is it possible (and safe) to learn to sing on your own by watching youtube lessons and reading online resources? or is there too much physical nuance that can only be learnt via in-person lessons?
No your dick will fly off like a rocket and explode
>>124445215The role of a mentor or a tutor is to observe your progress and correct you in the direction when needed. YouTube and on-line resources can't do that.
>>124445215I taught myself to sing but it took forever cause I didnt really understand what singing from the diaphragm was. I used to sing just from the throat and was near tone deaf. I saw vids on YouTube saying to use the diaphragm and I started doing that and it helped but really I was just sucking in my stomach and still singing from the throat. It wasn’t until recently I realized that the force your singing uses actually is supposed to come from there, so it’s not just sucking in the stomach and singing but actually using it to force the air through the vocal cords. Basically I had to figure out how singing actually works mechanically like using any instrument. Another big thing was getting my brain to recognize when I’m matching pitch and not just harmonizing. I went from being told I was terrible and getting laughed at to consistently getting complimented on my singing
>>124445215let's try thinking! how did people learn to sing before youtube videos?
>>124448350I still haven't figured out how to sing from my diaphragm instead of my throat. How do I do it?
>>124449151sorry impossible
>>124449151that's like saying "I don't know how to move my leg instead of my arm"