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What is the best NWOBHM album?
Streetcleaner or Symphonies of Sickness
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Well, ignoring the likes of Iron Maiden, Venom, Motorhead, Def Leppard, etc. I still don't know but this is my jam lately. It's very American sounding for NWOBHM but it jams.
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Pic related is hard to beat.
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Not sure about the best, but this is probably the most underrated.
You already posted it, although Lightning To The Nations by Diamondhead is a close second.
Always a classic

Me and my friends used to change "witch" for "bitch" in the title track like YOOOOURE AN ANGEL BITCH, YOU'RE AN ANGEL BITCH

Lmao. Nice. It’s one of the best albums ever, across all genres.
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Big fan of pic related. One of the GOATs, in my opinion.
Court in the Act. Saxon fucking sucks.
pic rel or Angel Witch

For years I thought this band was called Tigers of Poontang, still think thats a better name, wtf is pan tang?
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Old rock and metal bands were obsessed with Japshit
No clue. It’s a sick name though, either way you cut it.
That’s a sick album though. Early Tokyo Blade is the truth.
If I, like you, ignore the obvious ones (Motorhead, Maiden, Priest) I would say
it's this and it's not even a debate.

very worthy honorable mentions

good album but for me it's pic related. this song could have been a seminal metal staple if it had the right promotion.
this >>124121970
or pic related
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pan tang is a fictional place in the fantasy writer michael moorcock's 'elric' universe
where my fisters at?
btw this is in no way the best NWOBHM album i just wanted to post "where my fisters at?"
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right here!
Saxon does not suck, especially the early albums.
More a song genre
These would all have to be contenders though. Also check out the band TANK.
you don't know anything about metal. stop posting.
Stop spazzing out and just ignore me then lol.
Saxon fucking rock. Inconsistant albums though. Like I said NWOBHM was a singles genre,not really a genre of extremely iconic albums as much as extremely iconic songs. The Average Normie couldn't name a single Maiden Album but they've heard The Trooper or Wasted Years or The Hammer by Motorhead or Judas Priest at some point as a given.
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Everyone in this thread, I beg you, discover Demon the band and listen to these albums:

Night of the Demon
The Unexpected Guest
The Plague
British Standard Approved
Heart of Our Time
Hold On to the Dream

It is worth it. If nothing else, check out Night of the Demon. Take a ride through the countryside and just listen to it.

It is the number one most precious musical thing I've discovered and I can't thank chance enough.

