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Medieval black metal edition
Ancient >>124421479
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>Medieval black metal edition
Dark Medieval Times pt.2
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Official NBBMN 2024 MIXTAPE - Side A:
>Track 01: Nordvrede - Carried by Wings of Iron
>Track 02: Furia - Zamawinie Drugie
>Track 03: Odraza - Próg
>Track 04 Wolfkrieg - Wolves of Dirlewanger
>Track 05 Burzum - Black Spell Of Destruction
>Track 06 Fatherland - Gladiator
>Track 07 Teufelnacht - Do You Wanna Touch Me
>Track 08 Drudkh - Glare of Autumn
>Track 09 Kaevum - Goyim Blood
>Track 10 Taake - Umenneske
>Track 11 Obtained Enslavvement - Veils of Wintersorrow
>Track 12 Hades - Unholy Congregation
>Track 13 Occultum - Return of the Giants
>Track 14 Thorns - Stellar Master Elite
>Track 15 Norns - Pazuzu
>Track 16 Moonblood - Shadows
>Track 17 Katharsis - So Nail the Hearts
>Track 18 Satanic Warmaster - The Vampiric Tyrant
>Track 19 Isengard - Storm Of Evil
>Track 20 Absurd - Werwolf
Official NBBMN 2024 MIXTAPE - Side B:
>Track 21 - Bethlehem - Schuld Unseres Knochrigen Faltpferds
>Track 22 Behexen - Mouth Of Leviathan
>Track 23 Medico Peste - I Wither Without Your Grace
>Track 24 Seigneur Voland - ...et autres germes de pourriture and/or
>Track 25 Kristallnacht - Warspirit
[no working link found, go ahead and provide one]
>Track 26 Sorhin - Godhetens Fall
>Track 27 Mütiilation - Destroy your Life for Satan
>Track 28 Spear of Longinus - N.W.O.
>Track 29 Kataxu - My name from the forest
>Track 30 Branikald - A Crushing Hammer
>Track 31 Mütiilation - Possessed and Immortal
>Track 32 Peste Noire - Payés sur la bête
>Track 33 Urfaust -Drudenfuß
>Track 34 Satyricon - The Wolfpack
>Track 35 Dark Fury - Avaritia
>Track 36 Xantotol - Conqueror
>Track 37 Tha-Norr - Wolfenzeitalter
>Track 38 Nox Intempesta - Untrodden Shall Be the Path to the Marble Planets
>Track 39 Sort Vokter - Langs Stier Uten Ende
>Track 40 Dark Funeral - My Funeral
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Nobody's favorite band is Blasphemy or Krieg just wannabe tough guy trying to out KVLT the next nerd
Post top 5 medieval bm records.
>1) Godkiller - Rebirth of the Middle Ages
>2) Ungfell - Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz
>3) Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
>4) Grylle - Egrotants, Souffreteux, Cacochymes, Covidards
>5) Véhémence - Par le sang versé
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>mfw someone says black metal wasn't influenced by punk.
What's some extremely racist black metal?
Do you consider antisemitism a type of racism?
Yes but that's too easy.
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November won't be here forever... we're over halfway now.
BLAST and post as much as you can, because before you know it the December cold will come.
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Pretty cool
Well, you're wrong.
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Post progress home boys.
I'm making a computer black metal RPG. What are your favorite quotes? (in case i miss any)
post some wip
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Why isn't it Nothing But Black Metal December?
We leave that to the DMbros if they ever feel like organizing
It is, if you want it to be.
im just happy you included Odraza
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What was the first year of nbbmn?
class of '09
Ancient wisdom lies in these threads
This album has been shilled in previous NBBMN's as well and it is just boring and generic. That said Dark Medieval Times is pretty good, but Nemesis Divina is one of the greatest peaks black metal.
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Second chart coming up nicely. Check out Baltak
Dark Medieval Times sucks. Totally random amateurish songwriting
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One fuckin' hundred
Wish I could.
218 and counting.
I'm honestly shocked he would rep Black Flag in his old age of perpetual seething about Amerigolems and his general purity spiraling.
If your complaint about Dark Medieval Times is bad songwriting, I imagine you must hate these threads as nothing remotely good ever gets posted. Less than 1% of it is worthwhile, rest is repetitive, tremolotrite tourist garbage with shit tier incoherenysongwriting, and that's pretty common among metal/rock/pop bands.
DMT is decent and songwriting kind of works in a weird way. Same can't be said of random atmoshitty records.
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Enjoying this guys work. It sounds like he doesn't use a kick on a lot of the songs and its just hi hat snare
Varg is just the kinda guy to post in police hate threads on old /b/, desu.
>hour long album
>only song that actually grabs my attention is the last track
Well that was too bad
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Black Metal is inherently Satanic.
It's a statement of fact. Nothing needs to be added to the axiom.
Is satanism the only inherent quality of black metal?
>genre: raw black metal
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im the token TN anon that will shill anything from TN. we only got like 3 bands anyway
I have almost 14,000 albums, demos, EPs, and compilations in the Black Metal section of my library. I don't even know remember downloading 90% of it.
We are going to need to extend NBBMN for the next year at least
Why do you try listening to as many albums as possible instead of just listening to ones you like multiple times
Better than output than all the sóy acts from A*lanta
Because half the fun is finding new shit. I can listen to Call of the Winter Moon at any time. It doesn't feel special.
Should I have stopped listening to new albums after I first heard Blaze 25 years ago? Are you retarded?
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>FuNeRaL fOg
Why is RABM so riffs so shitty?
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Playlisted the ELEVENTH row of this chart:


Now featuring tracks by:






>Imperial Crystalline Entombment

>In Memorium

>Ibex Throne



>Voltaic Omen

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Hey man you forgot Panopticon and Wolves in the Throne Room
Panopticon is on there. Wolves In The Throne Room I didn't include but perhaps when I revise the list a bit I will
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1337 is a pretty decent medieval album
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Glad I saved this for NBBMN. It's pretty good.
They are not motivated by a genuine desire to create. They are motivated only to "heckin dunk on le ebil n*zi fash"
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Stay comfy anon
By Way of Torchlight is the best song of the year.
Newfag here, can someone tell me who the fuck Hector is and why I keep hearing about him?
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Post kino music videos
Why are the Quebecois so good at making black metal?
I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think they would maintain their quality. I figured it would be all downhill after Dripping Papal Blood. It was a pretty long gap between releases.
They're french without the homosexual influence of actually being in france
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Blasting this.
Why did peste noire stop being good?
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it's been a busy and slow month
give me recommendations and new music from this year; i'm trying to catch up
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Just finished running through GBKs albums, still like kosherat the best
God I got filtered by Blizzard Beasts for far too long
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Luv me absu, I imagine most anons ITT would find them contentious because of them being American and having a massive thrash influence
Insanely based when you put it like that
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Yes they were toughened up by the frontier.
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I'm super depressed and find very little joy in listening to music in the last couple of days. Planning to listen to Forteresse next, but dunno.
Get into 70 and 80s Cantonese Kung fu movies. They unironically distracted me from the all-consuming void very well.
>and find very little joy in listening to music in the last couple of days.
I have these periods too, not necessarily because of depression, but sometimes I just can't enjoy music as much as I should. I guess a break would help.
Do like Musk and get a ketamine prescription.
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Holy riffs
Absu is great
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That is actually a good idea. Thanks fren, I will check some out.
Was listening to this earlier. Very good
In the original photo, Varg's shirt is plain. The Black Flag image is a very good shop.
Whats /nbbmn/'s thoughts on wolves in the throne room
Drakonhail was a band I constantly listened to when I was at my worst. Melancholic slow atmoshit that is perfect for that depressed feeling of not wanting to listen to anything.
Their best
Black Metal is inherently anti-Semitic.
This post has nothing to do with music. Why are you spamming your posts here?
Cats are inherently black metal
Ye, you can spot that by a scope
I advise you to read the board rules before posting here.
Don't think cats are mentioned in the rules
Sometimes I doubt a lot of posters here really care terriblly much about what they listen to, and care more about that feeling of discovering obscure shit? I understand that people have different listening habits, but I find it confusing considering a lot of music deserves repeated listenings to really appreciate, especially BM.
Look at that first reply to your post. It implies the behaviour I'm talking about, a yearning to feel 'special' hearing something underground (and impress people on the internet). Little respect for the classics because it doesn't give them that feeling now they're used to it

