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Incelcore artist "Lil Watermark" has died last night in a car wreck, says the host of e-cel ofigz.
rip. tlked to him a few times he was cool
and nothing of value was lost
>incel zoomers communicating thru gaycord
total zoomer death
Just got banned from the discord, damn.
He was drunk driving apparently and crashed into another car going 80+mph
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not too surprising
lol fuck that nigga rip bozo who cares
>no sticky yet
/mu/ died aswell.
>no hate in his heart
>lyrics all about stalking women, anti-semite dogwhistles, transphobia, hating life in general
yeah for some reason I dont buy that
>got hit by a car
Now they call him "Lil Skidmark"
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if this is true then rest in piss; hope whoever he hit is okay
Where’d you hear this?
>total zoomer death
there is 0 chance you are over 17
oh my transphobia
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>"one of the most genuine people I've ever met"
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>Lil Watermark
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Are you fucking kidding me. No sticky for lil watermark? This board sucks anymore
Gen A have the right to hate Zoomers
Oh no!
safe and effective.
He was in the other car.
He's based and you're cringe lol. So what? Rather listen to whatever music he records than "incelcore".
>you're cringe lol
Any more news?
They banned me for a shit joke about him.
Tard response proving that you relate to these guys a bit too much.
Based,only "incelcore" artist worth hearing is 21st Century Cowboy and maybe Steakfry.
Is this nigga really this pissed off every day? I've never seen a single poster seethe and tardrage as much as you do. For someone who smokes pounds of weed, you have no chill
Shut the fuck up. I made that joke because I like him.
Wasted trips on a namefag. Imagine trying to make a name for yourself on 4chan. Loser
>no hate in his heart
> is an incel
You can't make this shit up ! Alexa, play karma by Taylor Swift.
Sounds like it was drunk driving
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Stick it already.

Real. There are so many people talking about this. Fly high lil watermark
Ofc you do lol. Wish I was cool like you listening to Lil Mewmax 88:Revenge of The Waifus (Bazinga Mix) with 50 Layers of Dated Matrix Tyoe Shit going on in the background. I'm sure that's way better than Garage Rock Singles of The 60s right?
>I'm sure that's way better than Garage Rock Singles of The 60s right
It's actually not but I understand you think it is. Nice attempt though.
If you werea less emotionally and intellectually challenged you'd come around.
>If you werea less emotionally and intellectually challenged you'd come around
>Cant put everything he wants to say on a single reply.
He has undiagnised ADHD among other learning disabilities. He never went to college and he has a history of drug addiction and psychiatric episodes.
Makes sense for a namefag
Lmao retard coping. I'm guessing you think Chainsaw Man is cool aswell?
e-cel? what is that
Im guessing you think name fagging is cool asswell?
I also don't have a history of psychiatric episodes at all. This is more tard shit you made up in a fit of rage probably. Yes I am better than you,lmk when you outgrow this crap.
>I am better than you
>Namefagging on a mongolian throat singing forum
>was the most content with his life that he has ever been.
yeah because he decided to end it
"I'm better than you", screeches the gibbon who got fired from being a dishwasher and was forced to beg his mother to shelter him
>Retarded Screeching Response about nerd shit

Nobody cares. This is probably why you are still a virgin to begin with. Incelcore is shit with lame riffs and no progression. If you just want to be offensive listen to Big Black or Agnostic Front (yes my parents were gen xers haha,how can you tell?). (Morelike Riot gurrl or Grunge gen xers bur still,I was one of those kids who just listened to whatever his parents played up until like 12 or 13 maybe.)
Nico sperg stole an ebt card from a homeless man. Thats fucked up.
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>meme words and more meme words
>fit throwing like a fucking retardwhile trying so hard to sound smug and composed

