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Babbitt Edition


This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous Thread: >>123977031
REAL thread:
fuck you.
This looks better
Cant find a Scarlatti piece. Its stuck on my head but dunno the name. I'm sure I have the CD somewhere.
Yes. The other thread is "we have /classical/ at home"
we just had a thread with that exact image and name
it's not as funny now
No, that wasnt. Thanks mate.
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Is this the non Schumann thread?
The Karajan sounds better though
Based and correct and Karajanpilled
From >>123969768 How did Babbitt supposedly solve music?
Growing up and listening to classical on the radio they pushed very hard two names: Glenn Gould and Karajan. Or maybe the only had their recordings. And Bach, whole weeks of his music. God I was young then.
Whats going on, is this a soft or a hard fork? Is this /classical/ or a variation on a theme of /classical/?
>"That sonata may have not been a Glenn Gould performance...But...I must say it was "Good as Gould""
As Gould as it gets
There's something really compelling about this album cover.
You are hungry, anon
Hungry... for Beethoven
Lookin into learning violin or cello as my first instrument (hobbyist). Is the portability of violin really a plus?
Forgot pic
New into my /classical/ journey, still dont get Beethoven. Dont get me wrong, he sounds pretty good, but I couldnt recognize the genious in a piece of him. All the great composers still sound equally great to me.
What about the Fifth Symphony?
I know from an early age about Beethoven 5th. Its glorious, but I fear Im biased because I already knew about its iconic status. If you present me with, lets say, a sonata or quartet that I didnt know, among pieces of other great composers I would be unable to say, oh clearly Beethoven, heads and shoulders above x.
Hopefully someone can give you more in-depth and technical answer, but putting aside his own quality, something you'll come to notice soon enough once you've explored a decent amount of classical is the sheer breadth of great music Beethoven wrote. For me, I remember thinking "oh, surely everyone has a few amazing symphonies, violin concerto, piano concertos, piano sonatas, other solo piano pieces, violin and cello sonatas, and choral works" then you soon discover "oh, most others, even well-known composers, only have a couple masterpieces at best, and most only one, and beyond that none at all, and the rest of their stuff is really if you only want variety or if it appeals to some specific taste or desire," that's when you really begin to realize the baffling virtuosity of Mozart and Beethoven and Brahms and Bach, and then whoever your personal favorites will be.
You sound like a huge fag, sorry.
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Just choose a REAL instrument cmon
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Nah, Im just ignorant. It can be worked out. Last week I began a intro to musical theory, and will take a sonata appreciation soon. I want to understand music, but right now Im a pleb.
Is that a Tenor Recorder?
I am addicted to chromatic sludge.

Bach Little Fugue by the Steve Albini Quartet
Is that your performance?
Thanks mate
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the fuck are you on about, anon?
if you are retarded
>Glenn Gould and Karajan
I genuinely would prefer never to listen to classical again
and the proof that was true is?....
It sounds fine, the magical jazz chord reduction doesn't sound good because it has parallel fifths
Jazz musicians are retarded and the parallel fifth rule does not apply when going from the German sixth to the Dominant and vice versa.
so this is the dogfucker spam thread huh?
Dogs bark along to mozart in an orchestra:
while getting fucked by krauts?
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>woof, woof, woof.
stop posting your fap material and put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
This music sounds like dog ass. Literally sounds like my dog's stinky ass
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stop barking, TJ. you're killing the vibe.
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stop ban evading pedophile kraut, you’re killing dogs by raping them to death.
wrong tripcode, TJ. try again.
we get it, you changed your tripcode to evade the permaban put on the other one; maybe stop doing that, groomer germ?
you may be surprised to know that dog ass was the inspiration, more specifically fucking dogs in the ass (as a kraut)
now playing

Overexposure or genuine dislike?

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A match made for /classical/
Domenico or Alessandro?
Added Pollini's set of Schoenberg's piano music, thanks.
Good night
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Do it for her
You are supposed to share what are you listening to. Lets try again.
it’s always bothered me how no one records second viennese school piano music in the romantic tradition of piano playing when that was the sort of performer that the music was written for, not post-modernist score literalists like gould and pollini.
>Pollini's is not the only way. Indeed, at times he is so brilliant he almost makes more of the music than it seems to deserve—Schoenberg's Suite comes out like a supercharged set of Prokofievian Visions fugitives.
pollini, a literalist?
the problem is that schoenberg should not sound like prokofiev.
he’s certainly not a romantic in any case.
Just listened to Rameau's Platée for the first time. Pretty insane for a baroque ballet. I've been a fan of Lully's ballets for a while now but honestly it completely mogs those
Lully was never a great composer, he just had a monopoly on opera, so he didn't have to deal with competition
ok forgetting about the rest of the opera, who has the best overture to Tristan und Isolde?
There is no perfect Tristan.

