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Triumphant Masculine Hitleric riffs edition.
Old: >>123961806
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
First in spirit
Album of the Year
(someone please share the rip with me)
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>noooo you can't have the hitler edition
anyway, blastin'
already a shit thread
I deleted it because I rushed to get it posted and forgot /metal/, I will try again another time
I wonder if he is still a Slayer fan.
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The ironic Warmaster worship is the most tired meme ever.
If he's still alive, then yes
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Boutta finna be one of the best albums of the year
Listen, I like BM as much as the next guy, but it's pretty fucking gay, because of its emphasis on theatrics and whatnot.
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This is fucking great.
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The video for Wolves of Blood and Iron is so unintentionally funny that I can't help but like it.
The best song he ever made was just a Castlevania cover
One can only hope that is the case.
This world is a bit shit without money. It slips away from me.
Why have to pay for a world you're born on? I remember a real life alien quote saying that, and it stuck.
Live by the meme die by the meme
I made a furry slideshow for that track. I was going to upload it to a youtube channel after 1. I make a second furry slideshow music video; 2. I figure out how to make a youtube account without giving a phone number.
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Yeah ironic Warmaster physical purchases is where it's at.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
It is only half ironic. I also own SW merch. And I don't like all NSBM, GBK for example is just piss. Kaevum is good.

t. the gigachad OP
>GBK for example is just piss. Kaevum is good.
Opinion laughed at and discarded.
KumBum are one of the worst nazichud bands
Kaevum are not just "good" but literally "god"s
ummm, because you aren't paying for the world, your paying for the time, skills and expertise of someone else to make or do something for you.
checkmate anarchy fags.
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What does a metalhead do when he has never worked, has no resume, has no education, has nothing to show for himself? My only hope is an impossible plan to create a product that a few hundred people will pay monthly for, forever. This market has about 0 success stories; I will be the first one.

>by a pathetic tastelet mutt
Oh no
fuck off you gay furry
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did u know that this song by Botch is about all the leftist hypocritical piece of shit bands preaching their virtue signaling bullshit?

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>did u know that this song by Botch is about all the leftist hypocritical piece of shit bands preaching their virtue signaling bullshit?
Not metal.
that's just metalcore in general
just go get a job bro.
walmart are hiring.
unless you are severely disabled, you have no excuse.
not food
I don't know how to do it.
>get a job
>no excuse
Kill yourself. Dumb boomer
Not metal.
eyyy just got back from the Waste gig
I could write a ton but the important points
>barely spoke to anyone, wasn't in the mood at all
>there were a ton of chicks (mostly goth looking ones), ofc all with bfs, locked eyes with a qt for like 5 seconds who was alone but I just couldn't be assed
>the sound for the waste was too fucking quiet, I was standing in the 3rd fucking row
>the sound was really bad overall, I couldn't make out what CC were playing, took me half the song to realize they were playing one of my favs (pounded into dust), briefly mentioned it to some guy beside me who agreed (who were listening to them for 30 years supposedly; yes, a boomer)
>dunno where I'm at, point is I went to take a piss, had a smoke during CC then I just bailed not even halfway into their set
shit was ass
wait, no
>during Waste there were a ton of people who ""stagedived"" and got escorted out and during their last song the circle pit was literally the size of the venue (it was almost filled and it can house 6000 people)
I only recorded 20 second videos of the waste and CC, sorry
and yes it was worth it but i still feel ripped off
not metal
not good
only the whiny stuff.
the other stuff is insane, religious and very angry
Shut up Attila you retarded autistic pothead
Unquestionably metal.
>le quirky metal but not really metal that’s why it’s good amirite
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>black girl tells me Leprosy is the best Death album
seethe chud nugget
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You know
Those are Aryan Brotherhood members in that picture.
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>write cv
>apply for jobs
get a job lazy bones.
>posts Israel Zangwill's grandchildren
0 self-awareness
surely it is the sound of perseverance or symbolic no ?
>Israel Zangwill
That was a chud
>0 self-awareness
Cultivated here
yngwie's jobless single (live):
>leftist hypocritical piece of shit bands preaching their virtue signaling
We despise those here.
Actual tribes that don't have money. They have the right idea and are black metal and based. Fuck money.
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Did somebody say HITLERIC RIFFS?
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these are the 5 highest rated metal albums of 2024 according to RYM
99% of us are antifash.
>progwank era Death
100% accurate. chuds won't like it tho
enjoy living in your hut, never listening to another metal album and dying spraying diarrhoea out your ass at 24 years old then ?
do people actually still ike Thou? haven't heard that band name in over a decade
>Viscera Infest
Based pig squealing metal
I have enough info just from that pic to know he was groomed by the FBI.
How on earth did Viscera Infest get on there lmao. Also, how on earth is Thou still around? I had no idea they were still churning out albums.
Absolute Elsewhere is great. The people bitching about it are gay fags who haven't even listened to the album
>viscera infest
did their drummer finally put on some pants? or is he still too fast for pants?
Tribes seem to get by fine. Need a return to that. A solar flare or something will do the trick. I would miss metal if there was no electricity, but free electricity probably came from the pyramids and has been covered up by the corrupt.
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>he doesn't like his songs having multiple killer riffs jam packed into them and can't appreciate chuck's growing musical complexity and technical prowess as he aged
i'm surprised you found a black girl who likes death though, should lock that down.
did you tell her to mind her own business?
I only remember they exist cos I quite like the band Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean and apparently they took the name from Thou
the new Thou was pretty good ngl
Ulcerate is disso-lite
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>You did go and see our movie today, right anon?
I told her to listen to the superior album Human