So anyway Incelcore is shit. American Garge Psych mogs it. American Garage Rock Mogs 77 Punk too. So do Zam and Kraut. Modern Lovers mogs the fuck out of literally all those bands save for The Damned and The Ramones and Arthur Lee invented Rapping and invented Neofolk before "Classic Rock" even ended or punk even existed. The Big 4 are Kraut,Zam,Garage,and NWOBHM to me at least. The best 77 bands are totally The Damned,Still Little Fingers,and The Stranglers and then maybe like The Ramones however. Those are pretty solid and like Radio Birdman.
You're not successfully pretending to be normal. Nobody believes it because you're already defending incelshit on 4Chan. American Garage Rock clearly mogs the fuck out of incelcore and 77 and all that other shit. That was the true original punk rock or black metal or whatever in some ways.
Imagine being such a schizo that you think someone isgetting mad at you when all this really is pixels on a screen. Sounds like you need your tism + adhd meds
Rock is outdated
>"I'M! NOT! MAD!" screeched the incel through tears
I never said anything about being mad,yeah I habe add too. I was diagnosed as a child so I more or less just accept it. Life is what it is and you just have to roll with it. If you just accept you're an incel or whatever in a similar way trust me your life will be easier. For better or worse you are who you are. You don't have to love it (I don't love having autism) but trying to make it the rest of the worlds fault isn't the way to go. That's I guess just some general life advice for you there. Sometimes you have to accept what you cannot change.
Lol yeah prettymuch. Yeah I admit tk having autism but maybe if you guys took the same approach towards your own problems they wouldn't cut you as deeply as they do,and even when they did they'd be easier to handle. I fucking hate having autism,but denying that won't make it fo away. Incelcore is just a way of avoiding that.
damn you're so edgy
epunk/incel podcast with some interviews and events.

I saw him cuddling with a homeless guy on the bus. He kept saying the dude was indian, but he just had feces smeared on his face
I have a friend who listens to Incelcore frequently and he has never mentioned this dude at all ever which leads me to think he actually wasn't a legend either. Seems like Negative XP,Steakfry,and 21st Century Cowboy were all way bigger. Whatever Pisschrist or what they were called. Several bands that seem to have done more at least.
I miss this little incel like you wouldn't believe
Wow. So he gave the guy a false sense of comfort & then stole his ebt card? Low.
>yeah I habe add too. I was diagnosed as a child so I more or less just accept it
Your learning disabilities explain why you get filtered by jazz and classical, music which demands a person's full attention and some intellect. You only like epic skibiddi atonal modern classical like the sodomite Vivier, which ironically is the equivalent of talentless hacks like Zappa or Beefheart in classical music
>"Your learning disabilities explain why you get filtered by jazz and classical, music which demands a person's full attention and some intellect."

I love classical. I'm just anal retentive about what I listen to. My girlfriend fucking hates the shit I like though which limits how much of it I'm actually listening to in process sadly. Yk she's pretty "normie" so she doesn't want to hear whatever.
>I love classical
What's your favorite recording of your favorite Bach composition?
>"You only like epic skibiddi atonal modern classical like the sodomite Vivier"

I don't only but I will give you I find it more engaging as a whole. I like Haydn though who was pretty traditional. I also like soundtracks and Prog but I'm assuming you don't approve of those either but the other more traditional composers I actually enjoy are Pfitzner,Joseph Haydn,and Wagner prettymuch. Nothing too in depth I'll also give you but yeah I enjoy SOME other stuff. MOST of it though is probably "epic skibbidi atonal modern classical" though,just not ALL. SOME more traditional stuff in there too on ocassion.
I already said I hate Bach and Mozart. I see that as shit for kids. I'm not good at naming pieces and songs and whatnot and my enjoyment of the genre I will admit is fairly casual. I think you probably have much stronger takes in it than i do.
I just memorize the names of musicians and composers and shit mostly. It's easier for me ro find it again desu lol. I guess that's probably "pleb" but it works. I mostly listen to The Hallidon Collections for the more traditional composers too ngl. It's a much more casual interest in classical than you seen to have,but I never claimed otherwise.
>yeat another "gonna turn this incelcore thread into a thread about me" moment
Why is Nico that way?
Has no friends irl
I didn't try to,I just correctly stated that Incelcore was shit and retarded because it is. American Garage Rock mogs.
Its all shit and low effort
60s American Garage Rock is the true origin point for almost all punk,neofolk,and modern metal bands and is also better nusic.
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Lil Watermark is merely a Lil Footnote now. Not a big loss for music.
>Implying Incelcore is high effort
>Meanwhile Arthur Lee was an anal retentive tweaker who fired the entire original band
Why don't you create threads about things you like instead of shitting threads about things you don't like?
>I just memorize the names of musicians and composers and shit mostly
We know, you skim wiki articles and namedrop random fags online in a feeble attempt to impress strangers when your actual engagement with the material is extremely shallow and insubstantial.
>I already said I hate Bach and Mozart.
You couldn't name something either one of them wrote without looking them up. I asked you the same thing about Mahler once and you deflected the question. You're a poser pleb who can't even read music.
The rest of you are shitting on things you don't like constantly. You're always bitching about K-Pop and whatnot.
this thread was fucking useless anyway. about a literal who that only incels worshipped. i've never once seen him mentioned on here until today.
You're having an insane retarded breakdown. Sure,whatever makes you feel better. My girlfriend is making me watch her TV Shows again. Shit fucking sucks but I love her.
Wrong, it's just you and that other guy that post hate threads about KPOP. Literally 2 lads can shit up the whole board.
Don't say that you love classical music then, tourist. Lil bitch ass poser boi
>"We know, you skim wiki articles and namedrop random fags online in a feeble attempt to impress strangers when"

