Captain Beefheart is proof that Americans did rock better than the British. Can you imagine a British rock band that sounds anything near as inventive as Beefheart? It's a complete and total impossibility.
Gong makes the same thing but better (and it's prog).Ozric Tentacles makes the opposite and it's better (because it's psychedelic).Not to dunk on Beefheart but your theory about Americans is bullshit, son. Grow up, take a hike.
>>124435763>and it's progProg is a fine example of why British rock is inferior. I'm proud that American bands barely jumped on that prog garbage.
>>124435763>GongI thought they were french
>>124436071Americans are definitely better at music than the French, there's no question about that.
Who sings about mucus mules? Honestly.
>>124435563Henry Cow?
beefheart rulesI'm kind of torn on how trout mask has become his most well known albumon the one hand, it's really not the best place to start with himon the other, it certainly adds to the mystiquelistened to spotlight kid yesterday for the first time, cool albumlove the marimba
>>124436088Magma is the only truly great French band that comes to my mind. They haven't really distinguished themselves in rock music for some reason.
>>124436186there's some fun French garage rock and pop, but they don't take rock music seriously
>>124436186>refuse to even sing in their own language, instead inventing some made up gobbledigook languageKek, the French suck
>>124435563I agree Americans are better at rock and The Fall, a group that plait raw and simple, is my fave rock group
>>124436186French composers suck too. Debussy is shit. The French are just bad at music, period. I don't get what their problem is.
>>124439501lol pleb
>>124435563Sounding "inventive" doesn't mean they did it better. It just means they did it different.
Did he get a sticky when he died?
>>124435563I concur
>>124435563Chuck Berry is the proof of that.
Nice ragebait OP but your replies are shit. Not funny.