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>be me
>average guy
>out on a date with my beautiful girlfriend at a nice restaraunt
>life is good
>suddenly the stereo changes song
>guitars are being played
>i realize what it is
>i try to cover my ears but it's too late
>i have listened to 1 (one) Radiohead song
>i instantly become fat
>glasses appear on my face
>acne breaks out
>girlfriend is terrified and asking me "anon what's going on"
>start uncontrollably rambling about how all women are whores and only want to date chad
>she runs away sobbing
>i am now a radiohead listener
best band of all time
plus israel is on our side
Radiohead is peak normoid music for normoids desperate to belong in a niche internet subculture
I'm not sure where you're from but Radiohead fans would be more basedboys imo. I guess after time they become incels?
the truth is radiohead transcends the normie/autist dichotomy. they appeal to anyone who likes rock and isn't a poseur
Worst of all, you are now jewish.
This is actually white Kendrick fans.
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>be band
>make depressing songs
>its popular enough to have a niche fan base that grows over the years
>be now
>the depressing song as become popular enough to be in the mainstream
>then people start call it incelcore while still listening to it

Does this mean that everyones an incel now? Or at least everyone whos into radiohead recently?
Who are you quoting OP?

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