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is being trans Punk?
killing yourself is punk
>man who thinks he's a woman is also delusional about other things
wow no way
>is doing something that all of society fetishizes in one way or another and has become a major policy point of the DNC punk?

hmmm I dunno
Being dependent on big pharma for your self image: extremely not punk
Refusing to fit in to social norms: punk
Demanding other fit your ideal social norms: not punk

I'm gonna give it a definite no if you are on hrt, and like a maybe if you aren't.
kek he self identifies as a woman and self identifies as a punk
but what if you steal your hrt
In a couple decades the mental illness / pharma / trans thing will be seen as a cruel social experiment
This one's optimistic
Just imagine how people will regret of that shit when they get old. Thousands and thousands of lives wasted. The west has really fallen.
literally being done on kids
so fucking evil
Ah yes, they will regret not turning into bald, ugly men.
Being trans is mental illness
kys faggot
cope retard
Yeah, they'll turn into bald, ugly, mutilated and deluded men. Meanwhile every cell in their body will still have Y chromosomes.

Fuck outta here
Oh no, not the chromosomerinos!
I remember being at the park late one night when a middle aged troon on a park bench bended over and his wig fell off.
Yes. It's quite literally going against the societal norms
ignorant, knuckle dragging hardcore >>>>>>>>>> punk

I am so tired of all of this lol every stereotype about these people is true
Go join the 41 percent
Everybody's fucking sick of it
Getting your estrogen from having it brewed homemade in a bathtub is very punk, which is what DIY estrogen is
transsexualism is uncanny shit. idk how it came to be associated with leftism and progressivism today. imagine fighting/rejecting every cell in your body like that, scary stuff.
Just putting on non-gender-normative clothes in $current_year is not punk. In fact, just doing that and then proclaiming it as punk would be about the cringiest non-punk thing you could do.

Having such strong convictions that you saw your own genitals off with a rusty knife would be punk.
>The west has really fallen.
Trillions must die. Trillions.
>bended over
Oh. We're BARELY speaking English now.
No being trans is promoted in the media, in schools, in movies
Punk was so scandalous, they could barely find clubs that allowed them to play, because it always resulted in havoc
just look at the seethe this proposition cause itt
ofc it is
but like that anon said, if you wanna be true punk you have to diy
Yeah its an past tense off bend before he vomited.
Punk is an umbrella term. Abstract punk is perpetual contrarianism, but there were punks who rebelled with concrete socio political ideas in mind, which means they obviously wanted them implemented and aren't going to change their opinions when succeeding in their implementation.
Cutting your cock off is the next logical step in terms of punk fashion designed to piss people off
Young people are stupid and have no “socio political ideas”
>Verification not required.
Damn straight.
>The west has really fallen.
No, it's actually a pretty good way to cull the weak-willed and gullible from the gene pool. The world will go on without the they/thems.
i think it is. maybe it's because i'm not american but where i live trans people aren't that common and they get taunted a lot
Idk I think it's kinda cringe to say they are dependent on big pharma
It's really cheap to get compounded androgenic or estrogenic hormones
It is a bit humiliating having to go through a process like TRT and not even get what you need to get within the historical average of test, I assume the process is the same for trannies they'll get weird doses that don't achieve their expectations
Most of them just buy it grey market and DIY
Honestly if they were gay before hand and expressed an interest for multiple years I don't really think this is realistic. The straight porn addicted ones who hop on it after a few months with no oversight sure. The thing is they have to hop on it with no oversight because the doctors don't give them high enough doses to have a meaningful effect, just like guys who end up having to use testosterone from non-medical sources because their physician won't prescribe an actual TRT dose
i really hate how gender has become such a special browny point thing these days with punk
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>Oh no, not the chromosomerinos!
if it's an idea that multi-million dollar corporations and government bodies push for, it's not Punk. simple as.
child rape is punk rock
nah, Diddy and Epstein made it un-Punk
I don't like how being a sexual minority or something is like more edgy than being straight or how being non-white is considered more edgy than being white. Like it's just a music genre. Maybe it happens because a lot of punk was historically so simple that they needed to also have a strong aesthetic to carry it.
>Modifying your own body in a way that pisses other people off
>Presenting yourself in away opposite what's expected
>Voluntarily becoming part of an oppressed class

