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Good Night Janny edition

Old >>123831750
christian metal reigns supreme
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based Trouble fan
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Ty to the balding anon in the last thread for recommending immolations
Honestly yes
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What's the difference between brutal death metal, grindcore and wigger slam?
Honestly it all sounds the same.
>big tiddy MILF at the Taco Bell drive-thru window complemented my hair again
OSDMfags will never know this feeling
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There is nothing wrong with being bald.
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slam is a subgenre of bdm
grind is more punk leaning
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he loves cheetos
What an asshole
Happy wiggerslam day
Wiggerslam is more harmonically and rhythmically complex than traditional metal genres
his ass IS listening to pizza thrash!
What do you listen to anon
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post your favorite metal and non-metal album
>band has the word "Speed" in it
you know you're in for a good time
>band clearly caters to furries
you know you're in for a good time
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There's a fine line between being based and cringe when it comes to furfag shit
Wearing a doggy suit and chopping off your hands and getting surgery to turn them into paws is cringe
Wearing nothing but a wolf pelt and taking magic mushrooms is based
post your 10/10s
good southern/stoner shit from 1997 including a former Exhorder guitarist
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stupid moment
wheres fucking BLASTING
>posts are EXACTLY a minute apart on a blue board
I went out of my way to search for this album but now I explicitly will not listen to it because you went the most roundabout way of shilling it instead of posting it and saying "banger" or "blasting" or whatever non-autistic shit you could've come up with
if you want people to listen to the music you like this is the most wrong way to do it you could've come up with, if you want to samefag at least try
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He just forgot the image retard
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>getting so wound up over nothing
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Slayer Reign in Blood
Uhhhhhhhhh I guess The Doors LA Woman
death metal is gay
jesu is dod
I dont really have a specific favourite album for any genre, but these two popped into my head the fastest.
is it good?
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whats your thoughts on Inquisition reissue artworks? they are good looking paintings but imo the originals are way better
As a rule, I don't download re-issue covers unless the original was really shitty
Lightning to the Nations is the best example
Hate em
>Lightning to the Nations
damn that recent one is really bad, i hate those League of legends looking covers
Insipid. Soulless. Derivative.
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ASS! I hope Girardi has finally found paint colors other than brown.
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Antichrist Kramer, meanwhile, was so good he became overused.
I didn't know why I disliked them so much but I think that's it.

OK, this or the original?
Original handily, but I like the reissue art too.
i can't even tell them apart tb h
not sure If i can call him overused, he has done 20-ish covers i think
Reissue is good but the og is iconic.
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Eliran Kantor is also annoying, most of the covers look unfinished
yeah both are great but original is the shit
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I like his figure work better. His Seagrav landscape stuff feels like unfocused.
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Girardi's more recent cover arts are better, but fuck are they undersaturated.
>not sure If i can call him overused
It's not terribly overused, but enough for me to make it no longer special. Some time after making art for Inquisition, his style became a bit of a commodity. Same for >>123845516 and Mariusz Lewandowski.
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yeah you are right, it is better when it's focused on people in certain scenarios, but I still hate that messy clay look they have on it

maybe it's just bc i see it everywhere non stop
yeah you are right, they all get boring after a while
honestly the undersaturation helps in this case it hides how Pixaresque the face is on the chick in the chariot, every feature is way too fucking big for the style he's going for
the saturated version looks like a childs book tb h
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I wonder at what point people got sick of seeing covers done by artists like Repka, Seagrave, and Marschall. They seem so timeless now.
they OG covers by those guys are still the best, even they got shitty after a while
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I mostly listen to black metal and Mahler now
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I like the ones for into the infernal regions and invoking the majestic throne
but all of the others just look like an indistinct brown blob. they may be good paintings, but they're not good album covers - it's impossible to tell which album it is at a glance and they look really bad on merch
it would be fine if only one Inquisition album got one of those, but several identical looking covers? horrible idea
That's the worst one simply because the original is one of the best album covers of all time
those two are the least shitty, but look the same and also the Infernal Regions original is my favorite overall which doesn't help much their case
the original one sucked, but the Kramer one did look amazing
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First thing I do when I wake up is listen to this album.
No the original is a perfect depiction of lovecraftian horror. Also reminds me of Berserk's Eclipse.
Damn i just read the guy who did this artwork died
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>maybe a short solo
>main riff only
>other instruments come back in
>let me say some stuff real quick so I can sing in mongolian throat singing
>THE TITLE OF THE SOOOONG (title of the soooong) TITLE OF THE SOOOONG (title of the sooong)
>repeat for 8 other tracks
definition of mid
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I believe it's called "food library"
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You guys ready for the new Paysage d’Hiver album coming this NBBMN?
I thought it was great fun
>mongolian throat singing
never listened to them but i hate them
Wake up babe, new feat. Bjorn "Speed" Strid just came out