I advise you to stop being a rulefagging queer, you wannabe janny
>It implies the behaviour I'm talking about, a yearning to feel 'special' hearing something underground (and impress people on the internet). Little respect for the classics because it doesn't give them that feeling now they're used to it
Not that anon, but I think you're reading too much in to it.
It is fun to discover new music, be it a obscure demo from an Albanian band that only released it on 5 cassettes in 1992, or a "big" band that you've for some reason never listened to.
Finding new music is always a treat. It's an endless quest for discovery. Sometimes you beat your favorite albums to death and then need more. Like in 2022 I found this literal who band from Colorado called Doldrum and honestly their full length is among my favorites so far this decade.
Don't remember when this was posted, but it was a absolute treat
That bezmir album is the first I've listened to anything released after 2010.
Whyd you delete your photo
Best band to form in the last couple years
>Panopticon is on there
Because it rotates for some reason i hate it
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Last photo I took was of a shipping lane
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>52,306 entries on Metallum for "black metal"
>400.000 subscribers to black metal promotion
>most major black metal acts already played at large scale commercial festivals like wacken or hellfest
>Billie Eilish wears a Blod Besvimelse hoodie
>Kanye sports a Burzum shirt after growing out of Cradle of Filth
We did it guys. We made it to the mainstream. Black metal is officially dead.
>Black metal is officially dead.
Very brave statement in 2007
Make your own label and produce hand dubbed tapes like I do
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Actually there is left hand path black metal which is inherently nihilistic and destructive while right hand path black metal is inherently pagan and nostalgic. Satanic black metal falls in the left hand path category but is honestly sort of a fringe section if you look at the broader picture.
Both are inherently antisemitic even if the left hand path bands which fittingly tend to be more left leaning would probably disagree and try to paint it as antizionism or some shit.
Left hand path is essentially black metal + postcolonialism while right hand path is larping as legolas and walking through a snowy forest.
NSBM is the only scene keeping the unholy flame of Black Metal burning in the underground.
Nigga rusty
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Hate to break it to you but they sold out too for the most part.
Hendrik Möbus works for the Verfassungsschutz and almost every major nsbm band that became popular instantly dropped their believes or started publicly lying about them and start their journey to Canossa (see Mgla, Deathspeall Omega and so on). This is especially true for modern ones but can be observed for quite a while now.
Mgla was never NS
Lurk harder
Nah, you lurk harder, all the drama with them was about the side project that M had in the past, Mgla itself was never NS
>anti-Semitism reported to have more than 400% increase
Coincidence? No.
Retard logic. If the person making the music is NS the band is NS.
They sold out. That's it. By your train of thought Burzum isn't NS either.
It's an opinion you can have but not one you're going to be respected for since it's fvlse.
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pic belated
>If the person making the music is NS the band is NS.
What the fuck
Dang ol salt water man
Following your logic Skrewdriver was a leftist punk band
i thought left hand path was a death metal song
You'll only be bewildered by this statement this if you "differentiate the art from the artist" which is idiotic postmodernism and a very reddit thing to do.
Correct. They once were. Then they changed to NS:
Burzum isn't NS, you don't have to go for political lyrics or themes in your band regardless of your views
Right, like Inquisition's lyrics aren't about diddling kids even though Dagon does.
Skrewdriver were never leftist. Ian was always right-wing, but only expressed it after Back With A Bang.
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>Burzum isn't NS
Just imagine the soijack.
Burzum is inherently NS and even if every single roadburn hipster listens to it, it stays NS.
Nothing you'll say will ever change that fact, poseur.
No, Burzum is apolitical even Varg confirmed that many times in interviews, but please keep posting his pictures for confirmation of your point
Why is Burzum merch banned from certain venues in the US, including Maryland Deathfest?
Because the band is associated with Varg, but the lyrics, themes and the band itself is not NS
And you'll get called a Nazi by those venues. Why?
The stereotypical reddit thing is to refuse to listen to artists because of their political ideology what are you talking about
He confirmed just as many times that the opposite is true. Varg isn't exactly a reliable narrator when it comes to this kind of stuff. You should also keep in mind that he needs the burzum money in order to feed his pack of children.
Here's an apolitical swastika border from the guy who constantly talks about jews ruining literally everything for you.
Totally chill music to listen to with your edgy leftist friends and pretend it's actually subversive and shit due to your stoned mental gymnastics.
Are you pretending to be slow?
Because of their ignorance, Burzum is not NS itself, you can wear that merch and not be nazi, you just like the music, people wearing Charles Manson merch are supporting serial killers then, therefore are serial killers?
I accept your concession.
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Death of the artist is a postmodern notion. Every true traditionalist rejects it. Educate yourself before you spout nonsense.
Leftist bm tourists listening to "problematic" artists when they feel save at home or wearing their merch for the edge points isn't exactly news.
Unless you yourself are new to this whole ordeal, that is.
I wear Burzum merch and agree with AH and CM
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Keep forgetting to attach pics today.
Fuck me I guess. Point still stands.
What are the judeo-aryan implications of listening to GBK as a leftist soiboy?
>Burzum is not NS itself
L take. Burzum is Varg and Varg is Burzum.
Only leftists want Burzum to be apolitical in order to reduce cognitive dissonance when listening to it because the music is fucking great.
It's a cope and you fell for it.
everyone, left and right, should study the lyrics of GBK
>homosex listening to usbm
Not really anything out of the ordinary here.
Varg is Burzum and Varg had stated that Burzum is not NS and is free from his politics
You are genuinely retarded
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Thsi guy stated he's just playing a character aswell. You're easily fooled.
What does traditionalism mean in this context?
Well he is Burzum, therefore Burzum is not NS if Varg states so
It means people who reject postmodernism as an ideology and revolt against the modern world.
Are you a traditionalist?
If he's playing the character then he is not really NS
Work on your reading comprehension.
Work on your points, try not to contradict yourself for once
> [X] had stated that [Y] is not NS
Every major NS musician in black metal did. That's kind of his point I think.
Oh, you don't even know who I'm talking about? Sorry to myself for wasting my time with you.
I accept your loss
you faggots
Grand Belial's Key
>Crouched in front of the weeping virgin
>Trembling child absorbs the ghastly air
>Accustomed to divine subordination
>Thoughts of suicide race endlessly