It's just wank, Shitbolic's songwriting is laughable, at least TSOP hard commits to it.
They have a movie?
>Tribes seem to get by fine
do they ?
i like video games, central heating and music to much, working to sustain that is a fine deal by me.
though rawdogging hairy pussi all day does sounds pretty based.
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RYMxisters....I thought we hated chud music?
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No, I went to see Front 242
why do u think its rated so low
Still too based for clothes. In fact, his underwear is getting shorter.
Lmao at that disclaimer
>evaluating a metal album by it's lyrical content
either way i can appreciate time signature and key changes in my music.
i just think later death is more memorable than early death, chuck elevated as a musician the further he went, most his recognisable riffs are from his later work.
each to his own.
Worlds probably a simulation anyways. You're still paying to live on a world you're born on, which in this day and age is stupid in my opinion. Nobody questions their corrupt rulers, and if we did, things would change for the better. A few metal songs are about this. Of course, they're mostly AI generated, but real bands will take this theme soon I'm sure :)
nice, now if he only could get some pointers from the Realized drummer and just scream his lungs out while blasting like a madman
Serbia is a simulation
people have been saying this shit for the last 60 years.
you will never get out the system because the people who rule it are to powerful, they could kill you right now and cover it up and no one would know, it's hard to question anything when all the information you read is smoke and mirrors anyway.
the thing you should worry about is shit you can control.
We HEIL those here
He worries mostly about dogs eating his face.
A dog bit of his balls when he was a toddler.
Everywhere is clown world.
Who wants to live forever anyways? Nobody can. Not even the illuminaughty :) Even normie bands like Iron Maiden do their bit. Everyone should do their bit to expose the system:
Hating dangerous, deceptive dogs is common sense really. If you can't see that, go lie with the dogs :)
What are you doing? Posting nonsense on 4chan is not doing your part.
>>evaluating a metal album by it's lyrical content
Point to the part where I did.
Songwriting isn't just lyrics retard.
>most his recognisable riffs are from his later work.
Strongly disagree, even if I'm shitting on Leprosy I will remember Zombie Ritual far more than any of his last 2 albums.
I love hardcore metal!