>song featuring Björn "Speed" Strid
>it's just Soilwork
>it's a riff variation with a disco-beat rhythmic switch-up

I really really hate when they do that quirky shit
>hair complimented by random female cashier for the tenth+ time this year
Ya, it’s Cannibal Corpse and windmilling time
fuck off
It's just a bunch of random characters slapped onto each other lol
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Strid bros, we are back
I like when they do something faster and heavier
lol someone beat me to it
ladies and gentlemen
we understand that you
have come tonight
to bear witness to the sound
of drum

we regret to announce
that this is not the case
as instead
we come tonight to bring you
the sonic recreation of the end of the world

ladies and gentlemen
to hold
Soilwork are the Pantera of melodeath
Kek same
That's what I like about them
/metal/ in a nutshell
The only time I was complimented by a woman that's not my mom was by a uni prof of mine for doing good on an exam
yeah but it's a specific case, usually i don't care
Check out Mortem
They’re Russian CC-core
But muh funny band name and eclectic album genres brooo
What are some non metal bands that made 1 or 2 metal albums?
Black Sabbath
Who’s down to start an Amon Amarth tribute band with me? We’ll call ourselves “Anon Amarth.”
Yes I'll do it.
Sweet. I can’t play any instruments though. I was thinking I could just dress up as a viking and run around while you guys play the music
Bring Me The Horizon
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Sodom shirt in Reblox
Masturbate to kill myself!
I can play guitar and sing.
Excellent. Powerful. Important.
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the completely unintelligible vocals combined with the pretty high effort lyrics will never stop being funny to me
jdawg hides the chub while talking to glen benton
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Based turbo autist jdawg
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I heard that hector fathered the elephant man
Six feet under
Based and Michael Beinhorn-pilled
Gaydawg and glen bantoid are the class clowns of metal
too lazy for images rn but
>horrorscope or epicus
>history will absolve me /h ighway 61 revisted

is this the filosofem of metalcore
Cannibal Corpse’s fanbase is like a morbidly obese man, need to trim the useless fat off that bone.
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Another day of not making a demo. Yesterday I thought about MMORPG combat stats. Today I have thought about MMORPG combat stats.
Listening to Heavenly.
You get it
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Just make a tabletop game like Varg did
i actually like converge but i hate jane doe. it's so shrill and annoying sounding.
Slayer - Reign in blood
Ignite - Our darkest days or if that's still too close to "heavy guitar music" then
The pointer sisters - Break out (re-release)
>Listening to Heavenly
me too!
lol what a faggot
Would you show down for a peel-off with the DAWG?
What the fuck is he even saying there? Fucking gymcels man
Kek you must be bald
Lets skip the band and run around in viking armour swinging axes around in a park while blasting amon amarth
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Mechanical Animals count as Industrial Metal or is it not metal enough? Haven't listened to the album at all.
Industrial rock
Why have MetalArchives accepted Soundgarden and AiC, but not Alter Bridge, some of their songs are quite heavy and the vocalist basically sounds like Cornell

He says he's fat but he could be skinny if he wanted to be.
at last, a true metal thread without faggy zoomers
new Knocked Loose slaps fr fr
anon, I...
Because they are just heavier butt rock
But enough about Soundgarden and AiC
Metallum has dodgy omissions (I can only think of Rammstein honestly) but Alter Bridge doesn't fit the bill for metal.
Had a dream last night that I was in a death metal battle of the bands and to prove how "true" we were we had to fight and attack one another with clevers, machetes and knives. The only ones who could still growl through a slit throat were the winners
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>>The whole Norwegian scene is based on Euronymous ... He convinced them what was right and what was wrong. He was always telling what he thought, following his own instincts ... worshipping death, and being extreme.
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Sounds like a Metalocalypse episode
Euronymous about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "Stalinist", they were anti-bourgouise, they were pro-authoritarian, we cultivated this
Stalin was OK in a certain way..... (inherently)
>The opening track "Silvester Anfang" was provided to the band by German electronic music composer Conrad Schnitzler, after Euronymous found Schnitzler's home address and sat outside his house until he was eventually invited in.[5] Euronymous then asked Schnitzler to compose an intro for the album; rather than record a new composition Schnitzler gave Euronymous a random piece from his archives, which would later become known as "Silvester Anfang".
Trve extreme kvltness
euronymous was always a poser. fenriz perfected the sound of black metal and varg perfected the spirit of black metal.
Copywrited. Dont you dare steal my idea from me
Is it ironic that Euronymous's record label was originally called Posercorpse?
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Its only copywrited after is gets published :^)
First one to make it gets the copywrite
This is the reason I won't reveal the name of my solo project. It's so obvious but no one has claimed it.
someone should petition both bands to censor the word "g*psy"
It takes a minimum of a $800 audio setup with planar headphones to appreciate this album but even then it's just ok
i's just called "dark", isn't it
>woman on cover
fuck off
Let me guess ... it is called DICK
No it's much better than that. The name comes from my soul.
dark faggot?
Getting closer.
it would be ok if her tits were out
cuck faggot?