Böhm is a bit bland.
Solti is excessively dramatic.
Karajan wants to follow the rules.

Personally? Solti.
we're talking about the overture specifically, right?
Yes. If however you are planning to sit through the entire Opera then Böhm.
>Karajan wants to follow the rules.
the rules of schmearing the entire orchestra with strings and making the winds inaudible?
what are some orchestral pieces written in the style of the prelude to Tristan und Isolde?
the prelude to Tristan and Isolde
kill yourself.
Bach - Fantasia and fugue in C minor BWV 906 by Suzuki
Music came to a full stop with Brahms; and even in Brahms I can begin to hear the noise of machinery.
Beethoven is respected for one reason: the upper-classes insecurity about taste. Beethoven appeared when music became widely distributed. To convey that they were cultured, the upper classes name-dropped the most widely distributed composer/s at the time. This is how he became revered - he became the go-to for posh people to name-drop in conversation, and those they talked to copied them - and it snowballed from there. It is not a coincidence that the most name-dropped composers - Bach, Beethoven and Mozart - were from around the same time: 1750-1800. Much like how Shakespeare is not the best writer in history - he was just the one that was fashionable to namedrop - funnily enough, also in the late 1700s. This was a time of cultural pretention. People who try to seem sophisticated and cultured by singing the praises of whoever it is that makes them seem so. These people are clueless.
To understand Beethoven's unqualified admiration, consider that the most versed in literature, for example, would not admire Shakespeare - their reading would have brought them into contact with the authors that Shakespeare ripped off and plagiarised. Talented musicians would not admire Beethoven - they would realise that Moonlight Sonata was similarly plagiarised, and the rest of his work is pretentious, meaningless and predictable drivel. Talented musicians admire innovation - real musical innovation, not of instrumentation or structuring. Of the names you may have heard (Beethoven fans - probably not) - they admire (some) songs by Debussy, Ravel, Prokofiev, Liszt, Schnittke, Dvorak, Faure, Berlioz, Messaien, and composers who are much less known to the masses.
How many Beethoven fans actually know the work of these composers? My bet is the majority of them have Kanye West and Beyonce Knowles on their playlist - and namedrop Beethoven when wanting to seem cultured.
Why? For exactly the same reason as Beethoven, Bach and Mozart became famous in the first place: pretentious people who know nothing about music, wanting to appear cultured - by passing his name along to the next claimant.
Radiohead succeeded for exactly the same reason. The difference is they actually did make some excellent music. But does it seem at all logical that Radiohead are the only single alternative band that are revered? If people are so cultured and able to tell good music... How then is Radiohead the only alternative, innovative band that people revere -or even know? And the same people listen to fucking Beyonce Knowles... If they are so very cultured on music, it seems unlikely that they would praise Beethoven in the same breath as her in any case.

