Welcome to HSHG, let's start with the basics:>What is hypnagogia?It is a mental state in which things are not well defined because we are moving from wakefulness to sleep or from sleep to wakefulness (hypnopompia). Both states are harmless, pleasant but very brief.>How can I prolong them and which one is right for me?Alcohol, marijuana and other drugs are good catalysts but music achieves a unique effect. Hypnagogy or hypnopompia: It depends on your nature, habits and time. Even a podcast can do it for you, who knows.>What should I listen to?You will get better results (hallucinations) with music (preferably full albums) that is not in your language and that you listen to for the first time, it is a gamble most of the time but when you get it you will see with new eyes that album that you have been waiting for months and even years to be played by your audio equipment. The light and general ambience of your room is also extremely important.
On August 24, 2021 an anon recommended this album but the board was too busy with some gossip (can't remember which one) and they let it slip with NO answers. I arrived when the thread was archived but I took note and downloaded it last week. I just want to thank you because you've given me a couple of wonderful hallucinations.Album: FuzaoArtist: Faye WongGenre: C-pop
*** WARNING ***Pop black produced with samples and hip hop techniques (?) and some voices (rap) in spanish.
Watch the movie before you go to sleep and play the soundtrack the first time you wake up in the morning before falling back asleep. The world is a strange place
Damn idiots, making this thread took me almost 2 hours because english is not my native language and my IQ is low. It was a big effort for me, I hate them.