It's not nonsense. It's educational metal content. Here's another about the illuminaughty. Wish more bands were like Maiden:
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Bruce Dickinson is a freemason and proud Illuminati member. He even owns a dog that he feeds newborn Serbian children to in a sort of blood ritual.
you sound like a insufferable fag.
the cool black girl is wasted on you.
I accept your concession, terminal loser
You're a bad troll, but I know there are whistleblowers, and tick tock to the corrupt :)
metal AF
Our moles have infiltrated your family.
tick tock to furries
>i just think later death is more memorable than early death, chuck elevated as a musician the further he went, most his recognisable riffs are from his later work.
Nu metal revival still going strong
Yeah. Crap disinfo dudes. The truth always wins, even in /mu/ :)
Your words are meaningless because you have mental illness.
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I tend to find myelf humming the most random riffs from Symbolic followed by the entirety of song and album, much like I do Emperor's songs off Anthems.

Whereas I could never in my life finish the first 2 Death albums out of pure boredom. Pull the Plug is a cool track with catchy riff and chorus and Zombie Ritual is fine, but extrmely mid, I never get the urge to ever listen to them, play them or hum their melodies. It's just junk. Symbolic is real music. Once it clicks you'd never go back to the first two.
LETS GOOOO!!!!!!!!
the contrarians olympics
Symbolic is infintiely more memorable than some average OSDM trash, yeah.
This is 4chan sir. We all do.
Correct. OSDM is a joke we mock here.
>much like I do Emperor's songs off Anthems.
Thanks for outing yourself as a tourist to be ignored.
THE ALIENS!!!!!! \\m//
Thanks for outing yourself as an OSDM baldcuck
>boring riffless wank
what the fuck? I was just listening to this song. Creepy
>resorting to kekky insults
I accept your concession, and honestly just pity you at this point.
I didn't say SBG is memorable tho
Great minds think alike and all that. Probably have some paranormal abilities. I like songs like this. Roswell 47 great also \\m//
Thank you again OSDM baldcuck sister
Hector mogs you
Are you implying SBG is wank?
As if so I will laugh at you for not knowing basic shit.
When I first got into Death I preferred their later albums but over the years I started preferring their early output, including the demos. I still enjoy all of their discography though. Hating TSoP seems to have gotten trendy recently for some reason.
It is riffless garbage with incoherent "solos" (a.k.a. wank) so yes. I will now laugh at you, beware the laugh.
LETS GOOOO!!!!!!!! \\m//
Leviathan - The History of Rape
At least try
At least put effort in your seethe-posts, cuck
Morbid Angel
It's been the thing for many years m8. There's a reason it has a fucking soi edit, and its hate predates that
beloved and worshipped here
behated and mocked here
Seven Churches > Scream Bloody Gore
Eh, 1/10 now
Possessed invented death metal.
Death popularized death metal.
Morbid Angel invented good death metal.
Seven Churches doesn't even have drums that keep time.
I worship Morbid Angel. I kneel before Trey. I kiss Trey's feet. I lick Trey's toes.
still better
Trey Azagod is worshipped by all here
Morbid Angel is loved and worshipped here.
any recs for some good black metal for a gay guy? (already familiar with Deathspell Omega)
SBG 6/10
Leprosy 7/10
Spiritual Healing 7/10
Human 5/10
ITP 4/10
Symbolic 2/10
SoP 0/10
Average OSDM baldcuck
I don't worship poser skateboard death metal. I worship trve satanic metal and 80s metal.
that's based
Let's objectively rate albums:

SBG 1/10
Leprosy 3/10
Spiritual Healing 2/10
Human 6/10
ITP 7/10
Symbolic 9/10
TSOP 9/10
Kaevum (also known as Gaycum)
>rating a mediocre band
listen to something better
Bumcum (Burzum) also.
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Imagine entire Morbid Angel's sweaty ballsacks after a summer gig right on your face mmm
everyone here is bald because they still listen to old bands
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I am 22 years old you guys can't make me listen to actual music
>Hating TSoP seems to have gotten trendy recently for some reason.
because it is death's most popular album.
rightfully so since it has death's best material on it.
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>The Laws of Flesh are here repealed:
>Vigor Mortis is now the Way,
>so count the black beads of your Sorrow
>while you stammer your frightened prayers

