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What does /mu/ think of emo music?
I think death metal is better
nirvana was the original mainstream emo music
few will understande
Surprisingly good from the late 80s through the early 00s. Once you get to digging past an album like Full Collapse, it starts getting way more touch and go.
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mfw emo music comes on the playlist
That's more of a mix of goth electronic alt-rock / nu metal.
Black Metal mogs both
I think it's funny how Fallen is considered nu-metal because of one bridge in one song that the band didn't even want there to begin with. There is some trend hopping otherwise in terms of riff style but overall, Limp Bizkit this shit isn't.
came here to post this
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How's about blackened death-doom?
Ben was this band. Don't let the simping journos memoryhole his legacy.
He's listed as co-writer for every single track on this album. Not to mention, My Immortal, Haunted and Whisper are entirely his songs.
Lecompt and Rocky also contributed two tracks (Taking Over Me, Tourniquet).
The Open Door afterwards had his style all over it, even though he was not directly involved.
Their best album (Origin) was his handiwork and is not on Spotify.
Amy will not play a majority of the albums on Fallen anymore because he was too involved with them, she didn't want to play My Immortal either but it was too popular not to. That's why every setlist is just BMTL/Going Under/Imaginary now.
Added to that, they still plagiarize his work to this day. So do other small goth bands. You can see his lyrics from Tear The World Down in The Bitter Truth.
I think The Open Door is better than anything that isn't Origin, but I don't think it's unfair to say Ben should've made it. It's got better production, stronger riffs, and more orchestral stuff in place of the poptronica shit BUT as you said, it could've been him.
Every time I see this posted I bust a nut to Amy Lee
I think it's just easier to classify them as that because, like you said, they have the same riff structure as nu metal bands from that period and there's really no defining genre to put them in other than alt rock. Plus, their electronic sound (especially on Origin) is really Linkin Park-esque.
What happened to that one chick in the band that left awhile ago?
Should have been on the album like this IMO. It would fit snug next to Imaginary and Taking Over Me. The live version is also awesome.

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