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Ambient thread. Post your absolute favorite ambient albums.
Here come the YouTube addicted faggots (see below)
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I'll post a few to keep thread alive for a while.

Pic related along with almost every other Geotic album
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i bought that music for airport shit and good lord its some hotel hall piano music? lmao?
:| i literally never thought of it that way. i guess you're right. i mean, it's supposed to be the first ambient album, cut it some slack. the guy made the windows 95 startup theme for crying out loud
we all know the ones who know. stars of the lid, gas pop, coil, etc. he's one that we don't mention ever so often. Tangerine dream. After giving them a shot I've found that they're pretty cool.
begone shill
can this not be a shill crier thread
shut the fuck up, you retarded child
buy an ad
another ambient thread derailed
for what? i didn’t post any music itt. just noticed you are ruining the thread again.
ruining what? your shilling attempt? you must be confusing me with someone else
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some gorgeous sounds in this
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You're correct but please for the sake of the thread please just ignore Bengalfaggot and keep posting music.
eat shit, dirty shill
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Anyone have reccs for stuff similar to Steve Hauschildt?
hi, steve. fuck off, you shillspamming faggot
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Ambiant Otaku - Tetsu Inoue (pic rel, good for sleeping)
Une Collection des Chainons I - Yoshio Ojima
Kids Fill the Floor - Freescha (very dreamy)
Slower Than Church Music - Freescha
The Tale Of A Long Forgotten Sunken City - Osaki Seiichi
Mort Aux Vaches - Deutsch Nepal & In Slaughter Natives (Don't listen to when sleeping)
Autumn of Communion 4 (self titled artist)
Replica - Oneohtrix Point Never
In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country - Boards of Canada
Pursuit of Pleasure - Beyond Sensory Experience
Ghosts: Omnia Exeunt in Mysterium - Formication (mix of busy and calm)
it's beautiful and three out of four tracks don't fit your description. But yeah it's not the greatest album ever or anything.
lol bengalfaggot going uno reverso on us now. lmao even.
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>ambient Otaku
Fantastic album. Check pic related if you don't know it already.
hello, steve. nobody posted bengalshit in this thread. quit being a retard. yes, we know 8/10 posters in ambient threads are labels or artists themselves. that is how it had always been.
Plight & Premonition and Flux + Mutability are two collaborative albums by David Sylvian of Japan and Holger Czukay of Can. I listen to both back to back as they pair well. Both are really great for fall/winter listening.
Mutability is so goddamn beautiful. It never fails to send chills down my spine, especially when listening to it when it snows.
will look into
see the very sneaky very very clever trick anon (you) tried to pull with his chart here >>124049945
still not an excuse to promote your slop where it doesn’t belong
i didn’t see that because i’m not obsessed. someone put it on there chart, so what? people who listen to ambient listen to bengalshit. seek medical help.
i posted no music itt. i don’t make music.
it’s not even the first time you’ve tried this trick lol
I'll post some more underappreciated ones that I love:

What’s wrong with having Bengalfuel on a chart? Even I have the one with the cat on it. It’s good chillout music
Never see this mentioned. Was my forest walking soundtrack for a couple years.
very nice
strange and unsettling and great one
>Here come the YouTube addicted faggots (see below)
it’s proven to be a good way for artists to find listeners, they upload full albums to youtube. and then they share, i.e. shill on forums like plebbit and whorechan

My absolute favorite of this year.
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Not a favorite but underrated

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg, I actually make my own ambient too
Since OP went with Tryshasla, I'd guess this isn't a purist ambient thread, so I'll post an album I recommend every time I get the chance: Ghosts by David Morley.

It's not "comfort music," and it will likely not be an immediate listen for most. It's more dusty-sounding and dry, with a palpable sense of melancholy that slowly develops into absorbing dread that almost drowns the listener and brings them to a specific mental state, which I can only relate to this album. And despite sounding depressing, the album excels sublime emotional sensibility and a unique and hypnotizing groove construction that makes the process of connecting with its content quite rewarding—a must listen!

>thread abandoned when bengalfag made another shill thread

>post shit everyone and their grandmother knows
>easy (You)s but boring af
>post shit with very few listeners
>omg gtfo shill reeeeeeeeeee
every time I consider putting some measure of effort into reviving the ambient/drone/experimental general I am reminded of where I am
It sounds silly that way, but Music for Airports was very innovative. Ambient was to muzak what rock 'n' roll was to traditional pop. Completely changed the landscape for what music you could play in the background, not to consume a space, but to color and texture it.
You may like Discreet Music more btw
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-hey paulie, I just finished my 3 hour ambient album
-oh yeah? so did my dishwasha hehehe

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