While Radiohead did make some superb songs, there are many unknown, unsigned talents who also do. There are even signed acts who do, such as Deftones. But people don't consider Deftones incredible and innovative like they do Radiohead. Why? Because it's not a pretentious name-drop like Radiohead or Beethoven is.
And you can hear the difference between a good Radiohead song and this supposed 'magnum opus' by Beethoven.
This is supposed to be Beethoven's most innovative composition. You may be listening to it right now. Does any of it actually grab you? I'm a jazz, metal, third-stream and classical composer of 27 years, and all I'm hearing is 'diddly diddly diddly RAAAA, tiddly tiddly pom, plonky-plonky-PLONK, plonky-plonky PLONK, diddly diddly diddly pom POM pom POM pom POMMMMM..' - does this stuff really relate to your deepest self?
No. You want to like it, because it's what you're supposed to do. But when you need to feel, when you need your music therapy, when you need to understand your emotions, when you need to express yourself...is it Beethoven that you put on?
Because - other than Moonlight Sonata - which he stole or commissioned off someone else - Beethoven's songs are shallower than a puddle of piss.
They sound like what they are - a smart businessman, working on commission, trying to fill up three quarters of an hour with whatever can pass for music, to get a large paycheck for doing so.
The emperor's new clothes have been called out.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and you're all admirers of Morton Feldman's 'Rothko Chapel' who are awestruck by Debussy's and Ravel's founding of the concepts that underpin true Jazz as perfected by Esbjorn Svensson.
Somehow, I doubt it.
Tiddly tiddly pom, guys.
So quintessentially human...
how suddenly everyone is an expert composer in this comment section.
desu, I like Lully *because* he wasn't a great composer. His music is simple and gets the job done. You could even call it elegant. Like, he wasn't trying to write crazy counterpoint, he wasn't trying to innovate with instrumentation, he was just trying to write catchy tunes for people to dance to
You can't just compare Bach with Wagner, since both of them are from a different era of music. Bach never dominated in Baroque, Vivaldi completely outclassed him. Wagner on the other hand made the "romantic" era, everyone started masturbating the instant Wagnerian music played, Wagner fucked Nietzsche's head so bad that it literally made him insane, not to mention the music itself channeled the desire to be orderly, neat and courageous which further inspired the National Socialists.

You cant find this in Bach's music, this "channeling" of violent energy and cathartic release of emotions.
Let's look at sometimes maligned or shirked figures in classical music: Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Both, among academics, are considered to be among the greatest composers of all time. Among much of the public, however, they are known more for making "easy-listening" parlor tunes or music for babies than for creating high art. It's inarguable that the raw emotional content in Beethovian symphonies or Schubertian lied is much more accentuated than the comparably subtle piano concertos of Mozart or string quartets of Haydn, but people often forget that the former two wrote their best music 15-30 years after the latter. Beethoven is as much a contemporary of Haydn/Mozart as Radiohead a contemporary of Zappa.

Comparing these two groups is not fair, then. Instead, we should compare Haydn and Mozart to their actual contemporaries: names like Vanhal, Stamitz, Hoffmeister and so on. You've probably never heard these names in your life; or, if you have, it wasn't a particularly impressive work that you heard. That's because these composers were very focused on formula while Haydn and Mozart were focused on moving forward. Haydn in particular is almost entirely credited with nurturing the symphonic form into what it's been known for up to this day, whereas Mozart was known for (comparably) rather avantgarde tendencies in shifting around form and harmony. Once again: there is no comparison between what is accomplished in Mozart's Clarinet Concerto and the myriad of Clarinet Concerti by Stamitz.What we see then is that, even in the most tuneworthy of composers, there must be innovation; ever since Beethoven, innovation has been an absolute component of "classic composer status". Wagner, Debussy, Stravinsky, Bartok, and Schoenberg were all innovators the same as Haydn and Mozart. There is not a single Common Practice composer who is fondly and widely remembered solely for their enjoyable melodies, and not for their innovations.
I'm gonna memorize the high points of this post and repeat them irl to seem smarter, thx yo.
and that is why no one will remember you.
anons just reposting from the archive...the fact of the matter is that whenever i go to bed at night compositions can be heard in my head, and that gives me great comfort.
lohengrin is kempe, parsifal is knappersnatcher, tannhooser is salti (jew), and tristan is booohm. ghostship is klemperer (jew) and meisterzinger is kubelik.
>who has the best overture to Tristan und Isolde

The digital Karajan recording, from 1983 I believe
/classical/ may be the worst place to ask for recording recommendations
It's no different in other places tbf. People will just start naming all their favs and you'll end up with 20 different recommendations. In the end, follow your own taste
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Which conductor is a human midi file?
Franki, xbox360
Nefi, ps5
your only correct description is of Solti lol
Is there any beethoven recording that follows the metronome markings that isn't shit
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You fucker
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Wagner has become my only relief in this world. His music speaks to me in ways that I can't even describe. I feel soothed and sated, all my agony and disturbance is emptied in a blank canvas that Wagner created, like a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.

