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>/gg/ posters at 6pm
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Face it, /gg/: you just don't have what it takes. You can't play guitar. You're don't qualify as a musician. You're ugly. You're broke. No one wants to be your friend. You even smell bad. You're a born loser through and through. Everything you do in your day to day life is meaningless and unimportant. You just don't matter.

Go look in the mirror, am I lying to you? Seriously, am I? Your entire social life is posting the dumbest shit imaginable on 4chan all day like a retard. The sad part is this is all you have. Your life has zero value and the world would be a better place if you were gone.

Just kill yourself and get it over with already, no one would even notice, never mind care.
This all applies to regulars (You). Any of us who pop in from time to time just wonder how you got to be so nasty about something so trivial.

truth N U K E

**K /-\ - B ( _ ) ( _ ) M**
Will /gg/ survive this? Fucking brutal takedown
nice i like it
I keep hearing myself slightly touching other strings on my bass when I'm practicing so should I use a pick in this situation if it's distracting me from practice? Or just ignore it until I'm good enough to not be dumb? I think I'm getting better at not pressing my fingers down enough to where I'm in pain playing. I don't understand why that's my brains initial reaction.
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>>>/mu/ won
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>mu turned their back to the gg spammer
>even his bully hardly visits him anymore

What happened
should be the first post of every /gg/ tbqh
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my thumb rests on the string I’m not using and my fretting fingers are laying across the rest of the strings. So you have two forms of muting. muting is essential on bass because the sympathetic resonance is incredibly strong
>my thumb rests on the string I’m not using and my fretting fingers are laying across the rest of the strings. So you have two forms of muting. muting is essential on bass because the sympathetic resonance is incredibly strong
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I like my bass because I can play along to songs I like with minimum effort :)
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>bass players
>tranime posters
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>terminally online, resident schizo making music on his keyboard
Learned feel good inc, intro to electric feel and the cool part from night of the assassin's today on bass. I feel like i could play for at least another hour. We will see after my smoke break.
No one cares bud
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>parents stopped paying and put me in a mental hospital for months, in there I was sexually assaulted

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>Confirm Character (X)
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>this is the berklee poster
>adding another /gg/ regular who has shat out cum at on time or another
Nice, I remember learning Feel Good Inc. as a young bassist. Great bassline
Dumbest fucking take I've ever read in /gg/ and thats an accomplishment.
Who the fuck is going to make the worlds pizza and deliver it if no /gg/ posters? You just simply don't think before you post and thats why you belong here.
Stop replying to yourself faggot I already told you no one cares
This isn't funny at all and the only person who would find something like this funny is more miserable than this.
Try the song Filthy Gorgeous for something a little more upbeat
Shut the fuck up samefag
kek is this cumshitter? or is it a cumshitter 2.0?
I might have to leave, havent been on in a while and apparently ive smoked myself retarded cause i cant solve capthcas anymore
Thank you Craig very cool.
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Jaded 4chan users trying to figure out who's the most fucking miserable while everyone else is just trying to talk about the music they actually enjoy listening to:
Should I get a Tele or Les Paul next?
Les Paul
Yes, just do what everyone else did:
>stop bothering to solve them
>never come back
Then last but not least:
>forget this shit site ever existed

This is what Hiro wants after all!
now is the best time to buy a pass. board quality is the best it’s ever been!
Notice now no one else but me is replying to your obvious samefag posts? Because no one cares just like I already told you faggot. Kill yourself asap
Its just one guy. Learn to live with him hes easy to rile up.
at least he bumps the thread for free
Is there an app or something that I can tab out riffs I come up with easily
Who gives a shit if there is? You expect someone to do your Google searches for you? Fuck off you stupid shit
I already told you to shut the fuck up samefag. Go cry like a bitch on cryingbitchfaggots.com
easily? not really tab is a bitch no matter what
you only need tabs if you plan on sharing if you made the song you should just remember it
My favorite bit is 15:50-16:20
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why's /gg/ so dead? is domino's really that busy right now?
>inb4 hee hee hee
They just sleepin baby girl, no worries I'm here for you what you need tell Uncy /gg/
It's almost 11 they'll be here in a minute
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remember when pablo thought the (((anti spam measures))) had neutralized his /gg/ bully?
POV you are at guitar center

