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Do we listen to Chat Pile here?
it's gotta be the same one anon spamming this shit band over and over again i refuse to believe people are actually listening to this
it's good enough but their two eps are still their best work
This band sucks
Walmart brand Daughters
I listened to it like 30 times today.
>being so dedicated to throating (((capitalist))) cock that you filter yourself
ah yes such a realistic political observation
the idea of letting street people just fill up office space is extremely retarded on its face.
we DO NOT have the means to save people from their worst impulses. allowing them to commandeer our shared spaces is one of modern libtards' greatest sins.
there are a multitude of programs to help people.
the truth is that they want to live this way.
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Where is he wrong though? This band is complete trash
be the change you wish to see in the world, anon. let some "unhoused people" live in your apartment or house for free. they're just like you and me, after all
Not an argument
I am right but the band is still good
OP here, I don't care about "the message", I just like how they sound.
The libtard fled the thread
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>The libtard fled the thread
When did zoomers start pretending to be into hardcore and metal?
I think they're ok. Not getting the hype, but at least they're better than White Ward or Liturgy
>no reply
Lmao thank you for conceding
All young people pretend
That is literally how trends work
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>Lmao thank you for conceding
Look, I get that you’re upset, but you and the 4 other trannies in the discord or wherever really need to step up the reply game. You guys couldn’t workshop some great rebuttal in the last 30 minutes?
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>mentions trannies out of nowhere
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>still can’t make an argument for moronic shitlib beliefs
I’m thinking you’re gay
Why does this band trigger chuddies so much? Especially the ones that live with mom and would be out on the street themselves if she keels over?
oh shit its one of those 'i accept your concession" tards
god this board is awful
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all the songs sound samey, the spooky noisy heavy echoey atmosphere while neat at first it becomes dull after a while, same with the typical hardcore melodies and the voice, neat at first but dull after a while
maybe it's more of a me thing, but i can't handle listening to this whole album, maybe if it was like 4 songs it would be fine, but a whole album? nah
it's not good. i grew up going to hardcore shows and unfortunately having to suffer through metalcore. no one would be gassing this album up at all 20 years ago
good thing we are not living 20 years ago
yeah, everything is worse now so the bar is on the ground
only a sith deals in absolutes
>better than White Ward
Nah. No band proudly influenced by Korn can be above a 6/10, and WW is a 7/10.
>just one paycheck from homelessness
The homo didn’t make any arguments
That seems like concession
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I like the record it's like if early Swans no wave sound combined with early Sister of Mercy goth rock with groove/nu metal rhythm sections.
1k reviews on RYM on the first day. Internet nerds love this band.
>still triggered from that one song on their earlier album
Idk if it's amazing how successfully provocative the band was with that song, or how pathetic it is people are still triggered from it.
why do you people struggle so hard to understand the difference between being triggered by something and cringing at and mocking it
getting upset over a song against homelessness just shows how schizophrenic modern political discourse is.

each side of the spectrum now has literally no absolute moral principle other than simply "i hate whatever the other side stands for".
An anti-homelessness song should be the most boring, non-polemic thing ever. It's like writing a song against world hunger. Who the fuck would be FOR world hunger? No one.
Yet political discourse is so fucked, that because the band are obviously leftists, and since anon knows that the band are leftists, he can't help but perceive the message as being more than just anti-homelessness, but as anti-capitalist and ultimately, anti-american and anti-white.