Nah I'm just not as into the more traditional composers so I listen to the "normie" or "basic bitch" compilations for it. I like Glaubst Un Seele? and Lonely Child A LOT and Supersento and Lemma-Icon-Epigram and like fucking Home Thoughts.
Ok,that's just you being anal retentive lol. I can like it and not be listening to it exclusively. It's a casual interest which is perfectly fine.
I have never posted a hate thread about K-Pop,you're just retarded.
They don't know how to use teamspeak
>I can like it and not be listening to it exclusively
You said you love it (>>124117931). It's like saying you love rock music when you mean you listened to bohemian rhapsody once. Pleb poser shit
I mean you two shit up the board.
>"I asked you the same thing about Mahler once and you deflected the question. You're a poser pleb who can't even read music."

I got into both Prog Rock and Eurofolk before I got into classical. I never claimed to be a super super into it I just said I enjoy it in like a casual way. Yk I enjoy Soul Music too and yeah Videogame Soundtracks like Chiptunes and stuff. I'm not big on Kazz but that's kind of the exception. I do in fact enjoy certain composers etc though. I would not claim it is most of what I listen to but you're insisting about things I never said nor implied.
I just want I enjoy it dude. Yeah the word love was probably strong but there are certain composer I'd say I love you know,it's also something I listen to more while drunk or high I'm ngl. That's probably not very "patrician" either but staring into space at 3am with Claude Vivier or Brueno Moderna or whatever "avant bullshit" under a night sky staring into space really is something. I can see why as a fan of the more conventional work that might not appeal to you though. Not nowhere near as big a focus on melody or harmony. I do very seriously enjoy shit like that though. Claude Vivier and The New Complexity Movement. It just speaks to me. It feels very spiritual to me. Very reflective. Avant gaurde composers from way way after the more "mainstream peak" of the genre. Haunting and introspective. I'm sure you find all that pretty pretentious aswell but on an emotional level I like this set of styles more than the more traditional guys other than yk Wagner and Pfitzner and Haydn. I'm sure you do understand music theory or whatever the fuck too,but on an emotional level a composer like Claude Viver and Brian Frenneyhough. It just speaks to me which is the important part of art ig.
Why is God like that?
Almost as much as the scalpel the doctor used to cut off the cock you weren't using.
hey mu have you heard of 60s garage punk it totally moggs the incel shit we have today
I'm guessing that doesn't prevent you from enjoying Hyperpop or Breakcore aswell though? Maybe Chainsaw Man?
Unironically yeah,thank you for including this other nico sperg. Wouldn't actually consider it punk though,combined eith elements of Krautrock,Glam,and Hard Rock type shit like AC/DC and Ted Nudgent though yeah. Like Mötorhead basically is just 70s Art Rock+Skynyrd+Nudgent.
Do you use teamspeak?
Obviously what all this shit stems from though yeah and more interesting songwriting and stuff.
Who the fuck
>one less incel on earth
good, GOOD!
No, I communicate via pigeon
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>using Aryan and aristocratic back to back without a hint of irony
incel zoomers man..
Is that what you listen to while you dilate?
This and This. Shit is a fucking joke.
Can you speak less in retardnese?
That definitely didn't result in a pretty looking corpse.
Can't believe Rizz Ohio 88 died,this is a really sad day for people who think Hyperpop is listenable.
Tonight we will be blasting Penice by Lil Watermark
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never listened to his music but seems like a sweet kid, ignore the fuckups making jokes itt

i wonder if he had drug issues and people around him knew?

