>knowing music theory will make you less creative>using a metronome will make you sound like a robot>tuning the strings on your guitar will make it sound less organic.Who is teaching this shit to aspiring musicians?
>>124456798>using a metronome is badSaid by every sloppy, out-of-time musician ever kek
>>124456798>knowing music theory will make you less creativeIf you lack creativity, yes. If you're creative, it only empowers you>using a metronome will make you sound like a robotYea, that's why you use a metronome>tuning the strings on your guitar will make it sound less organic.This one actually has a bit of merit. It depends on how much distortion you're using. If you're playing black metal, you want perfectly tuned guitar. If you're playing country, sure give it a quick tune by ear and be done with it.
>>124456798>music theory is prescriptive not descriptiveThis is false. There’s a reason why theory and practise are different things. Theory is a way of articulating why something sounds good or bad to you, not a fixed set of rules about performance or composition. Good time-keeping and temperament come about through practise and ear training, you don’t need any theory to do it.
>>124456798>>using a metronome will make you sound like a robot>>tuning the strings on your guitar will make it sound less organic.literally no one says this, you stupid touhoufag