The second most prized is Ruler - Rise to Power, the album.
Everyone check out Praying Mantis - Lovers to the Grave live
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I dig this
It's this one. The riffs on this go hard as fuck.
I mean yeah if we're pretending iron maiden doesn't exist it's probably this one
I was gonna do my rant about how being the most popular band doesn't make them the best but in this case you might actually be right. Pretty good group. I enjoy Saxon more as a whole but they were solid all throughout the 80s. Not so sure about after.
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TANK is badass. Pic related is one of my favorite albums ever.
Tank fucking rule yeah. Questionable possible subtext mind you,also find it very very funny that Too Tired to Wait for Love is a clear precursor to the attack on titan themesong. Assuming this is a dogwhistle and the creator knew what he was doing although i could be being a "libtard" and reading too much in. I straight up think they copied a song off this album and made it the theme though,which honestly I can't blame them for. It IS a nice song.
Bump for an actually decent thread about killer music.
It's based,kind of ironic that country,rap,metal,and videogame soundtracks are the only types of music /mu/ can discuss with any degree of taste. You'd think it would be the genres that they actually like but alas.
75% of this board are retarded zoomers who spam the same shit day-in and day-out. I’m sure half the people in this thread are over 30. lol.
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Not one mention of this bad boy?!?! You guys are asleep at the wheel. One of the best ever.
not an album but a great single
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This is a good album
Finally someone posted Vardis. Fuck yes.
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IMO the best band too, overall, their 90s records are like trad metal Voivod.
Also good album.
Based,you guys chose well ngl.
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Crazy how no one has posted this. Massively underrated.
This album fucks
Bump for an actual music thread. Kek
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Honorable mention for pic related.
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This song always makes me want to beat the shit out of someone in a rainy dark alleyway in London circa 1984.
Chateaux and Grim Reaper were the real stars of Ebony Records but Savage was alright. I prefer the more Def Leppard sounding stuff of their sophomore album however late it is.
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Probably my favorite 'underrated' NWOBHM band that hasn't been mentioned yet. Sort of adjacent to Motorhead, Tank, and even Exciter from Canada.
I hear that. I do prefer their debut over the sophomore album though. That guitar tone is fucking disgusting. Apparently Hetfield loved that sound so much that it influenced the Kill em All tone. Savage is based as fuck.
Do Bulldozer count? Listening to day of wrath now and it's pretty good but more on the venom side of things
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move over, virgins
As good as that album is, it doesn’t hold a candle to most every album mentioned in this thread so far. You know this.
absolutely not. high n dry is top 5 NWOBHM no question. out of all of the bands mentioned ITT they by far have the most distinct sound.
This is the best thread on /mu/ ever, by a long shot. Haven't seen this posted yet:
I like it more than most, but desu, I would only call their debut nwobhm based on style. High n dry is so much like their attempt at being a melodic AC/DC, and its great
cool track, I'll check out the album but that cover looks like some gay sauna orgy action
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where Raven?
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Form me it's gothic NWOBHM
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worth a mention
slayer - show no mercy. Fight me faggots
Also with the same singer
Old farts always wrote that Ebony Records was like the repository for B-grade stuff, whereas Neat Records was the goat.

Here's some more obscure stuff, that I've missed despite digging this genre for almost two decades.
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Riot is honorary NWOBHM
based weebs
Try these:
>The Blood - Se Parare Nex
>Morticia - Mortal Fear (from US but w/e)
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Here's some underrated quality NWoBHM
these guys had a knack for writing catchy choruses
Wildfire rarely gets mentioned, but this album has some great hooks and energetic riffing. The vocalist sounds similar to the one in Magnum, Praying Mantis and maybe slightly like Blackie Lawless from WASP.
Not NWOBHM and you know that.
Iron Maiden-Killers
YES....................... IT................................... IS. It's american nwobhm. Show no mercy is america's response to venom!
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Yea it is! Actual music being discussed by actual fans, on /mu/?! Get the fuck outta here. Kek. Pic released is an honorable mention, even though it is Priest. I put it in the ballpark of NWOBHM.
Duh, everyone knows that. It’s their response and it is great. Easily my favorite Slayer album. They weren’t responding to Venom as much as they were to Mercyful Fate. Kerry said they were a Fate cover band for the first few years. Lol
Killers is based as fuck and is my favorite Maiden album. It’s a perfect NWOBHM record. RIP Paul.
I thought RIOT were an actual NWOBHM band when I first heard Swords & Tequila. I was absolutely shocked to find out that they WEREN'T from England. Amazing record from an underrated band. Thundersteel is fucking sick as well.
they were fans of iron maiden and mercyful fate first and foremost. Maybe a smidge of punk influence (like whatever motorhead was doing, west coast punk) but their influences are iron maiden and mercyful fate no doubt. But their riffing and overall sound is predominantly venom no doubt in my mind. They were far more technically proficient when it came to songwriting but their intensity and image was entirely venom. They wanted to be the next venom not the next iron maiden or mercyful fate. But I'm 100% any of the slayer guys would choose mercyful fate and the first two maiden over anything by venom or punk they grew up with like the stooges.
For sure. That all checks out. Either way you cut it though, Slayer fucking rips and we have to thank those bands for helping form what became Slayer.
for sure. Slayer will always mog garbage music like the smiths
bruce before spandex
I consider this era of Priest to NWOBHM.
And regardless, it's a great album. Exciter and Better By You are 10/10 songs
These two singles are my favorite NWOBHM songs
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Based. Stained Class is a 10/10 album and is quite possibly Priest’s best.
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Super based thread. Well done, OP. Paul would be proud.
tank's albums are very uneven in terms of song quality in my experience but they have some bangers for sure.
Based. I wish they kept up the heat after this one, but they quickly moved to a more MTV friendly sound
nwobhm is not a genre. an american band cannot be part of the new wave of BRITISH heavy metal.
I half agree
NWOBHM has a sound associated with it, but trash metal shouldn't count regardless of country of origin since it's more of a successor
>NWOBHM has a sound associated with it
only because the bands helped codify the classic heavy metal sound that was pioneered by judas priest in the late 70s. but remember that venom are technically part of the nwobhm, and they don't sound like iron maiden or judas priest at all. I wouldn't really say that witchfinder general, witchfynd, praying mantis, or even tank or angel witch do either.
Persian Risk
>but trash metal shouldn't count regardless of country of origin since it's more of a successor
show no mercy is speed/heavy metal dominated thrash. They literally just sound like venom on steroids. They're directly imitating a nwobhm band and throwing maiden, motorhead and priest influences into the mix (also nwobhm bands). I would consider us power metal bands like manilla road as american nwobhm. Bands from germany like iron angel would be german nwobhm. Slayer on show no mercy is american nwobhm. They became thrash metal on hell awaits. That's when they had a unique sound similar to death thrash like possessed or morbid saint.
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Well said.
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Bump for a based thread.
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Pretty Basic but It's just that Good
Cloven Hoof
Tetelestai should've been on the album.
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The Paradyne one is a cool track. An example of what I recognize as clear Hawkwind influence on the British scene. Gives it almost a Krautrock motorik rhythm.
You hear something similar here:
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Great thread. Well done my fellow psychopaths!
I love Riot. Mercyful Fate, also similar position of timeline and sound lining up with NWOBHM but not being British.
>angel witch, witchfinder general, tank aren't NWOBHM

