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what a mid band
arent they nazis or something
no they cant even commit to that,they just do the lemmy motorhead thing "oh they just had cool uniforms" except that is like their whole thing ripping off nazis
cheesy as hell too
Makes sense, they're gay like Limonov
Yeah, Gay Nazis
whatever you say heb
so mid that you dedicated an entire thread to them
better than any black "musician" btw
Yup, Current 93 is the superior band. Common knowledge.
based, Di6 is good but nowhere near as good as Current 93
Including Arthur Lee,who Douglas himself seems to have heavily implied helped to create Neofolk?
>>124048304 #
I want to feel this way but they're lese consistent. Their moments of brilliance shine bright though,but for me I think Sol Invictus was the strongest of them.
I can't get into their overly long christcuck psychobabble and the main singers high-pitched voice makes it worse. I do like their one song Diane though
Michael Cashmore was the most talented guy in that whole crew.
Sleep England is great, needs to be talked about more.
I heard this one
And was like oh shit this is like a more depressing fleet foxes, awesome.
Then i look them up and of course theyre gay chudcel core. Such a waste, a pity
I like C93 and Dij, two separate ethos. Their best songs imo
> https://youtu.be/3gpCl6xxuBg?si=U8UjuKgz-OG06Sxz

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