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We can all agree this is the best radiohead song

but this album is very good, Just, Iron Lung, and Black Star are all super great songs
It's a great song, but RH has a ton of those
Creep is the greatest Radiohead song.
Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that none of their songs are particularly worth writing home about
one of the weaker songs on the album
It's one of those songs that feels like a highlight from Pablo Honey and kind of drags the album down overall. Fake Plastic Trees basically accomplishes the same thing it's going for but just better in every way.
most underrated
(nice dream) is really the best song off the bends and the best radiohead song.
For me, it's Nude
The only fact about Radiohead I've ever seen posted on /mu/
It's obviously Creep. I haven't heard any other Radiohead songs, but I know this to be true.
whats radiohead
We can not.

I need to hear them play it at least once more
you must've accidentally clicked the rewind button 4 times before you took this screenshot
(verification not required)
That's not Street Spirit
For me, it's Polyethylene pt. 2, their most rocking song that should have been an A-side.
Polyethelyne is great but I do think people overrate it a little bit. Fantastic vocals, progression etc, but it does sound like they got 80% of the writing complete and then stopped
I kind of like that in songs sometimes, like negative space in a painting or photo. But then again I can happily listen to all 30 mins of This Dust Makes That Mud by Liars.
1. high and dry
2. creep
3. no surprises
4. my iron lung
5. paranoid android
For me its planet telex
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On the subject of Radiohead, why does HTTT get so little love on the internet? Maybe I'm delusional and out of touch, but I feel like it's never praised (or not enough at least), it's always the OK-KA-AM sequence + Rainbows, with the Bends or the final two albums thrown in occasionally. Also, is the band effectively over now or what? Thom and Jonny have Smile to channel their creative urges through + their solo work, so I guess the chances of a new album are effectively non-existent?
The great songs on it are great but it has a lot of songs that are just kind of eh. The band itself admits it was too long and even has an official alternate track list that trims the fat.
>Also, is the band effectively over now or what?
Selway said that the band is still alive earlier this year and Colin recently confirmed that they were doing rehearsals in the summer while strongly suggesting that they were planning on getting back together soon.
Creep is a really underrated song because most people think it's overrated so they ignore it

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