How is it so fucking good? This schizophrenic gibbering passage in Endless Cemetery gets me every single time.
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I need to get a good metal shirt. I only only shirts I hate.
Varg probably engaged with that person on Twitter. Can imagine the screencaps.
My hair is almost as bad as his. My hair is not that bad.
i am bald but that's just because i have a type 2 norwood hairline despite being young(ish),
probably what contributed to me liking metal.
He looks like satanic jesus, if that makes sense
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Based full-head-of-hair chad
What do you hate?
>that one interview where he's sat in the dark swirling his wine glass in silence
>"what are your biggest lyrical influences when writing material"
makes me kek everytime.
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Especially if you're a furry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut0rqG2QL_w This is trve black metal \\m//
*leather sounds*
Not a great year for metal
>i'm surprised you found a black girl who likes death though, should lock that down.
American moment
I can try.
One guy in the comments said he walked his dog to this song and then it died. Hope he had it on a fucking leash...
SO TRVE \\m//
anything american
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>OSDM is for baldcu-
Damn he was really stroking that stem
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Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the best metal song of all time
The fuck is that? Sounds gay, so I'm guessing it's an Iron Gayden song
Not bad! To be fair, I like honest people. Bumcum Varg isn't someone I'd look upto as you probably know, but would be open minded on everyone else. It's like dogs, if they don't run up and try and attack me, then I don't care. People think I'm some dog torturer. I'm actually a realist, and I'm just someone that doesn't put up with bad behaviour from dogs, owners or people in general.
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metal archives stacies
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ohhhhhh the lonelinessssssss
of the loooong distance runneeeeeeeeeer
Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, the worst Batushka shirt
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Kinoshit album cover metal reigns supreme
>music board
>cant fucking upload webms
They are shit. Normie metal pretty much. No cause and no passion for anything.
The fur convention that I'm going to has a "Goths, Emos, and Metalheads" event scheduled.
real tawk st anger goes hard, its so fucking heavey, if you can appreciate art you can see what they're going for, dude it's so fucking brutal and heavy dude.
leeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttssssssss go
you remove the audio track
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let me guess, you need more?
Goto it, sounds interesting. Goths are usually pretty based as well as metalheads. Might meet some nice folks there.
And those are the only bands whose shows I've been to (and subsequently bought shirts).
It's late at night on the first day of the con. I need to brush up on what I actually like. It's been too long where I've listened to a track here and a track there. I can't even name the bands I like without going through my files. The lust for life has left me.
I could never into those bands. Very generic to me. Goto some old skool bands and get their tour shirts. Iron Maiden, Venom, Slayer etc.
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let me guess, you need more?
Sisters of Mercy good goth stuff. I was surprised by how good their best of was recently.
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so is metal... dead? i mean honestly, how many bands are making something truly new and inventive instead of just doing more of the same? sure you have small stuff here and there but as a genre metal seems 100% dead
Your recs are even more generic.

I know what I like. I just need to remember it.
you are already going to a fur convention, may as well meet some goths and metalheads.
furry women can be surprisingly good looking every now and again.
Power metal is dead. The old blood has coagulated and the new blood is poisoned with irony and söy.
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as opposed to 90% of the music that makes charts ?
I liked power trip even though you get meme'd on for liking it, if anything i want metal to regress to basic 80's thrash just so we can get some new / younger musicians playing that style live and not the 50 - 60 year olds that still dominate it to this day.
XXX - 30 Years In Metal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfaGYH3rsJU <Great stuff also \\m//
Imagine someone saying this about me.
Off topic, but /mu/ needs a goth section. I know there was some ideas of this before, but it needs to be a thing. Wouldn't they love to put us all into one box, but no 2 humans are the same, and goths are basically bulletproof against any psyops, which is based.
Nice. Good german kinda goth/metal hybrid here also:
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>no 2 humans are the same
Think of it as a positive thing. Not all humans are degenerate or follow the same psyops. May as well make this world fun while we're here, and be as truthful as possible.
>black metal fans on goth music:
the cure is great and nico is hot! goth music is based. Many of them are redpilled and pro-white too. They're perfect for our cause.
>thrash/death metal fans on goth music:
this is gay as fuck. If you're gonna play something that isn't metal put on some hard rock or chicago drill.
Thank you anon. Not really my thing but not against it either (not explored it much other than sisters of mercy, fields of nephilim and a few others ).

