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File: rhett shull.jpg (77 KB, 405x720)
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They don't own shops. They're good, but not virtuosos usually. Nor are they galaxy brain theorists. Most of the time, not even well rounded boomer rock nerds like Beato, but something more Nashville adjacent. Not producers. Not meme types like the bass dude or the djent shit. What are their channels even about except visiting guitar stores? And Mary Spender is cute, but I think a lesbian. So no sex appeal for the chick either. And why do they keep getting recommended.
They like the attention and money coming in from youtube views and subs. Beats a day job i guess
Paid shills that boost sales
>And Mary Spender

That bitch got a FREE Anniversary Strat from Fender only to post her shitty "dream guitar" she got build weeks later. Ungrateful roastie. I wanna make love to her until her raspy voice screams daddy.
The hard truth? Failed professional musicians. But then again, guitar music is dead anway.
people like Rhett and Music is Win exist to make you feel better about your own average skills. The days of needing to be a virtuoso or having any creativity to have any notability are dead. There's something very comforting knowing some schmuck from Berkeley isn't much better than me, a retard.
He's a successful cork sniffer.
That's my only guess, but it pisses me off. Shut up and play. And if you need youtube views, get a cute family and make Christmas songs. I'm personally thinking of cornering the market on custom music for 8 hour sleep vids. Or gusic for cats alone at home.
Geartubers are almost entirely shills
tbf john mayer went to berkley and only recently learned you can play the major or minor pentatonic over a power/major/dominant7th chord and he calls himself a "bluesman"
>Why do people have jobs?
His job is just to diary about his uneventful, unmemeworthy musician life and depend on ME to give him clicks? Fuck that. Like I said, shut up and play. I don't even care what it is. Get a gig writing children's tunes for puppets. It's still more respectable.
There’s now more money in making a vid about doing x than in doing it. Fact.
They exist now to shill guitar gear, that's it.
Who gives a fuck. They provide entertainment to people who share the same interest and they're knowledgeable enough to provide content. Rhett is a touring guitarist so he's probably in the 1% of skilled guitar players in the world.
for me its The Guitaristas
>Rhett's hands typed this
No shame at all.
he looks jewish
I liked a recent vid where he confessed to still being nervous about playing in guitar shops lol
>Mary Spender

don't marry a spender, you'll lose all your money
you don't have to excel at anything to be a successful youtuber
Exactly. It's all about personality and how you present your content. This is very difficult for those at the far end of the spectrum to grasp.
This guy has no personality himself. That's kind of the problem. Or one of them. And his content is pretty much a diary of looking at gear.
If you were a storeowner, it'd make more sense. Those guys are sometimes funny and play and actually are trying to sell gear. Not "today I felt like a Gibson.. lets go windowshopping". Wtf is this? People used to keep this to themselves. "Today I learned this one hard part in a Fleetwood Mac song. Lets explore it". STFU.
For me it's Trogly
it's easy to just make a shitty video and shill gear and get ad revenue than work a "real" job

Nepo babies that crashed out and shill gear, gig bars/festivals from time to time, and have music projects that I imagine bored retirees and tweens listen to.

That's about it. Rhetts claim to fame is being a beato orbiter. He seems okay, definitely better than music is win guy, but not really great.
cockbreakers brother lol
perhaps they don't give a shit about your (or my) respect
Their careers ended when Jim Lill proved that muh toan is hardware wise 99% in the speaker lol.
so many gearfags still on the ropes about this years later after getting mogged by a one dude with some wires in a tacklebox KEK

>Muh myth busting YouTuber

All this information has been widely available in books for decades. It's basic physics. Typical musicians though they rely on their cargo cult for info handouts. "I'm not a scientist teehee". Just step out of your echo chamber the info is available.
I was big into them in my guitar pedal phase
Guitologist was the only real and based one
Nathaniel Murphy is fucking based but he is the only one I watch or will defend

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