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where did it all go so wrong
posting some nostalgic tunes from my collection that will soon be in the trash bin.
>Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned

Super based
>that will soon be in the trash bin.
try to sell them on Discogs or something first.
A lot of stuff has gone out of print recently and the prices have skyrocketed
I don't get the appeal of prodigy. Can you enlighten me?
R is pure soul.
Nope he won't be able to pay people to take that stuff because it's normie shit. Only niche genres care about physical
>Can you enlighten me?
you are clearly not European. the prodigy has big edgy sound that defined the 90s and 2000s. it's quintessential millenial culture.

RIP Keith
damn how’d it turn into a yt link thread in here. i still got ok computers on my mini-disc
>damn how’d it turn into a yt link thread in here.
im the OP and im posting links to songs from that physical collection as i slowly go through it in my home.

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as im going through my collection and deciding what to keep and what to throw away i noticed that i just love these "digipack" versions. the plastic cd version are ugly as fuck. lowkey i understand how vinyl is making a comeback. the full frame artwork like that of a digipack is so much more aesthetic.
don’t crack the jewel on those puppies, your disc will never have a safe place in it again. i like the releases where the cd itself is in its own sleeve, like thom yorke the eraser, and then that is part of a digipack. keeps the cd snug
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donate them dude, don't just throw cds away
the local library will take them. usually they will have a bin for people to take donated stuff like a cd or dvd. lets them be the distributor to needy
if kamala wins this album will become awfully relevant.

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