About to order this, any suggestions otherwise? Is a Fender Player better?No used suggestions please, its for a gift
get a chinese guitar off amazon like a normal person
>>124463192>Is a Fender Player better?yes>Verification not required.
>>124463192I don't think Fender players are that cheap exactly. Old MIMs used to be, but they had cheaper parts. Don't know if Fender does that anymore.
>>124463192Anon most guitars are the same unless you're buying straight up bottom of the barrel garbage Pickups matter more than anything else and even then it's not that important unless you wanna play authentic bluegrass or really high gain metal or some shit
The Fender Player is not so much more expensive
>>124463278Well, do you want a shredder or that older feel? Have you ever played Ibanez? Flatter fretboard for quicker runs, while a Fender is more convex and easier for chords. And if you haven't strung up a Floyd Rose, get ready to learn and make some mistakes at first.
>>124463192If you like shredding this is good. >Fender Player I like Strats but the Ibanez is a different enough guitar. Just buy a Joe Satriani JS instead
>>124463748Joe Satriani JS are too expensive for OP