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Talk about SERIOUSLY progressive death metal
Post a serious album then
Atheist was the only good progressive death metal band
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Way to go, retard. Putting your voice on the Internet for everyone to hear isn’t the smartest thing to do. Lmao.
Are we really going to do this again where everyone makes up their own definitions for “progressive” and “technical”?
One day since release and I'm already tired of hearing about this tryhard band and this jumbled mess of an album.
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Ok, faggot.
The better progressive death metal album of the year

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>Pull over we need to stop here!
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based will smith
black metal sucks
This sound terrible, prog and brutal death were never meant to mix
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Ok, retard.
It's the best kind of progressive death metal lmao

Midwit metal for people who never heard of Klaus Schulze
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I bet you felt really proud of that namedrop
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Get on my level, turbo faggot.
>i'm into obscure stuff like tangerine dream...you've probably never heard of them heh
fuckin faggot
was this the first example of progressive slam?
I can't think of a track I'd return to beyond Tablet II of The Stargate. The prog segments of this album are often badly placed and badly done, and the death metal parts are not high enough peaks to make it worth the wait or to make me want to revisit. The DM feels like it's there to remind the listener that this is still technically a death metal album.
It's been five years since their last death metal album, so expect a lot more talk about it.
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>releases Luminescent Bridge on the same day as The Enduring Spirit
>gets mogged

>releases Absolute Elsewhere on the same day as More Insane
>gets mogged
This one got the tourists boiling lmao
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Did you have fun making this, loser?
Death Metal should NOT be progressive.
It's an awesome album
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Tell that to Chuck in 1990. Lmao. Sorry dude. It happened.
This chart is older than you bro
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This guy gets it.
>progressive death metal
>it's just prog part -> death metal part -> prog part -> death metal part for ~44 minutes
The thing that bothers me about this band's experimentation with synths is that I'm 90% sure they got into them through corny ass
2010s Synthwave or Stranger Things. Makes the entire thing seem reddit as fuck .
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So, it’s progressive death metal. Got it. Thanks for stating the obvious.
ironically (You) should probably go back if you think that's what progressive metal is or should be
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Lay it on me then, retard. What’s your definition of death prog metal? And no, you can’t use any Death album post Spiritual Healing as an example.
>associating the most artistic metal with pegging

this guy/gal has something against male artists, probably part of a family of former slave owners that wants to slave drive men to work instead of creating art.
The death metal parts aren't as hard hitting as I'd like to hear but overall I quite like it. I'm a prog/psych guy so all of this is right up my alley, despite the whole not sounding all that cohesive.
Artificial Brain at home
Nta, but it's death metal that is progressive. Not switching between death metal and progressive.
The critiques of the riffs themselves is pretty weak. Finger exercises should be applicable and and close to real music, So you could say most songs and especially tech sounds like an exercise.
Structure-wise, he's got a point.

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