Holding up a yardstick to determine whether or not something is punk as a measure of overall worth when you yourself have never been to a punk show of any band that doesn't get top 40 radio play is the least fucking punk thing I can imagine but if we're gonna whip it out and measure, yeah
Then no band that ever signed under a label is punk. Which I'm willing to concede
They get shit in public in America too, just not as much in like LA and NYC.
actually, yes Anon, that's correct
it is. too bad it's also wrong
punk doesn't exist
It can be but only if it's actually going against the grain like the tranny puppy girl cuddle puddle who post themselves doing hard drugs rather than the globohomo middle-class sort who get co-opted by alphabet agencies and corporations

I know the kneejerk instinct is "tranny = supported by globalists = not punk" but I don't think these are the types of trannies they're supporting, really, these people with their transgressive displays of sexuality and appearance & disregard for utility or longevity are the closest to living the intentionally absurdist, nihilistic lifestyle of the 70s gutter punks out of anyone today right down to the zany attention-seeking hair and DIY aesthetic

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Mindlessly following trends has always been part of punk culture.
N.B. I am not saying this means you have to like this type of person, only that they are, in the truest sense of the word, punks
these are the trannies that got groomed on discord
I loathe redditors so much
Special Interest and Deli Girls are punk af but generally there’s little correlation between mentally ill trannyrisms and punk
Seems like the logical conclusion to constantly deconstructing everything. Didn't Spinoza say the final oppressor to overcome is against truth itself?
What do you think an aged trans woman will look like? I can't promise you it'll be a hell of a lot uglier than any middle-aged man.
See Lynn Conway or Wendy Carlos
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Jeez I wish I did not click that link. I hate how weird this world has become. That idiot took VRChat to serious. SO instead of doing that with actual real women, he'd rather be a weirdo. All these autistic tranny lesbians make me sick. They don't even look like women.
Just saying, it's telling that they have the work of their satanic masters on the wall.
Yeah, "transbians" are the absolute lowest of the low. I honestly respect fags who dress as women more. At least they're more honest. Tranny lesbians are just the most cynical shortcut to fulfill hypersexual autogynephilic yuri fantasies. Imagine having Chris Chan as your champion.
>Just imagine how people will regret of that shit when they get old
A lot of them are regretting it now, especially those who got surgeries and find out the grim reality of the shitload of maintenance and drugs it takes for the open wound neovag to not heal up. Also ftm trans who start taking test regret it when they want to transition back because the test permanently deepens their voice.
It's a government plot to sterilise and genocide autistic people, basically. Cant speak for the USA but the stats in the UK are grim, around 60% of all trans kids are autistic or on the diagnostic pathway.
And autistic girls have higher rates of transition than boys.
This probably explains the high suicide rate, as around 65% of autistics attempt suicide and 40% succeed
It's in the kid's best interest, you backwards hickchuds.
Trannies are moralfag statists so yes it's very punk
>DIY estrogen
Just fucking drink tap water from plastic bottles and eat onions based foods on plastic plates with plastic cutlery. Why are you fucking "brewing" homemade estrogen in a tub? Ain't nobody got time for that.
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onions = picrel
I think you're onto something. I've posted this before, but actually pay attention to the lyrics of SOPHIE's songs. I think the idea is to transgress all limitations of existence and reason or something.


also, from the posthumous album
>You make me wanna live in my life, in my truth, in my truth
>Even if the truth's a lie, this time
>I'm doing it my way

>What is it worth to love me on earth?
>Defying logic and time
>Love me off earth