anyway, F
I'm glad he is dead
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thats pretty based, idk who this guy is but i respect young drunk drivers
>drank a fifth of vodka. dare me to drive
He's not dead, its a ploy to bring him publicity. He has done similar shit in the past. There is a reason you never heard about him until today
Fucking knew it. I have a friend who would have totally brought this shit up otherwise.
I wish I was in the discord just to drop these in there.
You probably use discord a lot huh?
I dont get it.
That's probably for your own good desu.
Depends, can you be less of a faggot? I'm afraid you won't be able to understand otherwise.
You've seen a woman naked before?
It's been long enough so that if you respond otherwise it will come off as fake BTW. Glad we had that chat.
My friend who actually enjoys E-Punk confirmed he has no idea who this is. I'm just gonna assume that's because he's probably shit and doesn't matter now. You guys making a fuss about this nobody but not fucking Damo Suzaki or Michael Karoil dying lmao.
>21st Century Cowboy
You mean 13th? He was cringe and bad ans every post i see from you is wrong.
Steakfry is good though
https://m.soundcloud.com/goyfriendisraelfart/cowboy-banned-me Rip watermark. Good songs cool guy
Unoriginal as fuck way to go out. No wonder he's an incel.
He died in fire. Had no rizz. It's over for him. I shit on his memory.
We must crush all queers
He wasn't even real, you made him up
Yes he was you fag
Stop faking your death
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oh i remember seeing his ep credited along chris chans rym page
why the image?
>poltard: TRANNIES
Hope the person he hit is ok; hope the guy himself died an excruciating death.
I'm trans
Call him Deacon Blues.
>anti-semite dogwhistles
ok and
Why does every incelcore artist have that gay ass whailing in their songs? Nobody wants to hear "OOOoooOOOoooOoOoOOOo" in a fucking song
Just a coincidence, chud.
Why is incelcore considered its own genre? Its just garage rock with 4chan themed lyrics.

Also if its true he died drunk driving he got what was coming to him.
why do you guys always mention 13th century cowboy here? lil watermark was much more beloved. nobody liked that fag cowboy and that’s why he left the scene. his music also sucked.
Yea, right? Why don't we just use "music" instead of labelling genres?
>Why is incelcore considered its own genre?
incels need to do anything to form a community around their beliefs because everywhere else has rightfully cast out their faggot asses.
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>Looked like an actual tranny
>Was an incel
>Made dogshit "music"
>Died drinking and driving

What a complete waste of a life, Imagine being the parent's who spent money raising that shit, They must feel pretty good it's over now though
People who are super into this guy probably think drinking is the most badass thing ever albeit.
yeah,idk I thought he had a couple good songs desu. Rockstar was good. Cringe yeah but they're all cringe and i don't exactly imagine you listening to real hardcore or something.
As a friend of watermark he would have loved it. Oh god I miss him!
Another "lil who"
You lost that one, bud.
>Tries talking like a "Yes Chad" meme in order to prove how based he is
His retort was clever and funny. You seethed and multireplied. Sorry if the true hurts.
Maybe if he hadn't taken decades mustering up the courage to say it.
>"Sorty if the truth hurts"

Imagine being thus delusional. No amount of No U retard shit is going to change this for you. I'm sorry but it's terminal.
The fact you've been living in this thread for days isn't a point in your favor. Guess it's better than going outside and having kids point at your Adam's apple and 5 o'clock shadow.
>Mommy, is that a man?
Lol, just know that when she answers "no" it isn't because you pass.
>Adam's Apple and Five O'clock Shadow

I'm shaggy from scooby doo? I don't understand this ngl.
>"Mommy, is that a man?"