>Slayer on show no mercy is american nwobhm.
first instincti is to say "No!" but then i realized if you count venom as NWOBHM, you'd have to count slayer too. both were on the heavier/faster side and brought in satanic themes and the studded leather ware.
NWOBHM isn't a sound, but there is a sound. Like there are obvious outliers, like Maiden or Venom who were influential to things like power metal and thrash. But to me, something like Angel Witch is much more "the sound". But there were doomy bands, more hard rocky bands, etc, it was a scene not a solidified genre.
>angel witch, witchfinder general, tank aren't NWOBHM
I did not say that
>Mercyful Fate, also similar position of timeline and sound lining up with NWOBHM
I get so sick of people calling mercyful fate black metal just because they used satanic imagery. their sound is pure classic heavy metal. they're definitely honorary nwobhm.
While the NWOBHM musicians do not consider it to be its own style, there is underlying musical roots to the whole 'platform' as it's called. I'm talking about Hard Rock. Internet genre autists today will try and tell you heavy metal means something completely different than hard rock, but I'd ask them what exactly they thought the OLD WAVE of British "Heavy Metal" was and what were the big bands who laid the paradigm for what the NWOBHM were doing? In truth "Heavy Metal" is a misnomer, a buzzword invented by magazines. While "Hard Rock" might also be a similar buzzword, it at least gives you a somewhat clear stylistic description in the vein of "acid rock", "prog rock", "folk rock", etc.
Just scrolled past and saw some good mentions, for me Defenders of the faith is THE best traditional heavy metal album.
In the 70s, 80s, and even early 90s, "hard rock" and "heavy metal" were synonyms. Only in more modern times do people consider "metal" strictly to mean gothic imagery/dark bands with harsh vocals