>Reflections of the Coffin Lid

>Subconscious images foresee the haunted day
>The urine of goats feed the nightmare
>Insects roam the surface of my body
>This polluted art becomes an obsession
What does it mean
i am very hetero
black metal wasn't supposed to be popular
Black Metal is inherently unpopular
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Children masticate the sacred vulva
>volkischer schwarzmetall
>neither folk nor black metal
Try: Vultures of Misfortune
>Freshly cut dick into his trap
>The gobbler mixes it with alcohol
>Queer tendencies within the grossest of cultures
Something gay probably
Black metal is the most mainstream subgenre of extreme metal
Is thrash not considered extreme?
What is extreme metal anyway?
Black, death, ??, ??? ?
Extreme-ly boring, yeah
Damn... still gonna listen to it anyway!
Correct. The existence of the nbbmn trend is proof.
black metal died when GIRLS started listening to it
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Gallivanting the Fortified Pathways of the Ancient and Distant Beings
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What do I think of this?
You think it's pretty good, especially for an USBM album, but ultimately overrated.
Correct. It's the only inherent quality.
what's up with the album cover?
Hm. I could have sworn there was one more thing. Ah well, I've been wrong before
The only other inherent quality might be wearing corpsepaint, but that's it.
See >>124447750
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Wait no way satanic warmaster can really play the fest in Chicago next year right?
Walking throvgh the grim and frostbitten kingdom... my beard has tvrned to ice
Maybe...the funniest post ever recorded on 4chan. LMFAO tg0aa
>DARKTHRONE first demo 1988
>BURZUM first demo 1991
>MAYHEM first demo 1986