Yes and I also identify as a man. I've told you this multiple times,you being an unfunny chronic retard with paranoid delusions might be why you think people are going to be mire likely to have sex with you if you pretend to like retarded screeching albums albeit.
>herpa durr scoobie do
Good one! Go watch cartoons, fag. I'm done with you, lol.
Didn't read. Seethe.
I'm able to enjoy both Claude Vivier and Extreme Metal just fine. The issue is that Beefheart and Zappa couldn't understand and ultimately had no concept of songwriting. The tard rage was priceless though. If you're thinking about it this much you're probably the one who's trans,either that or you have schizophrenic tendencies. There's just no way.
I'm not trans,you might genuinely be retarded dude. I'm going to talk to you like a child from this point onwards desu.
You like it because you're a downie. I am not trans,you are mad because you realize being a virgin at your age isn't normal. Seek psychiatric help.
>Has a spastic meltdown
>Tries selling himself as the based gigachad afterwards

Pussy would cure you from having to pretend to like funny retard screeching. Then you could just be a retard and listen to your anime bullshit or the hasbin hotel soundtrack or whatever you actually used to.
Pussy would cure giving a shit about whoever the fuck this guy is aswell. Not important whatsoever.
See >>124131185.
>He thinks being annoying is the same thing as having a point aswell

Imagine my shock.
>implying you get pussy
The rappers with the lamest stage names are always the ones to die. Lil Peep???
2pac??? might as well call 2Pac 2 Gay
, Biggie??? aka Piggy, aka Nortorious Big Fat Fuck
, EZ-E for easy Eric. Mac Miller, short for Macaroni Miller
XXXtentacion because he likes Porno and has extensions, Nipsy Huslte?? sounds like a fag, and now Lil Watermark. ?? watermark on his crotch he peed his pants.... Lame Names make rappers die.
wtf is incelcore
To be fair the music isn’t incelcore if it’s not rock based, it’s a very specific combination of shoegaze, lo-fi grunge and pop-punk, usually made on a 4 track or 8 track.
Read >>124135811
Fujimoto is based don’t bring him up in this shit thread namefag
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He's actually not,you're just extremely extremely lame. Glad to know I was on point though. Epic sex reference funny booba oh god oh fuck I'm so lonely amirite fellow gamers? Follow for more style moment sigma relatables with ocky swag. Those who chug jug will know my Lil bro.
If you had half the iq you think you do and were significantly less of a bitch maybe you'd even be able to understand how lame and stupid that crap is for yourself. "History of Psychiatric Episodes" lol,your entire life is one big one.
>how dare these miserable outcasts band together and make music!! This doesn't normally happen!!!
They're outcast due to being cringe and gay not due to having any real world life struggle.
literally all this incelcore music is fucking trash you guys are genuinely retarded for listening to this shit and for making it a key part of your identity. you're all clearly grappling hard trying to find an identity that suits you and feels yours. its pathetic grow the fuck up.
>only 4 mentions of this literal who before 2 days ago
>he ACKs, suddenly multiple threads about it
REALLY makes me contemplate
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This is what you look like
>nooo you can't like things that I don't know about
actually no im sexy so jokes on you
Send me the link for the discord, the one's on description were expired.
why are there israel heart emojis what the fuck
S_G_ would you like to buy a vowel?
Pussy (is not what you get)
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>incelcore artist
>no hate in his heart
I suppose he was just... memeing?
Fly high lil bro
/mu/ only cares abt mainstream slop nowdays... so all the faggots here wont care...

but i care
RIP lil watermark.
Real one. I like his music
I think you might be at risk for suicide based on this encounter. Either that or maybe just in need of some overall psychiatric help.
Lil Bro is rizzing gyatts in Ohio now,on our gods for real for real.
Arent you the nigga whos off hs adhd meds?
That's not really a reliable source lol. You're also too retarded to cary yourself and too retarded to have a normal conversation so I'm really just humoring you by doing this. Like I said a psychiatrist will make you feel better. These bizzare behavior patterns will not and nobody else is going to care about Skibbidi Ohio Toilet 88s Demo "I fuck anime charecters" as much as you do either.
Hey man whatever you gotta say to sleep at night. Ill be jammin to lil watermark R.I.P like a real WATERMARKSMAN and you just gon sit there all mad and shit on 4chan.com while screaming into the void of your mattress. Make sure you wash the sheets. Yo girl Nico Pillow told me she doesnt like it too dank
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Yeah I understand you ig chose to believe that somehow. Not really reading it. Little Tardbait and his album Skbiidid Yeating is not a cultural milestone though.
Special Needs ahh response ngl,did big chungus fly out from OHIO and tell me I was NMI aswell?
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You and your body billow rn
Whoa! Epic Star Trek Meme Bro! Really showing who's the "gigachad" around these parts (I give it like 3 years until your hospitalized tops).
>Tard watched gigachad memes and thinks that he's now a "gigachad" too or even capable of understanding how reality works

