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Lion Heart edition.

Previous >>123808226

>upcoming schedule
10.12 - Golden Wave Tokyo

>fan account list

>video content








>SK news agency feeds

thread rule: lewding IVE girls is public admission your mom's a diseased whore
Lewding IVE
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i thought there were more activities in the upcoming schedule
No old men allowed edition
Love my zoomer wife (pic related)
what happened there
i dont know she looks like she might entertain old men
If the other thread maker gave up on making them, then I depend on you guys for making updates. I'm very lazy sorry.
Was testing something.
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she'd rather read books
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i got my eye on you
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Well not to be rude, just saying
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if you don't own the lightstick, you're not a true fan
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I was searching for this Rei but she's looking straight at the camera, I could not find it after almost an hour. Help for the love of god, she looks so funny.
>when you say young do mean late 20s
Erm... Do we need to talk about that?
Don't worry about it.
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my wife (pic related) always tells me 32 is the new 22
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unbelievably yet undeniably based
cute socks
just get the impression you might be a bit of a fossil kek...
atmwjwy (she just turned 20)

Damn so after late 20s they're fossils huh
Y2K chads reign supreme
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very cute and only i have desocking privileges
these has to be the worst legs I’ve seen in a group of women specially the skeleton one
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yeah ive is not a legs group for leg fans
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>just get the impression you might be a bit of a fossil kek...
What the hell, late 20s is the new 60s?
It's over, billions must carbonize...
cant tell if bait
anyone but her
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Good morning Dive, it's another edition of IVE Roulette
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As her husband only I have spankeu, lickeu, and desocking privileges sorry

The world moves fast these days brother
just kidding, i swear i know exactly which pic youre talking about but i cant find it and its pissing me off
real reitard
Desocking mwjwy
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nice try but i'm the only real wonyhusband
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I found this, I don't think it's the full image but honestly don't remember, guess it's better than nothing. Man I love it, she's so silly.
can i post meovv now
Based I love Wony's skinny legs
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endless love for eleven gaeul
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does anyone know this date they all wore red
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I've already deboonked that
>her after I desock...

Dukongz appreciator
i swear there was a tiktok with that outfit but i guess i was just imagining it... rip 20 minutes
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thank you
Truly the IVE sleuth
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a good day
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a sword-day, a red day
they look good in red
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Dukongz and couplez, they are too fun.
THAT'S the one I had in mind kek. If there's no tiktok for it, what was this outfit for? They just took a few pics and disappeared? Did I miss something?
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hate to burst your bubble but wony socks are for my hands and teeth only
There is one fan cam with realistic white levels
Very nice
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outfits were nice
i even checked follow rei, i guess she just decided to dress goofy on that day. also unrelated to ive but did you see those aespa teasers
Is this webm squished or is it just me? Everything looks a bit unnaturally tall.
Rei just deciding to take some goofy pics because she thinks is funny wouldn't be too out of the ordinary, considering she literally does that with tiktoks kek. No I did not, I unironically only use 4chin for kpop, thanks for letting me know, I'll give it a look.
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Yeah, so many great pairings in the group

Keep your boomer hands off my wife bud
yea two years of idol exercise and ps, she would be hot as fuck by now
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I missed an intro 8 days ago, it's so sick, genuinely so sick and kwangya kino is back. Holy fuck I'm so excited for this wtf.
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Love our goofy jap angel
Hot take but I enjoyed hot mess quite a lot
thats my webm, i fucked up converting the aspect ratio and never realised... i always thought they looked a little off but i now know why
what about those cheap 3d model pics
does this waste of time have to be 3MB
>what about those cheap 3d model pics
Eh I don't mind, aespa MVs are always on the goofier side. I'll wait for the actual MV, maybe it will be pretty bad but I'm hyped for the sound.
Sounds like a KR song turned into JP. I hate it, Sun and Moon is much better.
i frikken love that song and IVE's cover
>I hate it
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worst thread since 33, dumbshit erpers
i just noticed she has an abbey road bag

i wonder if she can name 3 songs
let me be, imagination and hey juden
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KPOP yeowang has landed
that's a long ass flight
not wearing any contacts, shouldnt be until her eye heals anyway
Wow, thought I'd find at least one other appreciator but I guess not...

Zip it nigga
KISSING vicky jang
I know what that feels like
stalker alert
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looks like a prison
it's a metaphor
Brutalism, when autists do architecture
i know what that feels like
so thats why I like it
no you dont shut up

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Is she /ourgirl/?
Now that's a proper plapjap
Who says I'll let you

Get his ass
i cant compete
she went too far
I fucking kneel.
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predebut Wony
in a video linked here
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no look at the beautifully staggered fins, starship is clearly the heat sink of gangnam
cute wonyoung
it was probably the Zalman building before Starship bought it
>we have arrived in "france"
lmao, oldfag zalman knower.

but in all seriousness it's a new building they built after tearing down some shack on that street.
Liz/gaeul longchamp zcam

it would look like an all-copper flower if that were so
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so thats where this is from
you break it, you buy it
what if she got it for free
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apparently zalman is in this building
kinda cool
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is this interpretive dance?
paris moment
I really like this pic.
wonder if Leeseo only did that challenge bc Karina did it
she did
Ethereal princess
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when did karina do it i havent seen it
Her hair, it's so pretty from this angle.
>6 months ago
probably not then

it's the same song, but not the same dance
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this wony hits me in the parasocial feelings more than most of her pics. Makes me imagine being at her apartment, just spending time with her.
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eating one of these right now
you're eating a burger?
who does that it's 2024
I was going to make a reuben but just for that I'm going to make it a patty melt instead
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doesnt post tiktoks often but theyre always cute
i've always wanted to make a proper patty melt with rye bread, but i just dont think i'd use the rest of it for anything else
another pa*is video

I keep sliced rye bread in the freezer for that reason. I rarely make more than 3 sandwiches a week.
post foreskin, now
i wanted the bodyguard to smash him out the way so bad
a few more vids

cant wait next year's tiktoks
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has the best concert fancams (not only for IVE)

bareface Wony is perfect as always
Oh he's a coomer. I see that Yeji thumbnail.
Gime leeseo cake
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Daily I love IVE Leeseo

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