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How do we get the kids into Curve, this shit is everything they like, shoegaze with a gothy sultry aesthetic, industrial, y2k big beat, why aren't the zoomers Curvepilled yet?
Most of their shit isn't on American Spotify so it won't catch on. The band is shooting themselves in the leg there
kill yourself
I would think Horrorhead but you can't force this stuff, /mu/ has bafflingly never embraced the greatness of The Boo Radleys Giant Steps either.

Ultimately Americans have quite narrow horizons for "foreign music" even when the foreign country is the UK.
Dean Garcia, is that you? Why you trying to push Curve on us? They were barely known in the 90s. Kids of any generation love to drag up old music and pretend that they’ve discovered some hidden treasure from the past even though those bands were actually massive back in their day. It’s like someone bragging coz they’re into this really obscure, underground 70s band called Led Zeppelin. Curve weren’t big enough to be revived, there isn’t enough info out there about them. She was a real smoke show though and since your last post I did listen to the first album and it is quite good actually so thanks for the recommendation.
>edgy zoomer stumbles across 90s band and spams about them in 4chan in the vain hope that people will tell his he’s cool
Blind Mr. Jones is way better
Boo Radleys will never catch on with the kids because it's XTC-style autism music made by ugly blokes.
>How do we get the kids into Curve
We don’t.

The whole plan was to let them think Duster and Deftones was good while we gatekeep the truly inspired shit from their cringy little paws…. so STFU!!
Stop shilling this boring crap

yeah get them into another obscure band from 30 years ago instead of anyone currently active, that will really help our dying music scenes
the fault lies strictly with the zoomzooms on this one though
The don't have hits. The best you can do is try to meme Ten Little Girls because of that RAPPING part with some niggah.

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