Sounds like the thoughts of someone huffing some next-level postmodernism and probably reflective of others of that kind
you're also misogynistic incel
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No, can't be misogynistic to a man. lmao
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>you're also misogynistic incel
of course not, you are misogynistic to ciswoman and transwoman, but to offend the latter it's just much easier to call them men and pretend they are not like the other women who you also hate
you're all the same and I've seen this song and dance so many times
Fuck off freakshow
at their own schools too!
massive projection
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I don't understand why AGP is an insult. The discoverer of AGP said that it's perfectly valid to transition because of that.
no one here is ready for this discussion or even understand the implications of it, you should go to /lgbt/
like, 90% of 4chan still thinks being trans means getting srs, and hate on them for this
I hate on them for existing, thanks
yeah but that's because nobody cares for you, and still they won't even if you take out all that resentment and unlikability on an oppressed group, but no problem
No, voting is.
They way these people talk of diy and being punk is just pure vanity. Can't help but cringe every time
Ok, "Lilith"
I think once the easy attention fades away and their sex drive goes into decline both the ego and fetishistic driven reasons for being trans are going to sour pretty hard in exactly the same way a woman's social life sours as she ages, but the trans women won't have families to shift their attention to like actual women
are you aware that most AGP are mentally ill people? nobody wants them either. True women hate them and see them as pigs lol
even if all you said about that made-up group in your mind is true, it doesn't change anything I said, just shows you have a lot in common
How are they oppressed though
People will call this disgusting and still bump The Velvet Underground. I'm referring to myself.
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It was until about 2015 or so; at that point trannyism became an establishment ideology. This is one reason why I'm not particularly impressed by Chappell Roan's reverse dragshow aesthetic gimmick; it's not 2004 anymore sweaty
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>People will call this disgusting and still bump The Velvet Underground. I'm referring to myself
Same, but thats a false comparison imo. VU is based because they were acutely cognizant that their subject matter/themes were grimy, degenerate, and (lol) transgressive. Equating that sort of sleazy dispossessed 70s urban decay boomer manifestation of transgenderism with the contemporary UwU "do a cummy in my HRT boipucci" anime-brainrot trannyism is ignorant af
I really don't see how the trannies of today are all that different than the trannies of TVU's day, other than the opinion of contemporary society and the politics around it. Which really makes all the difference I guess. At a glance, they both do drugs and reside in aids infested heaps of writhing flesh (aids wasn't around back then but you get my point)
>>124091777 >>124091666
People really, really need to stop using "punk" as some kind of inherent measure of coolness when they're thinking of Green Day and Blink-182. Like no shade to those bands but there's a difference between those bands and a local crust punk show where some dude gets his dick pierced on stage. I would not be shocked for a moment if I heard they were dilating up there mid set now and that's really not that far of a departure.

I feel like these days there are a whole lot of people throwing "punk" around as a descriptor who would not enjoy being at most punk shows, and I feel like half of them are people who think they're punk because they're a dude wearing a dress and half of them are people who get really mad when they see a dude wearing a dress and I think neither of them have a whole lot to do with punk at all because that shit is so tame in the scheme of things

We can piss and moan politics and definitions but to sidestep that, they think they are so it applies for this purpose.

They also become targets of violence for it even if it's more widely accepted and a bunch of states are trying to pass legislation to stop them from doing it and shit. It can definitely have a major negative impact on finding a job.

If you just look at it as body mod it's hard to argue that it's not the most consequential version of it that any large number of people participate in
Punk is boomer shit. who cares. invent your own terms.
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>demanding attention
>secretly a corporate push to sell clothes
yes, actually
Bruh we are 100% cognizant of it. Outside of the corpo representation that is where you most often see trannies, us actual queers like >>124087140 know we're totally wacky, we're just ascended beyond caring, I have friends who actually are card-carrying absurdists.
What is this boomer cartoon trying to communicate, I'm not cultured enough

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