But, in either case retrospectively, to me hard rock is still a style. It's just more like AC/DC and Aerosmith, it had the same fans as metal, but you can make a distinction between them and something like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, who were more definitively "metal", which basically means less blues oriented and not just a harder edged version of old school American rock.
>mercyful fate
i only call them first wave in /metal/ because it makes certain bmcels have conniption fits
if we're talking about the best priest album, i have a hard time placing defenders over screaming for vengeance. defenders is more consistent, but they do not reach the sky highs of the hellion/electric eye/riding on the wind.
One hell of a thread filled with super based fans. Love to see it on /mu/ in 2024, of all fucking places. Freewheel Burniiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
>Judas Priest
*not* NWOBHM
they fuckin invented NWOBHM mutherfucker
Motörhead and Priest, more or less, started the NWOBHM movement, in my opinion.
Budgie had four albums out before Priest even had one.
probably because album cover looks like the lamest tabletop game instruction manual
still killer music though
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Never released a full length but great riffs nonetheless.

Midas Light is a great track
Purists say it means the UK metal scene from '79-83, releases past that point are with a "post" prefix.
It started around a time when magazines were writing how heavy metal is dead. The genre itself is heavy rock of the 70's being influenced mainly by the punk music of UK. There are many examples of different genres overlapping in this period.

This is few years past the wave's prime, but it's a weird compilation with synth-pop and nwobhm.
Didn't live back then, but 79-83 was a different time for certain. Heavy metal for certain found its mold, but I prefer the weird shit like band members dressing in white suits instead of the "denim and leather" uniform of the genre. Guitar solos with tinny sounds and organs playing the rhythm etc.
>Purists say it means the UK metal scene from '79-83
yeah because 83 is the birth of thrash. you're not a new wave anymore if a different genre that was inspired by you is starting up.
Why are you asking questions you already know the answers to?
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>I prefer the weird shit like band members dressing in white suits instead of the "denim and leather" uniform of the genre. Guitar solos with tinny sounds and organs playing the rhythm etc.
my good brother, can I assume you have taken the Saracen pill?
I can't be the only one
>why are you discussing music on the music forum?
More goths sounding like NWOBHM