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lmao every time
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who else is like this?¨??????????????
>having a personal trinity
leibowitz i think
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What a fucking hack.
Something terrible happened to classical music during the 20th century, and especially after 1945. You may be called a reactionary or a nostalgist if you acknowledge this fact aloud, but every concertgoer knows it. Many individual composers continued writing works of enduring value, but the great preponderance of classical music written over the past 75 years is deliberately opaque and aggressively ugly.
Any good pianist that uses metronome markings?
so funny how double beat is pretty much instantly disproven with simple historical anecdotes and some addition
I think you meant whole beat my dude
desu senpai when my dude or my guy is used it makes me irrationally angry
Sounds like a you problem my guy
I don’t think people wel versed in Lit would consider Shakespeare to have been a plagiarist who simply ripped off ‘better’ writers. He’s still considered one of the best of all time
i haven't tracked down the origin of the phrase but considering its relative newness it no doubt comes from consumer material, something mainstream, which indicates the principles, and therefore, maturity, of the people using the phrase.
Music from the soundtrack to Karajan's straight to VHS romantic movie

The ,only aired on TV, sequel
The interactive movie point and click video game
if karajan were anything other than germanic he would be one of the biggest laughing stocks in all of conducting and music. what a clown
Vaughan Williams
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Karajan joins the early 90s Beach Boys
>if karajan were anything other than germanic

He's Greek.
>which further inspired the National Socialists.
That's a bad thing anon
An obsession with innovation is how you end up with junk like Schoenberg and Boulez that innovate for the sake of it
>I'm a jazz
the world certainly didn't see him that way
Oy vey
Call me old fashioned but I think starting the second world war and murdering millions of civilians is a bad thing
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Everything you need
>schoenberg underrating
Go back.
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Lets try this
No u
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I want to keep my Babbitt recordings in this piece of furniture then call it the Babbitt Rabbit
What is a good guide to beethoven recordings that try to follow the metronome markings?
the problem isn't finding recordings that follow beethoven's metronome markings, most modern performances do that now. the problem is that it typically is accompanied with HIPisms like hideous orchestral tone, no vibrato, and clipped phrasing. the real issue is trying to find recordings with a traditional sounding orchestra that take beethoven's tempi, of which there are few and far between.
>the real issue is trying to find recordings with a traditional sounding orchestra that take beethoven's tempi, of which there are few and far between.
Thats what I mean, what's a image that compiles all the traditional recordings following metronome markings for his most important catalogue (Symphonies, concertos, quartets, etc)?
doesn’t exist, also large chunks of beethoven’s music are missing metronome markings, like all his concerti, the late string quartets, and most of the piano sonatas. this conversation really only involves the symphonies and a couple of the piano sonatas like the hammerklavier.
Hang on do you think Wim thought the opening to Beethoven’s Pathetique should be played at 10bpm?
multiple male hands on one piano is without a doubt the gayest confession
>also large chunks of beethoven’s music are missing metronome markings
didnt czerny make a few?
he did. the problem is that he made a few too many, there are multiple conflicting tempo markings for the same pieces throughout czerny’s piano sonata editions. who’s to say which one is correct?
Well do you have an example of how that piece should sound?
Actually nvm the answer is yes


Big Wim does a pretty sweet version on the Clavichord too
that's the problem, i don't, and i would very much love if i did.
horrifying to a comical degree
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>I wish I was at home right now
Which piece is the tiddly pom?
The Clavichord version is genuinely great
It looks like he's sinking and just doesn't care
it's really fucking not, you're retarded
You probably didn't even listen to it
i very stupidly did even though i already knew a travesty was awaiting me.
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https://files.catbox.moe/v5hdcf.mp3 dont click on this
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How can one cd be so OOP? There's literally one available on all of discogs and that one is in Japan.

Thanks Hurwitz for giving me something to look for, I guess.
Bach - Prelude in C Minor BWV 997 - Arranged for Mellotron & CZ V

Erich Urbanner, Burleske für Flöte und Orgel


I only looked him up so I'd have a "U" for an A-Z of composers
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Pachelbel Chaconne in F Minor - Arranged for Synthesizers


Alright now you'll losing it.
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let's start the day with


this has to be the gayest album cover of all the time
Yeah, wouldn't be seen walking around with that
Now listening to Beethoven's 4th Symphony

That is pretty gay lol
one of the worst 4ths ever
niggas name is the bussy and he french, nigga he gay as fuck
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Just 2 talented gentlemen having coffee
What are the ten (10)[5+5] top piano trios?
How many did you say?
I do not like composers that waste my time
Away with Bruckner
Away with Wagner
Away with Mahler
Only neets and incels have time to listen to these composers
I take my NEET badge with pride.
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Need more Babbitt
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>one of the worst 4ths ever
Are there any precursors of rap music in classical music?

