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Convince me this isn't there best album
it's their let it be
their worst album?
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it's their revolver
from far away this one looks like a KKK rally
Hail to the thief fits the spirt of that much better, considering it was recorded much more quickly than their usual output, and radiohead stated that they were going for a more loose and less considered album. That other anon is probably right that it's their revolver, I would argue it's closer to abbey road
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It’s a great album with great songwriting but lacks a strong atmosphere and doesn’t take you to another world.

Kid A has great songs, flows very well and has a great atmosphere throughout. Call me a faggot, but I only ever listen to songs from Kid A if I’m actually doing a listen of the whole album because each track combines to paint a distinct visual narrative. It’s one of those albums where I only listen to it once every 5+ years because it’s a masterfully-created piece of work that can only be properly appreciated when heard in extreme moderation. I’m sure that sounds very pretentious and gay but it’s my honest opinion.

In Rainbows is a classic album, but Kid A is a masterpiece. One of the greatest albums of all time.
Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that no albums of theirs are particularly any better or worse than any other given album of theirs.
It opens up with 15 step, which sucks ass and doesn't fit withe mood of the rest of the album

If we removed 15 step and replace ut with 4 minute warning, then yes it would be a 10/10 and their best album
>implying all radiohead songs dont sound the same
Because Moon Shaped Pool exists
For me, it's too prim and perfect for its own good. It's very polished and well considered, but I kinda like the minor imperfections here and there of the sequence of more neurotic albums leading up to this one. HTTT's actually my favorite in part because of this. Also, as far as this sort of polished art rock goes I find myself preferring the sheer melancholy of AMSP. I dunno, IR feels like it holds its existential despair at arm's length to me.
It feels like a light touring of their previous styles on their other big hit albums. The Bends, OK Computer, and Kid A. Like "Radiohead in a nutshell" kind of feeling. Which is cool, but as a result it lacks the same kind of coherent feeling the other albums have that makes me feel like it's not really their best.
That is Hail to the thief and A moon shaped pool. Fan services albums, generic af.
In rainbows is very much it's own thing, just like king of limbs
Hail, sure. But aside from repurposing old songs, something the band has been doing as far back as High and Dry which predates Radiohead as an entity, AMSP is also very much its own thing.
AMSP doesn't sound anything like The Bends or OK Computer, what. I can see some very vague similarities to Kid A but that's about it.
AMSP has the most explicit connection to TKOL, in that it takes that album's looping and sampling techniques and amplifies them. It's especially noticeable on songs like Daydreaming and The Numbers.
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The bends - Rubber Soul
Ok computer - Revolver
Kid a - Sgt. Pepper's
Amnesiac - Magical mystery tour
Hail to the thief - White album
In rainbows - Abbey road
The king of limbs - Let it be
Yeah that's easily the closest, no idea how someone could get the idea of it sounding like a "fanservice/band in a nutshell" album from it though.
all their albums have like 3 good songs at best
how did they trick everyone into ranking at least 1 of their albums in their top 10?
imo its because those 3 songs are usually really great and compensate for the midness of the rest
radiohead fucking sucks and i am tired of pretending they don't. thom yorke's solo album "the eraser" is much better than all of radiohead's discography. but even then, thom yorke was a dick to peter gabriel and i will never forgive him for that and so everything he has ever produced is a steaming turd.
Kid A and In Rainbows still hold up
The Bends has the nostalgia factor for me
I disagree but can attest The Eraser is fantastic
In Rainbows has far more replayability

Honestly. The King of Limbs is more immediately replayable than Kid A
OK Computer sucked so bad I never listened to anything they did after that.
so Pablo Honey is Help! and AMSP is Imagine?
What did you hate about OK Computer exactly?
The pretentiousness and overindulgence in faggotry sounds
Baffling take
>The pretentiousness
OK Computer's pretty straightforward overall but if "computers are scary and we live in a society" isn't what you want to hear then you might like In Rainbows and even King of Limbs. That said,
>faggotry sounds
That's not really a graspable thing so I can't help you with that one.
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>The king of limbs - Let it be
radiohead doesn't have a revolver
OK Computer is the white album retard
This guy got it wrong way around. 15 step is fucking great and one of their best openers. It's videotape which sucks, I would accept 4 minute warning as a replacement
The bends is more like revolver.

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