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/mu/ - Music

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do you guys like nico?
Is this true?
She has one good song and it was written by Jackson Browne, so no
yeah, he sperged out more than usual the other night and admitted a bunch of stuff about his background
In general I have more respect for namefags than anons because they bring authenticity/personality.
This story sounds very sad. Not sure how much of it is true or shitposting.
>being an ever bigger sperg
Use your big boy words.
Laughing out loud (at you)
namefagging goes against the spirit of 4chan imho
Just know that I would snap your pencil neck if you talked to me like this face to face
And it would be for your own good. You need to put down like a dog.
Laughing even louder
>Verification not required
that guy makes a lot more sense now
I think Phish fag might have some issues regarding gay people
Shut up mate, I’d kiss you on your hot lips if we met face to face
Maybe because his father raped him as a child while he was playing Phish in the background. He mentioned it in a thread, I can't find it now.
no. fuck off.
I'm sorry to say it, but it's all true. I have reformed my ways and no longer rape. Parenthetically, I also enjoy the works of Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa. I do not care for Jimi Hendrix.
Nico Sperg's Dad Guy
you created a monster that we all have to deal with now, thanks a lot
Kek got the thread?
say that to my face not online fucker
I didn't write that nor have I called jimi hendrix a nigger ever. You're not good at picking out anons.
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>Comes into threads for music he doesn't like to shittalk everyone
>Gets into huge arguments over nothing, often responding to the same post 2 - 3 times in a row
>Has stated that he constantly drinks and smokes weed at the same time while posting
>Gets incredibly mad if someone knows something he doesn't about anything
>Will completely derail threads due to all of the above reasons
>His idea of a joke is OP's pic
This is one of those guys that I feel like is actually unstable IRL and not just being an internet weirdo.
at least it’s not that hack nametroon with the constant Lain pics
talking shit about beefheart for (you)'s isn't a new thing
It’s true, I’ve seen him sperging in threads for things he truly didn’t understand and he absolutely had no reason to post in
>I feel like is actually unstable IRL and not just being an internet weirdo.
He is autistic so you are probably right kek
>works at the most menial jobs out there and has the nerve to berate whoever points it out
>has attachment issues to a mentally unstable woman
>owes money all around, even going as far as to borrow money from his drugdealers
>got mad once, when people said he wasn't actually german, but an american with german grandparents
>is addicted to drugs and alcohol
>makes up shit about people who disagree with him and tilts at windmills whenever he gets called out
>doesn't even know how to make a tripcode, so people use his name to piss him off
>and tilts at windmills whenever he gets called out
I was in the thread where he got mad at that one guy for using that expression lmao. Didn't actually respond because I was just laughing at how fucking bent out of shape he got about it.
>nor have I called jimi hendrix a nigger ever
Patti Smith cannot say this
That Doors thread where he was banned was golden.
that happened more than once too, and he still hasn't learned what the expression means
instead he gets mad and calls people who know about literature "incels who probably live with their mothers and listen to beefheart and zappa"
just goes to show how anti-intellectualism comes from insecurity of being appart of something
he pulls the same shit in jazz threads and classical sometimes
he got banned again?
For three days relatively recently. He was getting extremely belligerent in a Doors thread and I guess people must have been reporting him a lot. What's funny is that he's arguably been even worse since his ban let up.
using this website can't be good for his mental health
then again, that's just the tip of the iceberg, I suppose
I’ve also seen him get absolutely furious about not knowing the difference between any instrument with keys
can't stand him, he crosses the line many times where autistic becomes just plain retarded
Can't be worse than perfect. You would know if you weren't a virgin neet.
Which way, /mu/ man?
>report nicotranny for constant offtopic posting and ban evasion so that he eventually gets his 5g rangebanned
>continue running demoralization gayops against nicotranny so that he has amusing outbursts about his shitty job and gf
second option, first never seems to work (proof: bleep)
why not both? I'd love to see him get banned mid-spergout so that he'd have no way of letting out his frustration
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You guys wouldn't get it.
I like talking to him. I just poke him until he gets mad af kek
no you fuck off and kill yourself niggerlover
It doesn’t take much
As far as I can see he even gets irate at the anons that are clearly trying very hard to talk to him like a normal human being.
Nah. The Monkees are Chadcore though.
Don’t forget The Doors, The Beatles, Zappa and Captain Beefheart.
just pretend to gatekeep him from something and watch him throw a fit like no other
You forgot that even if you are correct he is probably gonna misspell albeit and 100 other things and say that it doesn't matter to this argument despite having everything to do with the argument
>often responding to the same post 2 - 3 times in a row
By far the most annoying part of him IMO. He never puts things in just a single post, it's basically just spamming a thread.
