase a bunch of trannies before 4chan even existed.
Yeah but delete the WHOLE DISCOGRAPHY because of that? You could just avoid that song
Death Grips do the exact same thing. It's hilarious
All other songs reminded me of that one. It doesn't matter anymore really because the entire discography is back now.

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