vocaroo.comPost your covers, originals, works in progress, etc. Anything musical is allowed. Have fun.
One more time...
>>124439452Waiting for you!
>>124439498It's a little late to record something so I'm just gonna repost an Elliott Smith cover I did/posted drunk as shit a bit back. Wrong chords I knowhttps://vocaroo.com/189vFVMzKYUc
>>124439779I liked it.
>>124439779Yeah, good job OP.
https://voca.ro/11I6otEbdzoiOne of my own songs.
>>124447157Top stuff lad, really enjoyed this. Really like your vocal style
>>124448334Thanks mate. New guitar, phone recording leaves a bit to be desired but the guitar sounds excellent in drop D.
Louis Armstrong if he sang Beatleshttps://voca.ro/1ftb2Q0I2MPN
https://voca.ro/1hK2u3w6okWK>Ondulation ASaxophone and harmonica.https://voca.ro/19CnH5ipq9ki>Ondulation BFlute, ukulele and some asshole birds outside my window.Two minimalist originals.
>>124448785tears to my eyes
Can someone do a song about Moo Deng, plz
>>124439779pretty good>>124447157nice work, are you the scot lad with the martin guitar?https://vocaroo.com/1jaZMIHBHs0yhere's something, i've been told its "true angst"-y song, i guess its a compliment when music achieves to transmit an emotion
>>124451844mix with more basshttps://vocaroo.com/1gRI6NOWNdVW
>>124451844>nice work, are you the scot lad with the martin guitar?Thanks. I am, that was played on my new Yamaha LL26 though. >>124451919Sounds better with more bass.
Here’s one of my emo band’s tracks we played at our last practice https://voca.ro/1cLZHewoXuNc
https://voca.ro/146vhyMgYQ80Bob Dylan - Not Dark Yet
>>124455248i like it, especially the drumsbump, r8 our shit guys
https://voca.ro/15TuD43DK9P1Been working on a cover of Thin Thing by The Smile. Took me ages to get that insane guitar part down in one take but pretty happy with how it’s turned out so far.
>>124455248Pretty nice. I’m hearing a bit of a jangle-pop/Smiths influence which isn’t that common in emo music. Keep doing what you’re doing.
>>124457635This is really good, how long have you been playing guitar?
>>124457684Thanks man, that was our intent with that track. Most of our other stuff is more mathrock/emo sound https://voca.ro/1lNrbSBBp7yOhttps://voca.ro/13v4cT61fLBm
Someone cover a Neutral Milk Hotel song.
should this be a dungeon synthish thing or should it transform into a memphis style beat around the scale change at the end? feedback appreciated. pic not relatedhttps://voca.ro/17kpDcD2dTdZ>>124455248based
https://voca.ro/1b2gPjOHkMswTrying to write something evil n mysterious, yet beautiful and fantastical. Still needs some work
>>124463715>https://voca.ro/1b2gPjOHkMswthis is good, i would suggest not making the mood changes come in more smoothly like have one instrument go from beautiful to more mysterious while having the other instruments remain on the beautiful theme over that for a bit then change, besides that maybe repeat parts more?also do you have yt or souncloud or bandcamp? would love 2 hear more, and do you use reason?
>>124455248>>124460979These are really well orchestrated
https://voca.ro/1hYiWFz4d0pOMy tongue in cheek song about being in a traditional housewife role
>>124439779>begins with a burpNice. Sounds really comfy. You have a sweet and calming voice, anon.>>124448785I don't know whether to cry from joy or piss myself laughing, thanks mate, fucking top kek.>>124451844Oh, I like this! Sounds like something I'd love listening to while it's raining outside.>>124455248Very interesting percussion style, sounds funky. I haven't got the slightest idea of how to play music but I love chromatic riffs and funky beats. I wouldn't have imagined this is emo at first glance.>>124457684Yeah, it sounds a bit Smiths-y. Very nice!>>124457635>pic relatedbro be slappin' that guitar harder than the economy's slappin' my unemployed ass, fucking nice
>>124463552The synth sounds like it trying to go somewhere but doesn't sound it just kinda rests in the same chord, I like the piano melody though and it sounds good alongside the synth, but it doesn't progress out of the same melody enough imo. That b section with the pads was nice though. The key change comes out of nowhere and doesn't really hit the way a key change should. Either it should hit hard or be seamless, and this is neither>>124450390https://voca.ro/14MZ9vLvZCHq>>124463779>i would suggest not making the mood changes come in more smoothlyDid you mean to say this? If not I get your point, especially at the end it switches to too positive too quickly. I'm not sure
>>124466842Oh and yeah I do have a channel Peanutgallery4 on YouTube and soundcloud
>>124447157I knew it was going to be you before I even opened the roo.
>>124464769Never let whitey set the groove jfc
>>124455248really good
>>124455248>>124460979Damn, hell yeah>>124463552I like the idea of a ghetto memphis style beat. I actually think the song should be significantly simplified. Keep the 1st and 2nd sections only, but significantly simplify the 2nd section. The song has too many places and key changes it goes to for it to be a ghetto ass beat
https://vocaroo.com/18LBWoQrxhXuthis was originally gonna be like a joke hidden track at the end of my album, had one friend tell me it was the best thing i ever made, often times my least sincere and most off the cuff recordings end up being the ones i get praise for
real scuffed goated shithttps://vocaroo.com/1jFWx7MqTrBB