Who are some talented anti-communist/anti-socialist musicians?For me it's Mark E. Smith
I think pretty much all musicians are, they don't want to share their money.
>>124441746He wasn't pro right neither left. Very complex to be pinpointed by that.
>>124442682Mark wanted to seem inscrutable, but in reality his political beliefs are pretty easy to track. He admitted that he was far left in the later part of his youth and during the very beginnings of the band, but he gradually drifted right as he grew older, stopped voting for the labour party and started voting conservative. This isn't even information that's hard to dig up, he openly said this stuff in interviews.Sure, he avoided labels, but from lyrics, personal statements, and the opinions expressed by his bandmates, it seems clear that he was pro-right on a lot of political topics. What was more important to him, though, was the creation of "good art" through freedom of expression, and the preservation of English culture and its working class.
>>124442876i wouldn't call it right winger though. that's something leftists wish to make you believe