So was the denim and leather attire started by Judas priest?
Rob Halford brought it in from the gay community
a bit ironic, innit?
Definitely! but the gay community back then was mostly hypermasculine. See: the movie Cruising for instance
holy based
I always wondered if Budgie was apart of the NWOBHM movement or not. In For The Kill is one hell of an album.
Iron Maiden s/t, also the next two Saxon albums are better.
Top 5 for sure.
Very underrated record.
Very average record, follow up is better.
Top 3 along with Lightning to the Nations and Iron Maiden debut.
That's a hard rock/AOR record wrongfully lumped in with NWOBHM.
I almost forget that Venom are NWOBHM. They sound so unique and unlike anything else that came out of Britain at the time.
Underrated band, their next two albums are even better but are more in the style of US power metal.
NWOBHM implies NEW so no Budgie, Priest and Motorhead are not NWOBHM they are all had records out several years before NWOBHM especially Budgie.
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Great thread. Good to see you psychos coming out in full force.
budgie aren't a metal band at all. neither are UFO before anyone brings them up.
Budgie rip tho
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Budgie were “proto metal”, just like Rush were for their first four albums. They’re heavy as fuck and pic related is their best example.
RUSH are pretty "proto metal" on "Fairwell to Kings" aswell,but more importantly every other Prog Rock Band ever is "Proto Metal ",maybe not all but most. Could make a pretty good argument for Magma,Van Der Graaf Generator,ELP,Camel,Yezda Urfa,almost all Krautrock,and almost all the Italian shit having some metal like tendencies before they really had a word for that. I do agree Black Sabbath is overrated and that it was a bit more complicated than that though.
smoking on anything rn? I have some strawberry sativa.
I just smoked a joint. I'm listening to thst Brazilian Dudes Album. The one with the kids sitting in the middle of tbe jungle or wherever the fuck that wss supposed to be. It's pretty good. Honestly thought it was gonna be le quirky meme album again but was very surprised that it was actually good. I just don't really trust 4Chan Recomendations lol.
Iron Maiden is genuinely a good band though. I woild say Saxon and Wolf and Tank are all just as good but Maiden are unironically pretty based.
I think metal as we know it is a mix of prog,hard rock,psych rock,and aor basically and only really became a truly fully formed genre with NWOBHM in the late 70s and very early 80s and then various German bands in the 80s. There also isn't really a full distinction between punk and metal anymore and probably won't be again tbqh.
oh clube da esquina? that's some npr radio type shit. Also I used to think you were really gay but you're actually not that bad. It's actually the other uptight faggots at /mu/ that're the problem. But I heard you were a pedophile and sorry man but I think pedophiles are fucking weird. Also i'm listening to the first internal bleeding.
I can definetely see that yeah. I think my grandparents probably. Not sure where you would have heard that. Sounds like it was probably a troll.
Maybe that's a you problem desu. Very weird thing to say.
>Sounds like it was probably a troll
guess so. I think this -> >>124153265 is garbage because of circuit 7. These are really good -> >>124152843 , >>124145664. I like riot.
Yeah that was a really weird thing for you to say lol. Maybe talk to a counselor or something.
why do you multi reply a lot btw? Do people call you out on it a lot so you just decide to keep doing it to stick it to them?
No it's just a really weird thing for you to say. I think you might need some help there lol. Not really a me problem though.
>Yeah that was a really weird thing for you to say lol
don't worry about it. It's just trolling right? happens on the internet all the time.
Tinfoil hat shit but sure bro,whatever makes you feel less suicidal ig. As for the metal part of your post idrfk about the exact definition. I know I like Tank,Saxon,Tigers of Pan Am,Mötorhead,Wolf,and a couple other bands that seem to get labeled as NWOBHM prettymuch universally. I like Cloven Hoof,think tha might have been a little later.
but you multi reply like all the time? why?
Oh,idk. I guess I just tend to break my thoughts up into parts maybe? I'm not actuslly sure if I do that. I don't really know. I guess I just got used to it or something.
Hey, are you gonna help me free Spottem or not?
I had a like paranoid breakdown due to drug use the other yeae or so but it was just that. No real meaning to it but that's why I stopped taking psychedelics prettymuch. I just had a couple months were I was kinda paranoid or in a constant state of fear I guess. Idk. I think maybe psychedelics just aren't good for me.i thought I was being watched and shit. I thought there were cryptic trying to break into my apartment. It's just yk I guess maybe as based as it is tripping just isn't for me. Yk fuck do I miss it though.
>whatever makes you feel less suicidal
lol classic nico sperg guy
>Tank, Saxon, Tigers of Pan Am, Mötorhead, Wolf
tank and motorhead are kino but I like saxon too. Tygers are good. Ironically enough they wrote a song like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V8YmiawUik
kinda like motorhead with jailbait. It was a different time then I guess.
Ok,thanks for sharing that I guess.
>paranoid breakdown
psychedelics always calm me down. I don't get how people get paranoid off it?
