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How do sentient people genuinely enjoy this music? It might be suitable for lobotomy patients in a British carehome but I fail to see the appeal of listening to entire albums about candycanes, shopkeepers and strawberry lemonade
i don't see the problem. does it not mention gay sex enough? maybe car seat headrest is more your speed
As opposed to what? Weed and homosexuality?

They never said that

It's the audio equivalent of Harry Potter, if you're into this as an adult you might need to re-assess a few things
I do not.
Yes i am a beatles super fan. Yes i will marry my brazilian black queen gf. Yes i will produce several caramel looking babies with her.
Yes i will make them enjoy th beatles
>entire albums about candycanes, shopkeepers and strawberry lemonade
That sounds incredibly based, sorry you've been robbed of your sense of childish wonder by this cold, dark world m8. 'Ave a cuppa tea or summat.
The solution is more escapism. We should all be lost in imagination with our mouths agog, overwhelmed by magic and whimsy
This but completely unironically 100% sincerely. Reject reality, embrace Candyland.
britbongs fr cancer would never listen to this shit

band name?
Professor Fantabulous & The Jellybean Bicycle
OP is sad because he never got to meet Syd Barrett in person
Do your parents know you're cutting class right now?
Sounds like someone wasn't allowed back to Kaleidoscope Land, woooooaaaaahhhhhhhhh that's me off again toodle oooooooooooooooooooo
Why did they make them wear goofball clothes?
How are they standing and one has his knees up? Is he floating? Are they in holes?
They replaced Paul with someone taller so he had to stay crouched while the others stood
>make them
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>I fail to see the appeal of listening to entire albums about candycanes, shopkeepers and strawberry lemonade
why? everything has to be dark and serious?
Toothless, whimsical escapism is for kids
So is browsing 4chan
delete this
typing le reductive caps lock lyrics isn't real criticism
yes it is
>but I fail to see the appeal of listening to entire albums about candycanes, shopkeepers and strawberry lemonade
So you’ve never tried LSD then?
It's music for pedophiles.
unfathomably based
There are NO Beatles songs that mention "Gumdrops" or "Lands"
Magical Mystery Tour was an album, and a made for British TV movie, and the only mention of Kaleidoscopes in any way shape or form is in Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds where they talk about "The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes".
I don't know where you're getting all this shit about lands, and gumdrops from.
Also, nothing about candy canes. There is a mention of sipping lemonade in the song, Rain, and Strawberry Fields is an orphanage.
Some parts you got right, but the rest is nonsense.
I love The Beatles
what music do adults listen to?
nta but many zoomers are so brainrotted by the idea/imagery of funko pop collecting cuckshed building soiboi manchildren that they feel compelled to counter-virtue signal about how heccin mature & adult they are, as if such poses & posturings arent in every way as inorganic & contrived as their soicuck polar opposite
You unironically need to listen to Rubber Soul-Abbey Road on LSD to “get” them. I used to feel the same way. But honestly a lot of psych rock from that era was like that, like the Doors and Grateful Dead. Once you hear it like that it just kind of clicks and you can appreciate it sober forever more.
At least you're the funny kind of retarded
baby saw the minecraft trailer and is now basing that shitty remix on the beatles
I've got some NICO Funko Pop figurines with a hole drilled in the crotch region, and a big jar of Vaseline, if you're interested......

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