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Previous >>124159653

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Thread rule: lewding IVE girls is public admission your mom's a diseased whore.
18 hours until 123 IVE
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And I think I'm retarded for making thread almost 24/7.
Finally, it's so fucking close I can taste it.
Stalker Wony...
nah its severe mental illness, because of a kid too
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10 10 10 10 10 10
how can they all be so perfect?
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A miracle.
stars(hip) aligned
You guys call her Leeseo, I call her Hyunseo because we're cool like that.
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IVE Roulette?
IVE Roulette!
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wony went babymode
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me holding the banana
lucky shit
womy playing with my banana
He doesn't know how lucky he is.
there's hundreds of thousands of men who would kill for that
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seeing them coddling kids hits different
doesn't leeseo have a younger sister

Was a nice outfit
4 years younger yes
Yea, it's rough knowing probably none of them will be a mother.
>240811 was 11 years ago
Those were the days...
why wouldn't liz be a mother, she'll prob do her 10 years and retire when with her wealth
she's korean
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Elizabeth high speed jumpscare.
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iso ghost apparition
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lewd after dark womy pics
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sniffing the armrest
leeseo betrayed us. she joined aespa and tripleS
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Tokkis are copying and slandering us
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I really don't give a fuck.
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she's phasing
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>trying to summon a 7th member
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only 12 hours left for new annyeongz content!!!
i hope the gatekeep it, the reaction is so funny
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here she is
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IVE is 6, sorry.
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ive is 8!
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they should add nako so everyone can see how tall they are
only Hyewon was their age right? She would have made sense if she wasn't awful
Why is this thread so dead? Should we merge with /nwjns/? They're more active
nvm, hyewon is old as shit. got fooled by how dumb she was
get the fuck out of here with that

*secretly bookmarks*
You IZONEtards need to let it go, be happy it happened.
A few collabs and challenges would be fun though.
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we are not TARDS
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I meant no harm.
No they wouldnt
Those girls treated wony like shit now they wanna ride her coattails? Not gonna happen
this is a eurocentric thread
Holding a grudge is a childish behavior, they should work it out.
>treated wony like shit
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where is it
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Only BITCH Busan
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So uh, Taeyeon is having a comeback in november, would IVE be fucked if they had one in november too?
it don't matter
we just want more
what does that have to do with anything
Yea, I just want a comeback too.
Mostly with the music shows, I know it doesn't matter but it's nice to see wins.
Lol no
Taeyeon rarely charts like IVE or NJ, and she doesn't move millions of albums.
you dumb cunts already have a kpop spam thread on /mu/ here
Yup. These threads are duplicate spam
uh oh looks like someone needs to listen to some kpop
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I miss the I Am days
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i fucking love ive
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What a coincidence, this thread is for IVE exclusively, you are so lucky.
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hey buddy
minju and cake loved annyeongz so we should be allowed to post them
rei and some dude
Follow Rei got boring so fast
i wonder if management ever discussed putting Leeseo on a diet
dont say that
gaeul is so fucking perfect
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why did yujin turn into wony
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holy fucking omo
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thats the only ive one i have sorry
Group members dyking it out with each other does nothing for me. Just feels too unnatural. I think about the members with other groups i.e Wony and Danielle.
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would be really funny if they started wearing the same clothes and had matching hair colors...
this iso specifically
this but wony and haerin
this but minju (kim) and gaeul
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Wony and haerin are my favs
wouldn't Haerin and Leeseo make more sense being the same age?
Iso is quite boring
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christmas with wony gf
what do you get for a girl who can buy anything herself
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thinking about those donuts going straight to her hips
when these episodes come out, do you guys just watch them from the beginning or do you zoom thru looking for whatever
i get as cozy as possible under a blanket and watch them start to finish. savoring every second and then i rewatch a second time
zoom through to webm and then watch after...
are you asking if i'm a zoomer?
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you used to be able to watch the whole episode on kpg when reitard posted webms
eating isos donuts
unconditional love
31 mins
an engraved necklace
i love reitard so much
do i wait for an enchanced bitrate rip or just watch it like a pleb
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1 sec in, already got hit in the heart with glasses yujin
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no subs, cheap ass company
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RIP Reitard, he was the best.
Why does is look like the seats are real but the rest is green screened in at the beginning, lol.
workplace misconduct
yujin: i wanna bath together with leeseo

Join the club.
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that might just be you, looks normal to me lol
her toes are gigantic
me mouf
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they all got big flippers, rei and gaeul are the exceptions
Rei-chan feet look so cute. Rei-chan is so cute.
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I'm going to wait for the subs.
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careful, you might have another one of those dreams
Looking at Gaeul
They look so soft. I might be turning into one of them, it's over...
learn kkorean pabo
Too much effort for something that is not useful to me. The only content I watch is from groups big enough to have en subs and I don't plan to go to Korea ever.
If I could learn it passively like english, I'd do it easily but it's just impossible.
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keeeeek RIP
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if you say so
It's just Rei, I'm fine. I can't wait to see Yujin dominanting that part, she has to be the strong by far.
I'm just a lazy man, sorry.
>I'm just a lazy man, sorry.
Woops, meant for >>124191290
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i'm gonna wait for subs too
there are dozens of us substards
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MCz too strong, tard strength buff
Kek no fucking contest, that's just unfair.
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gaeul is so weak she just gave up
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Gaeulie, not like this...
i'll just watch my waifu cut on weibo this shit looks boring
bing chilling
webm chad
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i agree
this but yujin and ningning
would tell her anything she wanted to here, if she looked at me like that
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yeah... dont wanna post too much but 2kim got man-handled lmfao
gimme 10~ mins...
gaeul is smart here, she knows putting in effort would result in an injury
that's why Yujin had to be leader, Gaeul scares no one
Unconventional combo, interesting.
KEK, Yujin knows, Gaeul already knows, she doesn't even try. Man what a fucking great segment.
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here you go
Leeseo liking Off The Record is so expected, when I think about that song it reminds me of her the most.
iso would be perfect in illit
Seems like Yunah isn't that tall. I wonder if Xinyu stood next to Leeseo in one of these shows, that'd be cool.
true. shes my bias and thats also my favorite song
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>Unconventional combo
yeah, i read they were really close friends on kpop profiles once which is probably a massive lie lmao
it's not on there anymore BUT it did put that image in my head so here we are

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