You're not going to guess it!
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no need to get all active sister
Troons are fine because they are not real women.
nigger faggot
not trve
not kvlt
not extreme
not bm
>had time and money to travel to Germany and just sit around for god knows how long at some dude's house
Totally not unemployed rich kid behaviour!
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poser detected
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Reminder that doing something that all mainstream media, banks, multinational corporations, and western governments promote and celebrate isn't rebellious or unique; it's banal and bourgeois.
wow what a hack
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go be christian somewhere else, jesuit/commie scum. your messiah is gay and he doesn't want for other men to fuck you so he can have your asshole for himself. by becoming troon and seducing heterosexual males you commit an extreme act of rebellion against theocratic order of the world. not only you deny yourself from being his bride but also deny him being bride to other men.
If you actually think there's currently a "theocratic order of the world" your brain has rotted out of your skull
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of course there is, there always was and there always be. go to your churchie dualist scum.
>Opposing tranny moralfags mean you are a Christian or religious at all
You are a joke
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the fact that you abandoned your churchie just proves how weak and defetated you are.
IDK why some people hype up the Burzum S/T
it was pretty mid in comparison to his next three albums
something like Pure Holocaust shits on it so hard
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the ultimate Black Metal LARP cover art?
It's the lo-fi aspect. Some people are just fucking mindfucked by fucking lo-fi. Why not.
I prefer Pure Holocaust too, but then throw me a Filosofem to take the edge off. Or even Det Som Engang Var which is quite solid.
... would
Oh I love Filosofem and Hvis whatever, I just don't like the Burzum debut that much
Me neither. Eh, Aske was nice. Baby's first lo-fi black.
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A year of misery
Darkness fills the sky
I hear the warriors cry
The legend tells a story
From a Viking from the north
Who met a Death Warrior
Black Metal was never really the same
Arrghh, this was the legend from
The Day as Burzum killed Mayhem
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This. The weak have no place in metal.
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Keep your garbage tik tok trend bands out of here
I posted it because it's funny not because I like it
Those twinks look like they would struggle to bench the bar
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Absurd's music is great actually. Actually most of their music is not explicitly NS
aaaaas I awaaaaaaaaaake
At the end of the road there's a rainbow.
still he will faaade away
the dawning of time, on the wings of a raazor

Someone once thought I looked like that one guy in absurd.
The nerd?
I think they sound better than most popular Norwegian acts.
shit is a huge grower.

on the 7th playthrough and it got better every single time.

on the edgy-lame scale it gravitates towards lame, but if only all lame metal was crafted in such way...
Whoever it was that carried groceries.
challenge: make a legible band logo (impossible)
does anyone else feel like this will become the death metal equivalent of Sunbather?
I can see all the hipster outlets gushing over this and the synthy prog parts make it accessible

it helps that the cover art is great too
I love music, unironically https://youtu.be/mMpEN2Jv7xM
>liking music
fucking poser.
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this is what I picture every time I imagine what an NSBM band looks like
This is what every Devin Townsend fan looks like. Don't ask me how I know this.
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>does anyone else feel like this will become the death metal equivalent of Sunbather?

nah, it isn't genre creating like shitbather. it just mixes prog dm with krautrock. i really like it as change of vibe after week of blasting myspace revival bdm. solid album, but nothing groundbreaking. hipsters will dickride it because it is has this special level of accessibility where it won't scare normies but will appear as something strange and unusual to them.
power metal/black metal/country music with whiny pop punk vocals will be genre creating.
>black metal/country music
just this please
Truthfully it's going to be shit and poorly recorded. The only actual black metal will be crying dsbm screeches. It will be mostly power metal with some country licks.
based good for them. I like devin townsend but i'm not a furry tho
Black metal without distortion sounds like country.
I don't know enough about country but in this video it sounds like rockabilly/psychobilly which isn't country. It's just white people blues if it was extreme music in the 50s.
It's a psychobilly freakout!
That's a jokey video, imo BM without distortion sounds like dark / neofolk, which is a lot more rich in melodies than country.
get on my level chud
Hey that's cool. Proof that only good looking dudes play Jacksons no homo.
Snorre ruch unplugged
whats the definitional difference between rock and metal
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>I can see all the hipster outlets gushing over this
They already are.
Judas priest
Not even death metal
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Been listening to metal for 12 years. I just found out this album exists.
damn, youtoob sure can recommend me good music!

