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John's biggest hit
this is actually how they recorded "Why" for yoko's album
He beat Cynthia and random Liverpool slags. He was a total sub for Yoko, who wouldn't even let him spend his own money or open his own mail. If you're going to reddit at least get the lore right.
only based thing he ever did was beat his wife and kid and drop his famous banger of a line (which is 100%, btw). other than that, he was a creatively bankrupt hack. horrible songwriter. glad he's dead. no doubt he's in hell. (:
In the middle of a beat,

In the middle of a beat, I cream your brains

Ohhhh Yo-oh-ok
From Pimp to simp, Karma got him in the end
Same thing happened to my grandad. Used to abuse and control my grandmother, who was a very sweet shy person. She met a nice family who helped her and her kids escape and ended up marrying one of their relatives, had a happy and loving relationship for nearly 38 years.
Grandad remarried a woman with 3 daughters who spent all his money, used to tamper with his diabetes medication and then when he developed Alzheimers from the uncontrolled diabetes she'd keep him locked in the garden shed while having house parties. My aunties rescued him and put him in a home, but personally I thought he got his comeuppance. He was in agony by the end and it took nearly 8 years for him to die
My grandad used to beat on my grandma, really sweet and kind woman still living at 97 well loved and taken care of, eventually he abandoned her with 5 children and joined a Jehovahs Witness sect.

They took all his money and he developed Alzheimer’s because he was a signed boxer with over 50 fights. My grandma took him back in despite him being destitute; eventually he died in an old veterans folks home by himself. I feel like it’s karma but I beat my wife too so what will happen to me?
John said calmly
Based John. No more Mind Games, bitch.
The shit apple doesn't fall too far from the shit tree. You'll probably develop dementia too. Not from repeated blows to the head like your grandpappy, but maybe you get mugged and smacked on the back of the head with a ball peen hammer or something.
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creepers, are the niggers, of the world....yes they are, think about it...
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Chuck approves
>wouldn't even let him spend his own money or open his own mail
That's just how Japanese women are, in Japan women control their husbands finances and the husbands have to survive on the small allowance their wives let them have, just one of the many multitude of reasons as to why Japan's birth rate is so low .
How would history be different if John Lennon played a gig with Sneed Berry instead of Chuck Berry?
Nah. I've got a BA from TCD and an MA from Oxbridge, plus a cushy curating job and inherited capital/assets thanks to 400 years of middle class ancestors and good breeding. I'll probably live to 94 with no health issues like the rest of them. His side of the family were all fake nouveau rich parvenus barely 1 generation removed from Edwardian dossers, streetwalkers and transportee criminals. You probably share the same genetics.
kek thats good
I think this is the first AI-slop picture to make me chuckle
john is quick I'll give him that. He's already drawing back for another swing before she can recover from the last one. Hell even the impact particles can't keep up with him.
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It used to be like that in Ireland but the birth rate was high
My grandad had a full time job from age 12 but the first time he actually got to spend any of it himself was when he was 19 and my great granny let him keep a couple of pound to buy Rubber Soul.
god, i wish
When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide,
And I stop and I turn and I go for a ride,
He only beat the one that didn't deserve it. Get your memes straight.
Great name
You have a point
Why are white people like this?
haters will say it’s fake
I hope this is fake.
What does it feel like (to hit woman)

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