The general consensus is that Hip Hop was invented in the Bronx in the 1970s. However to me, speaking rhymes over music seems like such a simple concept that it's hard to believe that no classical composer has ever thought of that before. Especially since poetry has such a long standing in history. Do you know of any examples of precursors of rap music?
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That second Biber piece is astounding-it has a very piratey sound to it
Trolling aside, there is no 'time-wasting' in the first three movements of the 1st, the 4th-8th, and 10th. 9th is 50/50, I guess I can see it, and I understand where you're coming from with the 2nd and 3rd. Point is I've always thought the whole 'bloated, dragging on Mahler' thing was overblown unless one has only heard the 2nd, which is probably a common thing.
stop posting your fap material and put your trip back on, pedophile kraut

t(tee)en [2x5]{20/2}
I find this so extraordinarily vulgar it makes me writhe with embarrassment that it seems to be regarded as "serious music". I can only hear it as empty noise. Give me the second Viennese school any day.
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true fax
What composers did drugs?
A truly great composer excels in EVERY form, with EVERY kind of ensemble.
Only one composer was truly great.

Beethoven, Bach, Haydn, Schubert, Brahms, Palestrina, Scriabin, Mahler, Bruckner and the like sucked because they were operalets.

Wagner, Verdi, Handel and the like sucked because they were symphonylets.

Only one composer could do it all, the truly greatest of all time, who graced the standard repertoire with ever popular masterpieces of every genre. The child prodigy, the genius!

Yes, praise Saint-Saens.
Symphony no. 3: Organ
Samson et Dalila
>chamber music
piano trio no. 2, septet, etc.
>other vocal works
His mélodies are staples of French art song
Didn't know Saint-Saens had a piano trio. Gonna give it a listen, or really any chamber music.
thank you pederast
Really like Markevitch's recording of Berwald's Sinfonie singuliere but it's mono. Are there any recordings with the same momentum and energy in stereo?
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BWV 593 Adagio in A Minor - Arranged for Synthesizers

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>thank you pederast
stop posting your wank stash and put your trip back on, kiddydiddler kraut
just rape him
just rape him
just rape him
i leave the (child and dog) rape to the pedophile kraut, thanks.
BuxWV 262

>i leave the (child and dog) rape to the pedophile kraut, thanks.
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Schoenberg felt that way too. He disliked how many performers played his works in a modern fashion, more or less preferring it when conductors like Stokowski and Furtwangler took up his music due to their subjective, romantic style.

Unfortunately there aren't too many examples of his piano music being played that way. I know you hate Arrau, but he's a lot closer to that style than most other pianists that have tackled this work. His Op. 11 is very expressive and played without the usual harsh, modernist antics.
Be sure to listen to Schoenberg's own preferred pianist, Eduard Steuermann. Steuermann not only premiered many of his works, but was Schoenberg's student. Amazingly, they finally reissued his set of Schoenberg's complete piano works just a few weeks ago.

Both recording are in mono, but good mono.
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>I know you hate Arrau,
But he does love Aroo though
Alright that was pretty funny. Now stop with this weird dog shit you've taken up lately, please.
>It looks like he's sinking and just doesn't care
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now playing


stop posting your wank stash and put your trip back on, kiddydiddler kraut
i’d skip arrau, but steuermann has my interest. does anyone similar exist for webern and berg?
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now playing a better mastered version of en saga op. 9
https://files.catbox.moe/x250pg.mp3 dont click on me
Elad Hevron: Oboe & Flute Concerto In C Major

Sibelius sucks
I'm quite fond of Gould's earlier Moscow recording of Berg's Sonata and Webern's Piano Variations.
It is extremely different by comparison to his studio or other broaecast recordings and without the ugly piano tone he would later develop in the 60s. Very impassioned. I don't know if I'd call it romantic, though.
Maria Yudina also performed Op. 1 and while it's harsh and stormy it is subjective in the extreme and quite enjoyable to me.
Maybe worth checking out Charles Rosen too but of course he's pretty modern despite his romantic background.
i'm aware of rosen, but yeah, i find him very much in the vein of the modern idea of the classical style rather than truly romantic as you said.
i do have the big 6 part maria yudina compilation and it seems to contain some berg, so i'll check it out. thanks.
What made Pelleas and Mellisande so popular among early 20th century composers?
if you think about it, the story is basically just a second rate tristan.
The NTR elements
Other than being a love story about a guy being cucked, they are both different.
the difference is that Tristan is better.
they both involve medieval royalty and imported princess too.
French Literature: shit
French Music: shit
French Food: shit
French People: shit

