Rap takes no talent to make, but also, rap can't be "alternative", it's just corporate culture like no music genre has ever been beforeYou can't be edgy and "different" when you worship nikes, chains, popularity, and fast food celeb meal deals
>>124445104based communist anon
>>124445104get new material
>>124445175You can't be alt and be rap
>>124445104Do you actually believe rhyming takes no talent? Not everyone can do it. And beats are instrument,s because drums are, it doesn't matter if you play them or not, not everyone has the math skill to make a drum beat.
>>124445104It's funny how hiphop is always siding with the Left these days...when the music and message itself is the most brutal form of Capitalism imaginable, in addition to petty violence and selfish interest in every aspect of life. They make even the worst Randian guys look moderate. And before someone says there's positive rap, I agree. But very few fans give a shit. They themselves don't want it.
>>124445991It has no choice. If hip hop sides with the right, it bites the hand that feeds. Kanye going against jews is funny cause jews gave him a career lol, rap was created by industry jews, or rather, given a platform from
>>124445672why don't you come back to this site when you're proper age, okay?
>>124445104Rap follows simple rules:Just have ass, money and fame and you're a successful rapper.