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/mu/ - Music

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stop having fun
music is political
Fantano hate thread?
>This song is so obnoxious that I couldn't even finish it
>guys the KSI hate is too much his new song isn't un-listenable
reminder fantano posting, including making duplicated fantano threads, is the cringiest shit in this site
>>guys the KSI hate is too much his new song isn't un-listenable
Wrong video.
Fantano should have stuck with Sam Hyde instead of letting his balls be castrated.
>perpetuates memeing and hating on music disguised as criticism
>also wants to walk it back when people do the same thing
only a matter of time before he steps in some shit he can't clean up, he's not only 'reviewing' albums but giving you up to the minute reactions to those reviews and critiques of those reviews, it can only go wrong and is a waste of time anyway, just 'review' the records and shut the hell up otherwise, poking holes in this guys facade only becomes easier and easier the more of yourself you show
Even Sam knew that couldn't happen, and he told it to his face during their interview
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Fagtano was literally the guy who pushed all that cattle "It lets me turn my brain off" rap trash from the late 2010s.
He gave Lil Pump a higher score than MBDTF.
He gave Cutouts a 5/10 and didn’t even mention Bodies Laughing, Eyes & Mouth or No Words in the review. He is aurally challenged.
fuck off

But fagtano really wants to pretend that didn't happen.


But he really loves to remind people it's "JuSt HiS oPuiNiOn" but loves to remind people over and over that he hates the album.
Fagtano and FagD Signifier are fucking annoying.
What's with the homophobia in this thread? Not cool /mu/.
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no you see if I review music YOU LIKE then I have no reason to recommend music I LIKE

I can tolerate FD since he isn't too annoying with his opinions and he's at least smart (at times), but do I really need multiple KANYE videos from him.
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>>>/r/ope is that way, leftshit
Didn't he give a 10/10 to that charli xcx album
Jimmies status: rustled
it is doe
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>He gave Lil Pump a higher score than MBDTF
holy shitt, WHat?
Cool! >>>/r/ope
they always have glasses too
low-t phenotype
Why is this guy even famous? His videos aren't particulary insightful
Fuck that faggot
how about you politick my fat nuts in your mouth while i blast babymetal
argue it intelligently
He doesn't think about you at all
lol that's a lie

"He doesn't think about you at all"

> always bitches about those who don't approve of his opinions.
>I'll kill Fantano right hand on The Bible
Which one of those is you?
it was THAT good tho. everything else is an L take from fantano
Hyde's also an annoying fag
He was a guy making moderately polished reviews on a consistent basis, anyone could have done it, he was just there first and didn't stop
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Everything is political you 60 IQ retard, and you know it because even this board has either a leftypol music thread or a nazi music thread every now and then. Politics is fun, and it's part of the fun of music (you know, the fact that every song you will ever hear was made by a living human person with slightly or widely different views and opinions than your own, and you can still enjoy or hate it, wether it's thanks to, or regardless of the artist's politics, which speaks to your own political character).

No song, no art piece, and no action, thought or word executed by a person is free of politics. Politics influences everything around you, and you, constantly and in every sense of the word. The social, economic and geopolitical policies of every administration of every country in human history has shaped the kinds of musics that societies produce and enjoy. If you want to live in denial of this fact, just remember:
Poor bait
This is literally elementary school shit you NEET. Unironically a simple syllogism: if you're not pushing against the status quo, then you are implicitly supporting it (notice there's no moral claim here, just a simple statement of fact). Again, you are free to live in the illusion of being disconnected from reality, but reality is not disconnected from you.
So how's your sex life?
Is this fag worse than that christgau retard? He usually didn't even mention music in his lame reviews
>elementary school shit
And that's where it should stay
I've probably been with more girls in the last 4 years than your family lineage the last 10 generations nigga
Maybe don't post links to videos for someone you hate. The free advertising you just gave him is worth pennies sure but the hate you feel for him is worth even less.
All "politics" in music is just aesthetic ornaments, what the artist believes or what he thought while making a song hardly matters, all that matters in music is the surface.
Hang fantano posters at public squares.
Why can we have Fantano threads but not Brad ones? Stupid jannies
Daughters YWGWYW is still a 10 btw
Because he gets triggered when people talk about him on /mu/
Fantanos politicals are based, only chuds are offended
Lil Pump had some decent tracks though
nobody has cared about /mu/ in probably 8-10 years
Fantano is the Tim Pool of music
>Fantanos politicals are based, only chuds are offended
His politics align with whatever is the safest pedestrian internet user take. He searches Google News every week for "got cancelled" and then tries to act like whatever the opposite of that is what he's always believed, and any artists material he reviews that doesn't align automatically get -5 applied to his actual review score.

Which is totally fine, since all reviews are subjective and he's not creating any actual art in the process, just dry humping popular opinion.
At what point did he stop reviewing an eclectic range of genres and shift over to 90% nig shit? I'm thinking..2012? Where do I even go if I wanted to see what's out in experimental electronic exp. pop etc nowadays? Is there anyone who is the equivalent of like 2009-fantano?

the thing is he only became more political following the Fader incident, and it seems he has to constantly BE political or else he'll be accused of being far right.
Fantano will win presidency in 2028. He will be the first democratic socialist president.
>music is political
i know they say music is more left wing but which brand of left wing? anarchist? socialist? socdem? there is infighting among leftists too
Fagtano is basically a "How do you do, fellow kids?" guy at this point. Him getting bullied by zoomers over the Kanye shit was embarrassing.
Who are you talking about here? Oh, you must be referring to Far Right Internet Personality Mr. Fantano.
You will hear a song of a dude wanting to fuck a bitch, and you will try to analyze it politically lmao. What makes music great is the sonics, everything else comes second

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