do you like internal bleeding?
I think with autism I'm very good at yk categorizing things and some yk probably self esteem issues desu but I was always very cynical yk as a kid even I guess. I just think it doesn't interact well with me being a "sperg" really. It's like idk I think I'm better off drinking. Least not regularly anymore.
I think so idk. I'm not big fan of Death Metal in general.
You should take them again just incase.
Nah. I've been doing better. Also their definetely aren't crryptids trying to break into the apartment so I'm kinda just assuming I was taking too much yk or it's just not something that agreed with me ig. I feel like Mushrooms fuck me up more physically too desu. Yk barfing and shitting and fucking shaking and twisting around a lot. I was drinking a lot too mind you. I'm just mostly smoking weed now.
I had to go back on my anxiety meds and everything though I'm good. No more psychedelics lol. I honestly wish I'd just stuck to doing stimulants. Addies mostly,but just drinking is alright yk.
>Also their definetely aren't crryptids trying to break into the apartment
How do you know they aren't real? You gotta make sure my man. I mean I've seen shit out in the woods man.
take some rum and ambien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5o2F2zKgWs
>anxiety meds
You on them xans or kpins?
Psychedelics are based if you can control how you use them but I'm not really known for doing that and I think yk it is what it is.
Haha,ok. Maybe this is too serious of a conversation for you. Forgot this is 4Chan.
Dude from personal experience I can tell you skin walkers are real. Now what do you think about that?
No just Zoloft. It was pretty bad though. I'm not really trying to do it again. I genuinely got schizopilled for a while and now I'm more or less fine. Fuck knows I miss tripping though.
Idk dude. Maybe but I think I'm alright. No more tripping for me for a very long time yk.
And your dick is still working. Cuz if it doesn't work 100% it'll be the zoloft it can be irreversible if you don't immediately stop the medication. Just fyi.
Nah my divk has always worked fine and I was on it in high-school too. It would have already happened. I'm good. Stop trying to ruin my high.
All I'm saying is. There's shit out there and you don't need to be tripping on drugs experience it because it's very much real.
Hey I'm just warning you if it did stop working out of the blue you would need to stop. Just tryna save ur diik bro.
i heard smoking weed also gives you ED.
Damm, yeah I looked it up and this is true.
Well it hasn't. You seem very insecure desu. Maybe a little mentally unstable aswell.
My dick works fine. I think maybe you have trouble using yours.
Where do you think he is right now?
Idk man. Are you sure it's the same as it used to be?
Feel a lot better taking anxiety medication and smoking a bit of Marijuana here and there than I did tripping idk. I love pot and kinda always did.
Yeah,are you just trying to be a dick or gross me out or what? Like what's your deal here bro? I'm not doing shit to you yk? I took it the entire time I was a kid and it still works fine. My fucking dick hasn't changed since smoking weed either. You need to learn what questions you're even allowed to ask.
And it doesn't hurt when you pee? No burning sensation or anything, even a small amount of pain?
You need help.
I am a qualified penis doctor btw
Ermm I'm trying to help you and your penis so there's no need to be embarrassed (we've all got one). Now has there been any trauma to your penis recently? Any kicks or blows to this area of your anatomy??
What the hell is going on in the last stretch of this thread
What's going on is that men's health is important. That's what's going on.
One of the best threads in weeks gets completely derailed by schizo garbage retarded dick banter between two losers. Welcome to /mu/ in 2024. Holy shit, you guys are fucking massive faggots.
make it better by posting music. Who wants to hear your complaining?
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Literally 1/4 of this thread is made up by my contributions thus far, retard. Get fucked.
ok? what did you post. I bet it was all the shit recs dumb bitch
Black Axe
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Get a load of this guy. Lol
nico sperg calls himself a pedophile.
holy shit get a fucking room
He's a well known pedo
Apocalypse - Midnight Train, here's some A-tier Iron Maiden aping.
MainEEaxe is underrated, I'd say they had everything to become a household name
The Black Riders, some good stuff with nice vocal melodies, hooks and a synth. But the audio quality is not doing the great music a service.
You need to go outside and get laid. Never said such a thing. My girlfriendis the same age i am. What this proves is you need psychiatric care.
I didn't do shit lol. Not my fault this guy had a retarded meltdown.
You need psychiatric counseling. I'm dead serious.
>You need psychiatric counseling
>Tard Rage hidden as le helpful spilling error when half of you can barely form a sentence
dark star
So despite the classics, what are the most consistent (consistent discogs) heavy metal acts?
Sodom,Impaled Nazarene,Acid Bath,and EYEHATEGOD
consistent in what way? as in still touring? as in still releasing good material?
Essential compilations of the genre.
Metal for Muthas Vol 1 (and 2)
New Electric Warriors
what do you mean "despite the classics"? do you mean "other than the popular bands that everyone always mentions"?

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