I'm seeing a pattern here.
well, when you think about it all the best operas are about some dude getting cucked
stop recommending recordings with fucking Rene Kollo in them
Rene Kollo is fine.
What is the best recording of Pierrot Lunaire?
what dude gets cucked in Gotterdammerung?
Brunnhilde is the one cucked. Siegfried has his mind wiped and I'm pretty sure Gunther and Brunnhilde didn't sleep together (while Siegfried and Gutrune probably did)
lol no. wobbly and shouty. he can only sing softly if he can outright whisper (like in his delirium in the studio recording of Tristan. He could never do that live)
it's a staple plot device of the genre.
>French Literature: shit
blatantly false
>French Music: shit
yes mostly
>French Food: shit
no they have good stuff
>French People: shit
well when I went there the stereotype about everyone being stinky held up so I'm inclined to agree
Doesn't really sound particularly wobbly to me.
also how did you forget Figaro ffs
well to be fair his Tannhauser is vastly superior to his Siegfried
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sir please what version of tannhauser do you recommend
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France and Paris in particular is the sewer drain of western Europe. even Spain and Italy are better than Fr**ce.
Laughably wrong
no one actually gets cucked in figaro though, the opera is about (successfully) preventing a cucking
now, the third barber of seville play on the other hand, that DOES involve a cucking. too bad no one (of note) has set it to music like the other two.
Let's be honest. Brunnhilde is basically a man.
How does scale practice work for woodwinds?
Do I just memorise and practice going up and down?
The old joke is In Heaven the cooks are French, the policemen are English, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and the bankers are Swiss..and in Hell the cooks are English, the policemen are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss and the bankers are Italian.
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start of Berlioz: Requiem, Op. 5, H 75

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Most Halloween-esque pieces?
String Quartet in F major, Op. 96 (The 'Nigger')

she's his daughter not lover??
Night on Bald Mountain ofc
Mussorgsky's Hut of Baba Yaga and Night on Bald Mountain. Thinking about it, most composers after Stravinsky made horror music.
>As it happens, in early years the piece was known (apparently with Dvorak’s blessing) as the “Nigger” quartet. The name was still widely accepted into the 1920’s, as evidenced by this interesting Gramophone review of a recording by the Dyke Quartet (you can’t make these things up).

“Although the score of this most genial of quartets makes no mention of the title “Nigger,” describing the work simply as Quartet in F major, Op. 96,” there can be no doubt of the suitability of the nick-name by which it is generally known.”
French culture just seems filthy to me. It lacks the whimsy of England, the craftsmanship of Germany, the taste of Italy, and the piety of Spain.
>north africans
>"taste" and "piety"
>An interesting side note: Arabesque dumped me abruptly after I wrote program notes explaining that Dvorak had originally titled his “American” Quartet the “Nigger” Quartet, a piece of information I found fascinating. I explained that the term was more colloquial than pejorative at the time, and that Dvořák was paying tribute to his influence from Spirituals and other African-American music. The editor censored the entire paragraph and never hired me again. Oh, well.

begone, D&C kike.
thank you /pol/tourister sister
if Spain and Italy are North Africa, then Jews are niggers from the Congo.
>t. degenerate Frenchmen.
help pls
there’s a version conducted by schoenberg himself, if you can tolerate the mono sound
I would never listen to any of Vagner’s repulsive operas, I only listen to Brahms and french composers.
why do you suck cocks?
It's a pretty interesting document but dear god the sound is absolute dog shit
I'd heard Vagner was a tranny meme, and it certainly showed in its humor.
yeah, the sound is fucking horrific, but it’s as authentic as it gets.
I don't know about best but I'm fine with the oft recommended Jae DeGaetani one
nothing good was ever produced by cia agent shonenberg
Ignore the poster above me
Damn that's a cool cover
cool as in sick and sick as in disgusting?

