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>be me
>multi-instrumentalist of over a decade
>next month will be 5 years since i started my music project
>have consistently released albums and singles, about 3 or 4 a year
>even tried branching into different genres/influences
>not even 100 followers on bandcamp
>most streamed song still doesnt even have 5000 plays
>90% of google results for me are either discogs/rym with maybe 2 or 3 mentions on forums/plebbit and a song or two in youtube mixes
>have never been contacted for anything other than some netlabel scam
I seriously don't get it. Should I just give up?
i've got about 4 or 5 listeners
Do you go outside? Do you go to places outside of the city you live in?

You can’t go viral on the internet anymore.
Listen to this guy OP. I often go around bars pretending to be an agent handing out fake Aladdin Record cards to bands. If you're lucky, we might just cross paths!
Also collaboration wouldn’t hurt.
Have you tried making anything good? That usually helps. Aside from that crucial step though, nothing is going to happen for you unless you make it happen. You need to push your music somehow, reaching out and trying to get ears on it, network with other music people if you can. There is a glut of music being released every single day. Assuming there's anything special about yours, you need to do something besides just produce it to get it noticed.
>not OP
my music is mostly offensive to the ears
so i don't complain about the low ear count
i just like to make crap

7 billion meat automatons on this planet, you've either got it or you resign yourself to playing guitar for your lonesome in your bedroom like me...

you know how much local bands in my small town grind to get a crowd of 25-50 to show up at their gigs? if you think giving up is an option then you never had what the believers had in the first place....

send links pls
>send links pls
not OP but in a similar position
these. you can't expect thousands of people to stumble upon your work and distribute it for you. find ways to promote yourself. shill, apply for labels, pay for distribution services like distrokid, etc. i really hate socializing, so i just /shill/ a lot, and it works. might not be the most effective, but it works dude
Have you ever played a show?
you know there are prod threads for nobody to listen to these in right
why is the first one just a shitty cover of the seinfield theme
>I seriously don't get it.
A mediocre artist with great marketing will always beat the best artist with no marketing.
Try marketing yourself, you absolute buffoon. You can't expect people to just stumble upon your music with the amount of musicians already releasing shit. The sad reality is that you need to shill in some way. You're lucky your shit is even on Discogs/RYM and you're getting at least some attention.
Have you tried not being shit?
>90% of google results for me are either discogs/rym with maybe 2 or 3 mentions on forums/plebbit and a song or two in youtube mixes
Why would I capitalize my discogs and RYM info? You think being all caps makes more people see it? Dumbass.
The 80s called. They said come back and you’ll make it no cap fr fr.
Maybe capitalize was the wrong word. I am telling you to take advantage of the fact that people know your music and connect with them.
That doesn't understand how to play hair metal
Please don't give up
>Please don't give up
Please don't give up
>Please don't give up
Please don't give up
>Please don't give up
put samples of your shit or videos of you playing on tiktok? you never know
What have you done to promote your music?
Are your visuals on point?
Why would anyone listen to your tracks over the billions of others out there?
you monkey brain, go leave the fucking house and play some gigs, sitting in doors rotting in front of a DAW with your interface won't do shit
>Why would I capitalize my discogs and RYM info? You think being all caps makes more people see it? Dumbass.
>multi-instrumentalist of over a decade
>my music project

Not everybody is cut out to be the main performer or artist. If you're technically skilled you could try being a musician for someone more well known, go to auditions and such.
please be a troll question
Look into making music for sync licensing. If you can make professional sounding music, you can make money. It’s a more viable path to income than working as a solo artist.
this is what you're up against. if you're not putting a ton of effort into marketing your music, you're not gonna get anywhere
Reminds me more of the Home Improvement theme
Anon I just wanted to stop and say that I liked these
5 years is nothing
that number kinda gives me hope. all i wanted for this society was for its people to fulfill their hopes and dreams. with the advent of everything social media seems more like the wild wild west or how you'd imagine a stereotypical indian marketplace, like a survival of the fittest game. only the harvest of the brave would make it
Yup. Most musicians I know have been doing it for decades

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