Ahhh geez Rick!
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That explains a couple things. Dude watches rick and morty.
>Implying the average Tardcore Meme Music Fan doesn't

No but my girlfriend does. I avoid it for the most part unless she's really insistent on it. It was very amusing to hear your interpretations of reality though.
You are visibly a retard,people will not think you are a coolguy gigachad badass for liking Lil Watermark in real life either they will also mercilessly mock you for it. Pretty good sign something is wrong with you there.
Only comeback is different variations of calling someone retarded. Lolmaoing at your life
Yeah,ok. Lmk how your therapist feels about your shitty retard music. I don't care. The rest of the world isn't listening to Lil Watermark either I garuntee this.
That might also be because you're clearly mentally challenged. There's really nothing for you to "lolmao" (lmao) at. You're an object of pity.
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He's talking about a therapist again. This dude believes in paywalls for human interaction.
I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you.
Don't kill yourself! Today sucks,Tomorrow might not. Other than that yeah you're prettymuch fucked. Let me guess no job experience because you're not a "wagecuck" (nowhere would hire you)?
>I'm rubber,you're glue"

This is not nearly as clever or cool as you think it is but sure. I'm gonna go smoke a joint probably or maybe just go back to sleep idfk. Let me know how this strategy works for you in real life.
Rage quit
I don't doubt that you "rage quit" things a lot no,thanks for sharing that you were extensively bullied in high-school I guess. Maybe that would be a better issue to bring up with your therapist than with Netspend or Lil Skibbidi Gamer.
This dudes best come back is that I got bullied in high school. Normies these days.....#bigsigh
You're not normal BTW. That's why everyone talks to you like you're a 5 year old.
>"Normies these days"

I mean you probably get bullied daily as a grown man aswell. You seem like the type to be a massive laughing stock to everyone. I just correctly read your behavior as insecure posturing.
Dudes still talking about bullying. Lmao
You're bashing your head into the wall and crying to yourself or something probably. It's not an effective larp for you whatever you're trying to do here. I'm sorry thst I could see through that.
Still talking about head bashing.
I'm just worried about you is all. I think a degree of pity here is natural.
Still talking about pity
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>sad news
more like good news
You're just repeating the same phraise over and over now. It's sad. You could always just admit the obvious.
Fucking based news honestly. Funny to see these guys squeeling and posturing about it.
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Yeah you have been though. This is like the funniest tard out you could have possibly had desu. I'm assuming you think you're the one "winning" here?
This is like an increasingly less and less funny spazz out. Was funnier before you just started crying nonstop. I'm sure I'm not allowed to call it that but yeah.
Talking about crying again.
This is equivalent to you bashing your head into the wall and cry screaming in a high pitch because nobody could find your Deadpool figurine yes.
I had better conversations with Jeff Bezos tbhq
Here we go again. Insert generic comment here. Heads, walls, character, tard. Lol. Its like talking with an AI
You don't have conversations with anyone. You tard out and then convince yourself it was "based and real punk" and then get asked to leave.
That would be your overall lack of self awareness. It's not random lol,trust me. You're not gonna be able to have a real conversation anyway.
Wow how original. Tard comment. Help I broke the AI. This dude pays for a 4chan pass
Yeah,this is in fact a tard comment,glad you're finally picking up that you're visibly retarded and nothing you say is funny nor clever. I'm gonna go roll up and smoke.
>I'm supposed to believe the tard who listens to Lil Watermark doesn't pay for a 4Chan Pass
>I'm supposed to believe if he had anybody willing to talk to him he would be on here discussing Lil watermark or forcing himself to pretend like this

We live in a society.
Another tard comment about weed
Another reiteration of my comment but in a different way. I love my simps
If you weren't too retarded and upsetting to score any you wouldn't be posting about Lil Ohio Chungu X and The Skibbidi Woman Haters to begin with yet here we are.
You don't have any,I'm glad I could give you your daily human interaction though.
>gf forces him to do things
kek good to know who wears the pants in your relationship
Right? What a faggot. Bet that nigga wears panties that say cum in my ass
You have no concept of how relationships work is really what you're sharing here but yes we already knew that.
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>You have on concept of how relationships work
Dude is so mad his fingers are having a stroke
>"I'm delusional and have no real response to this so I'm going to double down on being delusional"

