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Inform me, /mu/, what did Diddy do?
Unironically, does this all come down to consent? They say sex trafficking occurred, but it seems like he just flew women in who consented to sex. And the rest being other music industry people, like pic related.
No minors were involved, unless the courts prove the Justin Bieber rumors. Then in that case, Diddy is just a gay pedophile lol.
He beat up Cassie, but that would be a separate case. Same with setting Cudi's car on fire.
Is Diddy an actual fed informant that stopped paying the fed so they came after him? According to court documents, his team was pretty much buddy buddy with the local police.
A black man cant even have sex in todays society without getting arrested yall

Whitey mad he aint getting laid like successful black men
>mu poster posts more of his cuck fantasy
Aliyah was notoriously hard to get. Everyone wanted to hook up with her.
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He's a bad boy for life.
literally no one is saying this
He literally just paid for sex, and since he paid for plane tickets to fly women out. It's considered sex trafficking
he is black epstein
Epstein blackmailed the most powerful people in the world though.
Diddy had sex with Meek Mill. they aren't really the same.
>doesn't deny the cuckold allegations
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>Your Honor my client, Sean Combs, has a hoarding disease and is seeking treatment
Apparently he forced and coerced people to fuck against their will and also raped a bunch of dudes and maybe women?
So dude is a rapist and a weirdo, but the whole "sex trafficking" angle is nonsense. He paid for escorts to fly to his state and home, that's not "sex trafficking"
Sex trafficking is pimping women out, making them walk the walk or fuck men for money, moving them across state lines, smuggling them through countries, making a woman dependent on you through fear and intimidation, manipulation, mind games, etc. THATS sex trafficking, when you take away a woman's passport and trick her into believing you'd give her job a or opportunity a when really you'll just beat her, break her, and make her your bitch and fuck men for money. Not grown adult escorts, who choose to fuck men independently and freely for money, agreeing to get paid, fly to the location, and get fucked in exchange for compensation.
If it were any other profession, no one would bat an eye. Only when it comes to sex is it this huge ordeal. If you have the money, can afford the best chef, roofer, etc to come to your home, you'd be able to do it and they'd do their job, get paid, go home, but when it comes to sex, somehow you're to believe diddy is moving mad weight. He's still a rapist and a weirdo, not defending him, if he did the things they're accusing him of then send him to jail. Don't care, but this whole sex trafficking thing is a joke
Prostitution is illegal outside of Nevada. If he paid for hookers to fly to him then he could be charged for that. Whether you think it should be legal is a separate matter.
Yeah but that in and of itself is not the trafficking of individuals if they agree to it and are willing, not being forced to or coerced. They're only tacking it on to him because of his other weird sex crimes, not because it is actually sex trafficking.
Paying for sex is illegal so he can be charged for that, I agree, it isn't a matter of what is illegal or what isn't, just that they're the fbi (those who are going after him) and they need that to really give him the fullest sentence they can give a person.
It isn't honest. Not defending diddy by the way, it just isn't real. Paying for someone to fly to your state is not the trafficking of individuals if they are agreeing to that and aren't being forced to by threats or intimidation, that is just called paying for sex or getting a pizza delivered that you can fuck. Now the other shit, making people fuck each other when they don't want to, raping men and maybe women, doing all sorts of crazy freak offs that either are illegal or should be with the gallons of baby oil and lube they found? Not defending it and that is what should be focused on, but they are only calling it sex trafficking BECAUSE of those illegal freak offs where he was raping people, not because the act of paying for sex in and of itself is sex trafficking. Whether the woman has a pimp is a different story, but it is like buying a sandwich from a mafia store or some other front that serves as money laundering operation, yet you yourself are not apart of that business, but also being charged as an accessory to whatever crime the actual organization gets into. You're paying for a service they provide, that doesn't make you the actual in guy with the group.
I'm not a lawyer, are you? You might be getting hung up on the word "trafficking" without looking at what the law actually covers. If it covers flying willing prostitutes from state to state then Diddly could be charged with it. The name of a law often doesn't fully encapsulate everything covered by it.
No, i'm not. I guess i'm arguing semantics really. Again, not defending diddy if he's taking men's butts without asking. I couldn't give a damn if diddy goes to jail and dies there. Just that whole sex trafficking thing is making my autismo go off.
imagine writing this wall of text because you pedantically object to the term "sex trafficking" being used to describe routinely drugging, blackmailing, & coercing people into participating in orgies lmao. are you one of epstein's bastard rape-babies or something?
No, you moron. I am arguing semantics, I already said I am not defending him. He raped a bunch of people (allegedly), beat the absolute FUCK out of cassie (on tape and tried to keep it quiet), and yes, also intimidated and forced a bunch a bunch of people into fucking others they didn't want to.
Diddy could die and be buried under the same jail he'll reside in til he dies and I wouldn't give a single fuck. If he's guilty, ship him to the jail. I don't care.
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tried to buy a network like Cosby and now they're trying to take him down like Cosby

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