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Thread rule: lewding IVE girls is public admission your mom's a diseased whore.
is this gonna keep happening
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1st for liz's purity
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I guess. All he has to do is not be a sore loser and delete the thread after losing.
vicky hepburn is a blessing and she should keep spamming pics
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thread wars... just like kpg
5th for crossdressing for wony
lets lewd leeseo in this thread
I mean, I'm here and I know someone can vandalize the OP, so yea I will take care of the OP.
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we nietzsche gaeul cheeks
Leeseo cheeks better
in total how many pictures of ive are there?
There's a lot, like 7.
What a stupid question to ask.
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seems safe at this time, most ops are you and two others (and sometimes myself)
major L for krautnonce
Nothing is safer than myself. Do any of you care about being OP? I'm guessing not but if any you really want to I'll just stop making them.
Eugene was so energetic in that Tokyo Dome Behind, what a fucking good video.
who are some of Gaeul's idol friends?
ok I think I have them all then
that's good to know
when you guys say eugene i just think of eugene levy
I think of Eugenie, Napoleon III's wife
nigga chill it's not that serious.
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idk about the others but i dont care, i've only made them when no one else is here to
>what a fucking good video.
yea, lots of good moments
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Good morning Dive
that wall thing yujin did to liz was cute
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yeah cute
Yea, if there isn't a new thread withing 1min of 311th then I'm not here.
36min went by so quick but now it's back to NOTHING.
it seems a bit aggressive
Yujin learnt it from Eunbi
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gotta patiently wait for the next bit of content, and figure out how to rip fucking bubble lives
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You are going to starve, at least I have some other groups, not like this...
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ive and peace
yujin singing about being a small girl is ironic
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she still thinks she small
always so generous to the pit lovers
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i'll be fine, i can survive without much kpop content
Common itoddler L

So many cute clips, love these girls so much
can't believe starship keeps editing out annyeongz kissing scenes
it's out
please stop posting my wife's cheeks it hurts my feelings
Don't worry I know Gaeul is quite a lovely and pure girl
ive watched that stage so many times
shut up fag
Nah lol
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cornered by yujin
Oh yea, you can do other stuff too. I forget about that sometimes, since we can only talk about kpop for the most part.
personally, i don't need a wheel to tell me to jerk off to wonyoung for a week straight, i just do that regularly
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oh no what is she gonna do to me
take your lunch money
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theres still events and vids coming out here and there, like the show yujin filmed a few days ago
Sure but when it hits on someone else it's gonna be very fun for me
but i bring my own lunch
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she's a modern bully.
she accepts digital payment
Speaking of Yujin, what was that thing with her Mimi and Youngji? I'm interested because of her dancing to Supernova, curious to see what else happened.
why isn't the plastic surgery addict in the middle?
but i need that money for gaeul's bubble
havent watched it yet, but its youngji's show i think https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W4hxoNygnyooGSxTR3ZHugv_uVsqMlL4/view
rei: terrible. looks like a garbage bag. zipper placement is horrendous
leeseo: that skirt is ugly
wonyoung: pretty but pretty boring
gaeul: interesting layering if the fabric
liz: clean. sophisticated. polished
yujin: stunning. gorgeous. by far, the best
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Ehh, I am unable to watch that but thanks brother.
Oh ok, it's pretty short, thought it was like an hour long. I'm gonna watch it, thanks.
>Ehh, I am unable to watch that but thanks brother.
Are you a dirty Brazilian or something
It's well known he is BR
Fair enough, one of your most sensible ones so far.
how does yujin memorize like a billion choreographed movements??
All Kpop idols do.
When your job is dancing all the time, you pick up dance steps really fast.
only 60 pics posted in this outfit. love it.
probably upwards of 200k.
dark rei
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I'm not on here enough to know fun facts about you guys. Sorry to him though I'd hate to be a dirty brown
what was so funny, and nice Gaeul tits
Lewding Wony
Lewding Gaeul
Lewding Yujin
Lewding Rei
Lewding Liz
Love Leeseo
She doesn't have any idol friends that we know of.
But she's good friends with Simeez and Gabi.
An Yujin is not for lewd.
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a 28 yo and 30 yo, yea Gaeul is out slutting it up with them
AI upscaled angel...
>I'd hate to be a dirty brown
You learn to not care about stuff you can't change.
what’s the background story to this webm?
Yujin stepped on her foot.
it was at the end of their world tour in tokyo
i think
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yujin didnt let her hold the cake
No IVE member is
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My dick says otherwise
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cute baby
"you came to see how pretty I was" is kinda funny when you think about it
some weird people like seeing crying girls and she didn't consider that
>baby, would you wanted to kiss me?
Hell yeah
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This part was so funny with sound, what a shame.
Oh ok, looking at the lyrics now, guess it does fit Yujin. I hope she does a real cover without Younji so I can listen to it.
yea sulky Leeseo ultra cute, especially when Yujin did her face
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imagine if it was your job to depuff gaeul's face
i've seen some attractive borderline white br's
No doubt.
Gaeul already mentioned going out with Simeez and the sweater that Gabi gave her.
Simeez oversaw Gaeul's 7 rings choreo.
I guess it makes sense for the choreographers and the main dancer to be close.
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Kek, Yujin saying Leeseo gets tired from talking to her.
or they can just be friends without doing that second part
>You learn to not care about stuff you can't change
Can't decide if that's beautifully hopeful or hilariously sad but either way glad you're still fighting
>stuff you can't change
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yujins legs oh my omo
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Genuinely don't understand why some of you care about that so much but alright. I'd be a shut-in either way.
They are also shut-ins so not like it matters in their case either
it's time for an ive band concept
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reminds me of liz watching them flirt
>band concept
disgusting how fake it would be
Kek, a classic.
Gaeul mentions going out with them though.
how do i ensure i have dreams about leeseo tonight?
well they can just be going out to have fun without "slutting it up"
simply bend your subconscious to your will
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you cant, i dont permit it
I'm just having a laugh anon. After all, we're all Dive here. Even the browns(begrudgingly)
I've heard keeping a dream journal helps
This guy gets it >>123877659

Very cute/funny moments lol
Would be great to get a chance to talk with them someday
bubble, many, many times.
That sounds realistic, given what Simeez and Gabi are like.
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i believe you
no one would ever lie on the internet.

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