I developed a crush on our vocalist and started writing a bunch of songs about him and had him running around town singing songs he had no idea were actually about himself and he just figured it out and isn't talking to me.
>>124461572a gay crush? w for homophobia
>>124461572his problem desu, you're putting up emotionally honest music and he just can't understand the art
I knew all along, Matthew, but just realized I have conflicting feelings about you too and I couldn't do it anymore. I'm sorry. I need time.
>>124461572You're gay.
>>124461572Are you gay??
>>124461805Jeff? Jeff, is that you? Oh my god, JEFF!!! PLEEEEASE LET ME SUCK THE CUM OUT OF YOUR BALLS, PLEEEASE
You slip through the cracks more easily than the Courtney Barnett or Bon Jovi spammer by mixing up your fake stories but the frog give you away. Try harder, didn't believe it, your drummer's girlfriend didn't ask you to rename your band Scrotal Suicide / 10
>>124461572i developed a crush on grimes
>>124461572You are based.
>>124461572t. Stevie Nicks
>>124461572Haha aawwwwwwkward
tfw no gay songwriter to secretly fall in love with me
>>124461572That definitely happened.
>>124461572Ohio ahh band