I agree.
>blue skin
I KNEW he was an alien.
This would explain why his music is so good.
VERDI >>>>>>>>>>> Wagner
good as in cool as in sick and sick as in disgusting?

I agree.
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Can always trust Kempff for a great listen.
why does dg refuse to give bohm the remaster he deserves?
What do you mean? His stuff has been remastered multiple times. Personally I find that the earliest CDs without the remastering treatments sound the best, though.
That's the perfect cover for Schoneberg-ugly, soulless and pointless the kind of music Vampires would make
Shape without form, shade without colour,
thank god they leave his catalog alone, their remasters literally get progressively worse every time they make a new one.
Perhaps, off the top my head:

Beethoven No. 5 'Ghost' and No. 7 'Archduke'
Schubert No. 1 and No. 2
Mendelssohn No. 1
Tchaikovsky No. 1
Rachmaninoff No. 2
Shostakovich No. 2
Dvorak No. 4
Brahms No. 1
Schumann No. 1

in no order
I like the cover :(

literally every beethoven and haydn piano trio comes before slaveslop
Mozart quite literally made perfect music.
Honestly? Probably Mozart's best piece. Such an astonishing work.
lmao even
lmao even.
define perfect.
Very Hitlerian
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How old were you when you finally understood that Cherubini wrote the best masses of the 19th century*? It's not too late to take the Cherupill, anon.

*yes, excluding Beethoven's Missa Solemnis; don't @ me
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convince me by posting good recordings* of them

*aka not neville marriner
wow, filtered by basic-ass modernism both in music AND the visual arts, quite the feat
You need some (von) Weber, Reicha, Hummel, Onslow, Chopin, Alkan, Franck, Borodin, Taneyev, Saint-Saëns, Fauré, Ravel, and dare I say Bridge, Roslavets, and Skalkottas in your life.
not sure what this has to do with /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
>wow, filtered by basic-ass modernism both in music AND the visual arts, quite the feat
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Your loss, faggot.
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>I am PROUD of being a brainlet, an earlet, and a tastelet mong. Do NOT try to educate me or I WILL cry.
not sure what this has to do with /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
but you posted 5, not 4. marriner sucks cock.
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>posted 5, not 4
>genuinely stupid
yes, that would be marriner
It's a top ten list! Not all of the good ones.
>yes, I am genuinely stupid
said neville marriner
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>said neville marriner
nice selfie jamal, we are accepting of people of seasoning here in /classical/
Alright then, take out Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Shostakovich off the list and replace them with Hummel, Franck, and Fauré. Or Borodin. Kind of a tie those two
Upcoming thread: be civil and post a NEW pic
Don't tell me what to do, cunnyboy
Beethoven innovated in his 9th symphony with the chorus. The fifth is a dialogue on man. His piano sonatas and other works are notable for their sheer emotionality and weight. I like Beethoven :) he lived such a tragic life though
A recycled one?
>I like Beethoven :)
I'm sure you do, poptimist trash
No no no!!!
Glad we agree on 7/10
Yes, we're trying to save paper.
I mean, those six composers basically wrote the book on 19th century chamber music (and I feel including Haydn and Mozart into a list of best trios would be unfair on every other composer ever)
I truly and honestly cannot comprehend how anyone can take this composer and his ilk seriously. I mean at that point just drop the pretense and listen to "avant" pop music
Well, I still could have picked different ones by some of them, or omitted some in favor of one more by another. And I quite enjoy Mozart and Haydn's piano trios, and they were undoubtedly prolific, but I honestly would not include any of theirs on my personal top ten list.
what an interminable plebeian
Gotta be stingy with top ten lists! Which ones of theirs would you include?
>including slaveslop
>being stingy
choose one
Make your own list then.
i don’t feel the need to categorize music into watchmojo videos. i listen to what i like.
Objective top 10 (number 1 and 2 are interchangeable but can't be anywhere else)
Honorable mention: Brahms
10. Mahler
9. Josquin
8. Bruckner
7. Schubert
6. Schoenberg
5. Haydn
4. Beethoven
3. Wagner
2. Bach
1. Mozart
thank you wagnersister
Any recommendations for music like this?
I feel like the harpsichord somehow manages to keep the music more interesting compared to just solo flute
Very based

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