>VON first demo 1992
Well now I don't know what to think
Back on duty, ADLfag? LMFAO
Please don't post off topic. For anyone who doesn't know, nbm means "no bread, mate" and this is a very common phrase said by communists.
Why are you replying to yourself multiple times, lass?
Nope. That post is legitimately absolutely hilarious. Read it again. You'll laugh. Guaranteed.
black metal promotion is jewish shit channel
only 'murican jews sell out
why are you crying? did you lose your little hat?
I like BMP. Now, I do have a big nose..
Is it true Gorgoroth always play the same setlist?
>t. So easy and fun to trigger.
Never ever fails. Was your boyfriend able to dig your iron cross out of your ass?
You never did learn how to use "t." nor greentext.
Butttt...you didn't answer the question?
Explain how
You're asking for a final solution?
About you and your boyfriend? Pretty sure you queers can figure out that butt problem. Be patient. It'll be ok.
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Who isn't
There are 7 anons and 4 bots posting in this thread...
The entire lyrics should get promoted everywhere. Print them out and flyer them.
Grand Belials Key never sold out and probably barely make money
Faggot band
They only like dsbm
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Got absolutely nothing done at work today, apart from some VERY good blasting.
Would recommend all of them
It's easy. Look at the data on encyclopedia metallum. That'll clear everything up.
>Overrated rym weeb shit
Not listening! Fuck off back to your tranny safe space
>Look at the data
>t. Jonathan Greenblatt
>t. Scared
Ayy two of my recs at the bottom left and right.
One of my favorite albums of all time. Simultaneously underrated and overrated.
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we did it brothers.
Where the fuck can I find this?
think someone posted a rip a few threads back
are you the based demo poster?
No, you just inevitably listen to a million demos every November.
This isnt black metal lmao
Tried to make a short riff/track for this nbbmn. Came out more saidan/homosexual than i wanted. https://voca.ro/18quziaICq9m
Portugal seems to be slept on.
never thought about portugese bm really. but that one was GREAT, and i know i've listened to some demos as well this year
I actually like that album.
They really are
Not this month you don't
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Tell me whose discography I'm gonna blast tomorrow.
Not Drowning the Light or Hate Forest
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>Not Drowning the Light
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Does good female fronted black metal exist?
You have brain damage
Actually don't mind Asagraum or the vocalists other project which I don't remember the name of right now
Imperial Cult
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
>DARKTHRONE first demo 1988
not black metal
>BURZUM first demo 1991
approaching black metal
>MAYHEM first demo 1986
not black metal
>VON first demo 1992
pure black metal
For your information:
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Nothin personnel, kid
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Melissa, Asagraum
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>mfw glorify fascism but not necessarily right-wing

Correct, I barely come in here since I'm not a tourist. Just stopped in and saw that post about Satyricon
Hulder is the definition of mid
Posers like this are inherently unwelcome in the Black Metal Reich.
I'm so horny for that crusty bitch
do you have this faggot's socials so i can harass him?
shame you can't fucking find it anywhere
Post link you fucking coward
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>juvenile to base your understanding of the values of black metal on the deeds of some kids 30 years ago
The cognitive dissonance of this when we're still happy to ape off the image and music of that same bunch of edgelord teenagers who wanted to be Dracula 30 years ago.
Checkmate, chuds.
It should be all over soulseek by now, I’ve seen at least 20 people download it from me.
Soulseek blanks out search results if you use the word “pedophile” so just search “Muhammad Flames”
Otherwise I’ll reshare it in a minute here
>Soulseek blanks out search results if you use the word “pedophile”
It also saves you IP and send it to the FBI.
my fat cock is inherently black metal
What fest in Chicago? I have never been to a show. I would love to go

Look up Metal Threat Fest 2025
>Soulseek blanks out search results if you use the word “pedophile”
That explains it.
Should I make a black metal album
Damn, Sargeist and Horna too. I'm gonna have to go
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>mfw I have to share a thread with americans

There is a good chances this shit will get shut down by the far left
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It's possible because I also just saw White Death, who is another band I'd love to see, and I'm sure troons hate them.
I think Lauri plays with them live sometimes. He was in the band for their first album
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Based antifa preventing americans from experiencing nice things and gatekeeping black metal so it stays edgy and underground.
AH! Makes sense, I guess
lol that shit only happens in europe no one gives a fuck about antifa faggots in the US
Wait wtf this actually fucking rips. Why is this opening riff so fucking tough???
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Where's the guy that posted that castle earlier
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No more brother trolling. Only comfy.
Yes. Start right now.
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Just search for it by album name, silly.
This mind breaks the european
>What's Asgardsrei?
>What's Hot Shower?
>What's Pact of Steel?
>What's Black Sun Rising?
Cope harder. Where are all the us nsbm festivals?
Have fun getting raped by Muhammad and jailed for trying to defend yourself
America barely has any metal festivals period
>Hot Shower
Very gay name desu
Sure buddy.
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It's a meme
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For me it's the FUCK CHRIST tour.
For me it's not going to shows so I can stay home so I can drink beer and play videogames
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