why are there no AI slop varg posts?
it's literally the first thing i'd do if i were a schizo
Reply to someone but not quote the post. Cowardly?
damn granny is angery!
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post brvtal moggings
Funko Varg should have been an OP image at least a couple of times already.
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the most brutal of all
if your band doesn’t support a charitable cause, well then I’m just not listening to your music
The sadness in Darkens eyes... He knows it should have been him who made it.
That's the album where Maiden lost their way, none of their albums since then sound as good as the first 7 did.
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this is real marketing lol
post some metal to do speed to
>the virgin black metal. thinks he can larp his way to fame
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me on the top left
Do you consider Faith no More to be metal?
>its even in the name
Yeah, they barely exceed the non-metal cusp though and influenced sporkcore
I prefer Deathspork myself
Wow at least from the beginning it seems riffier than I'd expect given solo guitarists' reputation for indulging too much in weedlyweedlweedly soloing.
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about to give this a listen
tag yourself I'm the blue horny dude with the big ass club
>check Absurd's MA page
>Status: Disputed
Varg chads are above AI slop. We prefer to use AI for non-slop purposes.
The monk, trying to count on my scroll how many times the "Varg Vikernes about the early Norwegian scene..." post got posted.
Well, I mean he did Rust In Peace. Or at least played it.
"The unreal thing" on that rec is pretty riffy, give it a listen.
RateYourMusic reigns supreme
It's handy
use of the flat 2nd interval
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the new Adorior is great
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Pack it up, everyone. It's official.
based af
It's funny how I agree despite them never releasing an album above a 7/10
Unironically and objectively true
metallica were always shit tier
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We hate democracy here.
I think all their most respected albums have a lot of filler, but I do like them.
yet again it was proved that normalfags love slop
Kill em all is the only good Metallica. don't @ me
yet again it was proved that siftserfs are spiteful and envious of tourkings.
The skelly chillin in the blood jacuzi
listen to Carcass
Can't listen to lefty bands anymore
Which one of your internet faux-fathers told you that?
carcass is utter fucking garbage too
every single style they tried they sucked ass at it
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>use the word zoomer in real life
>no one knows what the fuck i'm talking about
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Never see any good albums posted here anymore
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We post that here all the time.
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bro deadass did a marge moment irl :skullemoji:
>Carcass then
Edgy lyrics about gore
>Carcass now
Eating meat is le bad
They literally pioneered multiple styles though
Your faggot religion is dead, loser. Kill yourself.
>Haha like boomer but for gen Z
It's by far the easiest 4chanism to sell IRL. Keep that spaghetti in pocket.
Could not agree more. Metallica losing Mustaine was it for them. (And Mustaine solo couldn't hit the same heights either)
Carcass was always eating meat is le bad thoughbeit
These kids don't care about influence nor musical integrity. Just let them have their emo slam phase
Any emo slam recs?
blacker metal = black metal + rap vocals
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I can't stop thinking about how the guy from GBK and Arghoslent works in a food truck.
I'm just shocked it's not an ice cream truck
He probably puts more saliva than sauce in a burger for every black person who orders it
rip the guy from crazytown tho
"Grand Belial's Key"?
yet I bet you buy the most recent smarthphones you fucking hypocrites
use landline, poser
I just fucking love the rhythm with which he says it, it's seriously like ancient poetry
And normalfags will still say metal is just screaming
Carcass and Rise Against have identical lyrics
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I tried listening to all kinds of albums that are labeled as 'viking metal' but nothing seems to come close. It has the right amount of 'epicness' without becoming too cringy/LARPy (as the very recent Ensiferum releases e.g.)
I remember really liking this

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pretty good
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Try this https://youtu.be/KvCMNEcvSFY?si=b77B1aie6Cz1k3Z_
Black dahlia murder
How much do you think you can make from nazi metal
hammerheart is where it's at
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metal isn’t as popular in the US as it is in Europe
My neghro.
He's so autistic that he saw someone talking about "hiding his chub" and assumed they meant he was hiding his fat/chubbiness and not a boner
i wonder if he spits in food that niggers order
>mostly power chords
>lack of melody
>focus on rhythm

>strongly dissonant or strongly consonant
>more advanced songwriting
>fast, technical and unapologetic
>better lyrics
>smartphones bad
NEW: >>123852814
>a musician with a working class job
>this is bad

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