Some retard was spamming the fantano subreddit with this album so I decided to give it a listen. Pretty great on first listen
>>124448034>omg! is that... japanese music.... and from the... 80's!
>>124448074Just accept that japs make better music mutt.
>>124448034it's good.
>>124448034it's good but its like the first recommendation youtube gives after a Cassiopeia or Takanaka album so it's pretty mainstream
>>124448598I'm don't really listen to Asian music so I've never heard of those albums before. Care to give any recs that sound similar to Flying Beagle?
>>124448034Yes, caught my eye in the catalog. Good sounds. >>124448074This fag is trying to derail every on topic thread.
>>124448598>mainstream is le bad
>>124448034>fantano subredditwhy are you here, just stay there
>>124449312Permabanned from reddit lol. I only pop in now and then