I'm as right-wing as it gets, but I'm also a christian. If someone writes a song against poverty or homelessness, there's no reason to be upset. Wake the fuck up >>123968385 >>123963661
>getting upset over a song against homelessness
idk why that's the necessary conclusion from me posting the lyrics was that they upset me. believe what you want, but I honestly find them funny more than anything. this isn't a matter of "getting upset with the libs or commies" because they happen to believe something - to varying degrees I agree with them, though I am myself right-leaning. the humor is in how stupid and simple of an idea is that
>because we have the resources, we can solve homelessness
as if there aren't many, perhaps most, homeless people who would squander these resources, ruin whatever housing they get, and end up homeless within a month.
>I'm as right-wing as it gets, but I'm also a christian.
cringe alert
Oh we know based on your cringeworthy behavior for sure. Bringing up a song on old album on a thread about the new one is peak rent free
>it's rent free to talk about a band's oeuvre in a new album thread
I hate korn too but WW is not a 7, not with that cheesy bargain bin thin sax sound
because that song was notably dumb and laughable. hate to break it to you but literally nobody's big mad about it, we just think it's funny for a grown man to write those lyrics
The people hyping this up don't listen to hardcore or any form of heavy music at all, they're all pop/indie/rap fans. It's another Knocked Loose situation. All the comments on rym about how le heavy, extreme, and disturbing this album is are hilarious.
>new album from band I’ve never heard of
>check thread on /mu/
>politics and culture war slop
That’s gonna be a skip from me
It’s not the lyrics of the of the homelessness song that make it funny. It’s the delivery from the vocalist. The way he screams and hollers is hilarious.
You sound like a fucking idiot
I get that it is a bit overhyped, but it is good and original
>it is good and original
laughably false
Lol. Thanks for proving my point that fans of this band don't listen to this kind of music at all.
What kind of music is that?
The kind you claim to be a fan of
You pedantic little faggot. Be gone. You are a huge fucking poser.
glad to see im not alone
You know that you don’t know what you’re talking about. You can’t even say anything real or true. You pretend like you’re above my questions because you don’t have any real knowledge and it will be immediately apparent
>It’s not the lyrics of the of the homelessness song that make it funny
it is. the vocals are just cringe.
Yeah it's almost like a King Missile song but heavy
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everything about this band's influences says I would like them but after listening to a couple of tracks they just feel like an uninteresting and watered down version of said influences
more like shat pile
Harvey Milk for zoomers
The venn diagram of Charli XCX fans and Chat Pile fans is a circle.
I don't understand how people are saying how heavy, dark, and scary this album is so I assume it's all tourists. It's very bizarre because of how boring everything I've heard from them is
Looking at some of the profiles of the people giving this high ratings on rym and they're all gay furries what's up with that?
Most of the world deserves to starve and the homeless should be exterminated
i accept your concession.
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nah just listen to daughters instead
most of you niggas have never listened to Jesus Lizard
Not as good as God's Country or their EPs. Where did all the concept songs go?
based and true. the vast majority of people are reprehensible filth and shouldnt be kowtowed to. and i say this as someone who dislikes nietzsche intensely
Had this album recommended to me by YouTube and I gave it a shot cause I thought the cover was cool. Me likey
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neat idea - let me know when they release something new
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chat pile IS brat
happens with every record. /pol/tards are still surprised that art is political, just not THEIR politics
Breddy sure your type have a fucking conniption if there is any inkling of rightwing politics in art. Even going so far as accusing apolitical artists of being closet fascists.
lefties are pretending Macklemore is a GOAT now just because he wrote a song about Palestine
every rightwing these days is either sucking off Trump, overtly racist/sexist, yes that leads to reasonable dissidence against it
You are dumb
You have less than one month
show me any rightwing art that doesn't have those things, go on try
I don't even like this band but they're right and you're retarded.
When's the new Dillinger Escape Plan come out?
The Offspring
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The Sex Pistols
impressive pablum there point-misser
I'm not surprised, just exhausted.
Sex Pistols aren't rightwing you moron. They were a boyband for Malcolm McLaren's girlfriend to sell their fashion line.

If you think they're rightwing because Johnny Rotten wore a MAGA shirt, hes a known shit disturber, and does stuff to provoke people, thats his schtick
He is right wing
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Digits prove me right
Only thing you've proved is you're a retard
There's an anti-abortion song on their album
You just don’t WANT them to be right wing. Proof that you are weak and gay.
I can listen to Why and think it is funny for the lack of coherency. You have to disavow.
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*mogs you*
this is cool but it isn't even really the same style
Pyrrhon is dissoshit and Chat Pile is more sludge and industrial, but they are both noisy, abrasive metal/punk records with politically charged lyrics
meh, didnt care for this either
>show me any rightwing art that doesn't have those things
>implying there's anything wrong with wanting white countries for white people and men who behave like men
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>he got filtered by The Jesus Lizard Jr.

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