I know.
Wheres the delusion bro bro? You comment didnt delete on time. The proof is in the strike out post number.
Everywhere. Where isn't it would be a better question. You can stop trying to talk in faux TikTok AAVE now. It's really cringe.
I said nothing about the comment holy shit. Imagine being this retarded.
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I was talking about your general attitude and grasp on reality and your own situation. I'm assuming these things don't occur to a based pro gamer such as yourself. Makes sense.
Let me guess Tiny:You're also a fan of Post-Rock,Hyperpop,and Trout Mask Replica? Soooo special lol.
The bots broken. Pro gamer move on his part.
I think you'd be the one who knows more about Pro-Gaming but sure "bro" we can pretend you're not a biohazard I guess. Still wouldn't want to be the one handling you.
But no,the connection is pretty one to one. It's music fat retarded failures like you pretend to like in order to seem intelligent while everybody else just laughs at them for it. You're not new.
Damn spam measures arent working too well. A bots on the lose with some unoriginal insults
You keep saying unoriginal but that's only because you're not nearly as special as you think you are rofl. Enjoy Lil Ohio Nas x and The Racist Skibbidi Toilets though I guess. Totally gonna stand the test of time I'm sure. I'll be enjoying music with actual substance while you're doing that.
This dude got so mad, one of the words in his name fell off.
This would be how it looks to anyone who remotely takes part in the outside world,sorry you had to learn this way. There are "E Punk Bands" that are cool but this is not one.
>"He got so mad"

You were the one crying to yourself in all caps. I know you think it was edgy and badass so that's probably very different though. If you want me to help you find music that is actually listenable I always could. I know you can't do that yourself.
>AI, I posted it again
That's because it's true and your grasp on reality is limited. Shit and fake punk. Listen to UK82.
Admits to being an AI
This fag (>>124148140) has spent most of his week being made fun of by various strangers on the internet and the loser is still still going.
Retarded screeching because I pointed out the obvious.
Has no other response but to call someone a retard. Pick up a thesaurus puss puss
You're talking like a weird dork again,do you need my help forming normal sentences? I think you're angry now because it sticks,and yeah you clearly have some kinda anger issue along with that.
Talking about his anger and special needs again. Yaaaaaaaaawn. Listen to some real music, & tell Nico pillow to get off that heroin and onto suboxone
>I'm supposed to believe this is an endightment on myself at the same time as you try and talk like an anime charecter

Let's just keep it to the music then:It's fucking awful. This reminds me of when I was 12 and thought Agrotech was cool or something,how the fuck are you a grown man?
>"Listen to some real music"

>Proceeds to only listen to retarded special needs screeching bands where every song is literally exactly the same

lol ok. I guess you could level the same thing against black metal but seriously holy shit is incelcore copy past retardo shit. I'm guessing you listen to MLP Fan Music too?
He's saying im an anime character again because he wishes to be with his people. It is OK Mrs Nico Pillow. Take in the shitty punk with deep breaths. Ohmm...Mediate on it and you shall recive almighty Sperg....
He's so fucked he can barely keep up with both threads.
What did you even mean by Recycling Bin here? You're losing me I'll give you that. Idk I'm listening to AOR lol. Sorry that happened ig.
Nigga doesnt understand the concept of recycling. Delusional.
holy newfags itt not knowing who nicotranny is
Not sure how you got that but enjoy killing yourself in your mid 30s because you're le heckin virgin with rage ig.
Some people can find the clitoris.
Vax status???
Damn he's telling me to kill myself again? Jerkin it in the recycle bin.
I am but I worked for a hospital at the time,I was making good money and there wasn't much choice. Not claiming I was a doctor either,they just fucking pay well lol.
You really tried. It's like I said kinda sad though.
Acting like he's some kind of god what a simp
>you're screeching
>[writes lines and lines in multiple responses to the same post]
You're a joke.
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>Discord troon
Rest in piss.
>spends days raging at the fact everyone is pointing out he's retarded
>too retarded to realize it proves he's retarded

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