If you have any what you consider gems, hook me up.
i don't like black, i like thrash and death, and goth is not that bad. so get fucked cunt
Most of the normie thrash/death fans just want to stick to that for whatever reason. They don't want to think about the bigger picture.
Got any environmental thrash recs? I like the Gammacide album with the part where the guy says "you're puttin' toxic waste in the rivers.....!".
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Death and Thrash fans are unabashedly lowbrow, of course they're not gonna like pansy shit like The Cure or Depeche Mode.
>and goth is not that bad
i think it is

I like gammacide even if they sing about hippie crap like that. It's better than gojira at least.
No problem and glad you like. Check Diva Destruction and Covenant - Call the ships to port:
Not listening!
Listening (quietly).
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>Power Metal is dea—
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>its another "you are a caveman for preferring thrash / death over my super serious pagan, atmospheric chud metal" bashing session
you will never be a real Scandinavian
you have no surströmming, you have no ikea, you have no vikernes.
you are a skinny, homosexual man intimated by the average thrash fans bulging biceps.
black metal was invented in brazil
Also this song came out right at the start of covid. Kinda metal/goth, and love it also:
I lifted weights a couple of days ago and I could feel the T injection. Just a few pumps and I changed. I should lift again.

The caveman appeal is what draws people to thrash/death.
black metal was invented by Paul Ledney.
USBM reigns supreme
Nice, thanks again anon.

This is gonna be a long shot, but you don't happen to know an mid 2000s myspace space goth band from Finland? They were kinda similar to Unheilig and Covenant in sound (synth heavy and metal), pretty sure it had a mix of harsh and the typical goth vocals.

Been looking for that band for so long now, never remembered what they were called. No idea if they released anything other than a demo and maybe an EP.
If you know this i will move to you and become your butler for life.
Checked and based
Varg is Ledney-lite
I found a few great bands on Myspace and similar sites also. Really great late 90s/early 2000s black metal mostly, but I never saved them as didn't really have a means to, and they did just disappear. Annoying as hell as I remember some of the sounds. Not sure of the band you mean, but hopefully you find them and let me know if you do! This list maybe will help, but if they're one of the underground ones without a label, it'll be hard to find them again:
Blasting! I'm a clout chaser lol :)
>Annoying as hell as I remember some of the sounds
Tell me about it. The only other band i can think of that somewhat sounded like them is Limbonic Art, but it was 100% a goth sound.
I will do some digging, one day i will come across them again hopefully.
Never hurts to ask, thanks again anon.
Americhads always make europeans look like clowns
The only time Black Metal was ever played in the Americas was when a European band toured there
annihilator > any other canadian band
J-Dawg hiding his boner in the presence of greatness
No probs. Hope you find them and be sure and come back here and let us know if you do.
This is my jam here.
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Hiding his chub*
you forgot snus, salt lakrits and julmust/tomtebrus
My screenshot... reposted!
Keep thinking of that cope and have a glass of warm milk to comfort yourself before bed.
Fenriz dips! :O
why do you guys samefag so much here
Bless his heart
all me btw
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Have a good one guys. Trickle Down good song :) Cheers. Nights!
How could I sound like the Heavenly guy?
Will do, look for my space goth post in 10 years.
why do you steal my words and phrases and use them yourself
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I am proud of being a caveman
You have posted this exact same thing like 15 times and not once has anybody womdered what you meant or how they were plagiarizing you
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Come to Papa.
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I spread my wings but keep on falling
. .
I share the moon
whisper in the wind
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Satanic Warmaster
reddit incantation
sorry but while the OSDM sounds good and the soft proggy parts also sound good, they sound really stupid together.
I dislike grooveshit
I love Blind Guardian. Listening tot he 2010 album rn. I will tell all who ask at the goth, emo, and metalhead meetup that I love blind guardian.

One problem is that the blind guardian shirt I have is of the 2015 album and I HATE that album.
I like groovekino
Beyond the Red Mirror sucked
I HATE IT! However, there are some moments that stick in my head.
Quality collection update from my boy.
thank you good sir i'm glad we could come to a quick understanding
No problem. I will continue posting here thoughbeit.

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