Nico has basically turned this board into his own personal blog
Never seen a name fag so thoroughly hijack an entire board before
he's so retarded it's almost a superpower
the dude comes out of nowhere spouting the same shit over and over again, no matter how often he gets put down
and he's not even in context most of the times
he'll reply to just about anything with his retarded nonsense, regardless of what people were talking about in the first place
completely deranged, I suspect he's barely literate too
>you think you're a gigachad who can lift boxes and see vaginas but all you do is collect Naruto NFTS and jack off to RWBY and listen to the Bladee while I on the otherhand listen to the Dave Clark Five in the back of my mother's minivan on my way to the carwash. You've never been a smega.
>I suspect he's barely literate too
I mean like discussed before he didn't know what Don Quixote was and tried to write it off as him not being into literature.
I know, he got mad and started calling people virgins for knowing about it too
very sad endeavor
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>Just admitted in the REM thread that he's only listened to a couple of their radio hits and couldn't even identify them by name
>Felt the need to shit on people that like them and derail the whole thread anyway
Legitimately what the fuck is his problem
He's a homegrown lolcow of impressive magnitude. /mu/ needed something fun and new, and mercilessly trolling a retarded migrant worker in Boston is it
Do you really mean that?
Faggot finally got himself banned again, here's to 3 days of peace
Was wondering why the board seemed so slow and peaceful with no K-pop speed 60s thread constantly on the front page despite there being at least a dozen specifically targeted bait threads up.
What was it this time?
He was trashing this thread >>123674475. Like I pointed out he openly admitted to not even knowing the topic and was just sperging at people for liking them.
this is so bizarre
I've never seen someone get so worked up over music they just don't care about
in this case it's not even some music seen as "high-brow", or something that insults his intelligence in some way
what a strange person
I think he takes issue with people knowing things he doesn't, and instead of approaching it as something he can learn about his instinct is to put people down for it. His reaction to the windmills thing was a big eye-opener for me. Upon encountering something he's unfamiliar with he just belittles anyone familiar with it, it's like a cartoon bully.
Just don’t question it
May as well wonder why do The Doors get him so fuming
I wish he'd go on a faster board, say /tv/ for instance
/mu/ is still nice to autistic people compared to over there
he'd sperg out a lot more often
>He wasn't banned
>He thought that anonymous posters were capable of deleting posts
Does no one else see this thread as bizarre? 66 replies, all talking about some random poster that no one seems to like that isn't even here? We can't even get 66 replies on good music threads. Maybe if you ignored this guy, literally never reply to any of his posts, then he'd fuck off. And you could waste time in better threads actually talking about music.
He’s the lolcow everybody loves to hate.
>discuss music
>thread gets derailed by a spamming namefaggot
hello nicotranny
what was the windmills thing?
He never heard of don quixote and got upset
In a thread where he was already sperging out about not knowing the song "Car Wash", a poster said he was attacking windmills. Nico then said that nobody had ever heard of the phrase before and proceeded to go on a tangent while multiple anons informed him of what it meant, even people that were trying to be helpful and just explain the concept to him.
someone used the expression "tilting at the windmills" and he didn't know what it meant
once people clarified, he got angry, said literature is not his thing, and started calling them virgin nerds for reading
this happened more than once, and he still doesn't know what the expression means
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>Has stated that he constantly drinks and smokes weed at the same time while posting
Literally me.
>even people that were trying to be helpful and just explain the concept to him.
*were getting really nasty responses from him.
Someone used the expression “tilting at windmills” to describe his autistic crusade against Beefheart or some shit and he hit the ceiling because he had no idea what this meant and people started making fun of him. Notable because it exemplifies the pattern of him getting mad as fuck whenever somebody knows something he doesn’t.
where does he admit to not even knowing the band?
Every board is allowed one meta thread.
>Never heard of Car Wash by Rose Royce
>Never heard of Mmmbop by Hansen
>Never heard of Don Quixote
>Does not know what a synth even is
That's where the 'never reply to any of his posts' part comes in.
>>123680476, seems to be referring to It's the End of the World as We Know It.
he deleted most of his replies
Jesus fucking Christ
holy kek
>Goes on a Crusade against people who enjoy a band he can barely even recognize one song from
That's actually mental.
I'm getting deep into Nico Sperg lore now
what else should I know about him?
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This guy's a cringy fucking faggot who doesn't deserve all the attention people give him here
did he regret sharing that shit about his dad? op's picrel is gone
New england, Massachusetts
We'll get rid of him like we got rid of the killing joke schizo femoid
is that where he's from? i would've guessed somewhere in the midwest
QRD? that sounds hot
that makes it even funnier
a complete failure like him could maybe make something out of himself in the midwest, but he insists on living in one of the most expensive cities in the world
now i'm going to imagine all his posts being read with a boston accent
Fugly hapa kept spamming kj threads dreaming of stalking jaz coleman and getting raped by him, started spamming cp and got banned
Kek based
Jannies did
das racis

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