can someone overdub this with a track of tuning a guitar and another track with random bass slapping please
now we're cookin
>Can I help you find anything today?
>n-no thank you just browsing
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Whoever made this meme has never played an instrument, soloing is the most easiest shit imaginable and people will gaze at you thinking you are some master because you did some basic hammer ons, most bands I watch blast distortion on their amps to filter out the millions of mistakes they make when soloing, running up and down scales doesn’t take much skill, meanwhile rhythm guitar requires intense changing of chords while strumming a specific pattern, and 9/10 they have to also sing at the same time. Singing and playing the guitar is a whole different beast.
kek. saved
What kind of music you play?
Anyone use a ToneX One? Why is the interface such a cluster fuck?
>Face it, /gg/: you just don't have what it takes. You can't play guitar. You're don't qualify as a musician. You're ugly. You're broke. No one wants to be your friend. You even smell bad. You're a born loser through and through. Everything you do in your day to day life is meaningless and unimportant. You just don't matter.
>Go look in the mirror, am I lying to you? Seriously, am I? Your entire social life is posting the dumbest shit imaginable on 4chan all day like a retard. The sad part is this is all you have. Your life has zero value and the world would be a better place if you were gone.
>Just kill yourself and get it over with already, no one would even notice, never mind care.
Big projection. This is a full on melt down
Do cool looking guitars somehow mog practical guitars?
Cool looking, yes, obviously. "Cool" looking, lmao god no
Vox Teardrop vs Gibson Explorer, who wins?
They didn't like this post at all, did they?
>ugly vs "cool" looking
nobody wins
This isn't facebook grandpa you can't like a comment.
lmao rekt
How come Jimi's mistakes still manage to sound good? How can I do that?
>changing of chords
Keep practicing kid
confidence, stay to the beat
>this is what the /gg/ spammer's internal monologue tells him 24/7
Now we all know where the resentment comes from
Go ahead and quote me with the jpeg of le laughing asian man, you know I'm right
he really buck broke u dinnit he
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should i? its probably the closest im going to get to a 355
No get the real thing or wallow in piss. NEXT
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or should i get this instead?
No get the real thing or wallow in piss. NEXT
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the real thing is 9000 dollar.....if i get one i'll be the king of /gg/ forever. ill be able to call literally everybody poorfags. my 335 already price mogs the fuck out of /gg/ tho
the epiphone casino is the real thing
If you have 5 guitars why would you buy another?
Judging from the frets it looks like you hardly play.
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would you spend 11k to mog /gg/
i play at least 2 times a week, in front of audiences at bars.
So barely, again what are these new guitars bringing to the table that the guitars you own cannot? You have the entire guitar soundscape available with 3/5 of those.
i just want a fancy looking guitar. the casino has p90s. i dont have a guitar that has those yet.
Fair enough. There is no kin/gg/ of /gg/ this is a Democratic Republic.
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this alone cost me $3500. is there anyone here with a pricier guitar?
has anyone here taught themselves to play the guitar using online resources?
> t. tourist thinking of buying a guitar and watching yt tutorials

oh and if there's any pastebin link/resource for beginners/retards pls post them
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the red Epi looks really nice. also it has humbuckers which are a better option imho
For /gg/
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>released 1989
>used by Trent Reznor and Brian May
>can buy brand new rechargeable batteries for it

Old guitar effects processors are great
>5 am
>Brazil wakes up
how dare you
i already got a guitar with humbuckers btw.
nice. really needed a mega boomer bend for some zing
no but I’m going to treat myself to a Gibson Songwriter when I reach my guitar goals. I don’t think I deserve a nice instrument at the moment. if I don’t plateau, I think I’ll be well beyond my goal in 6 months
>Gibson Songwriter
get the hummingbird or the big ass j200 or w.e.
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would you pay 12k for an acoustic guitar?
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it’s just for playing party songs/unaccompanied so I don’t think I need a super jumbo. I really don’t even need a dread but I think the guitar is very beautiful
i wouldnt get a gibson acoustic if it didnt have the flower ornamentation otherwise it looks too much like a martin
Just watch Rick Beato and bands live videos.
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>oh you want a pretty acoustic that has ornamentation?
Why are gibson such kikes
This one has some cool sounds. Wish I had one, but I got enough pedals and couple semi-modular synths with wavefolders etc. to put my guitar through.
there was the anon with the travis bean, those go for way more than $3.5k
also the madlad with three parkers
you’re probably the one with the most expensive collection in total, though
Hey, cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
Hey now, it was very expensive to ship all those Mexicans to the Boseman assembly plant. Please understand.
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i might for an epiphone
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I’m always discovering new Marshall models. This is the 30th anniversary 6100. 3 channels and sounds like a jtm45 and jcm800. Joe satriani used one for a while
>17 knobs
>13 switches
it's a piece of shit, that's why you've never once seen anyone using one
>why's /gg/ so dead?
Whole site is dead since the new anti spam bullshit. It just stopped casual posters the majority of posters, and left a majority dedicated shills and spammers.
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>I'm just waiting until my boomer parents Ccroak and then I'll inherit a cool million
Boomer parents are notorious for blowing all their money on cruises and bullshit before they die.
any resources for learning to arrange/transpose songs to fingerstyle/classical guitar?
This guy. Just be aware it's not for beginners, as it's not easy.
>Your life has zero value and the world would be a better place if you were gone.

>Just kill yourself and get it over with already, no one would even notice, never mind care.

Yeah, I took enough acid that I see it as a good thing now. Nobody cares, might as well spend every second doing what I love. Better to fail well than succeed poorly.
>price mogging
You retards sound like rice gum
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only two les pauls are good enough
he playin' the shit out of that hollow body, ty
>two les pauls
Cant fathom it because 1 hh guitar already puts me to sleep. Its a one trick pony and you cant really write dynamic music with one.

For whatever reason low iq rockers love combining hh guitars with high gain amps further compounding the issue. Terrific i love this muddy compressed wall of sounds its beautiful, because you play a chord with more than three strings it turns to inaudible cacauphony and and less than 3 strings all sounds identical

YEAH ROCK MUSIC (devil hands) ALL MY FAVORITES PLAYED A LES PAUL LIKE UHHHHHHHH SUCH GREAT PLAYERS LIKE UM.... wait hendrix played a strat? Srv played a strat? Clapton and froosh too? W-wh theres gotta be someone note worthy on our team bros

i cant even think of one good lp player lmaooo
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How do I expand my playing past Rocksmith? I've been teaching myself how to play over the past year or so on it but it still doesn't feel completely genuine since I'm basically just playing off what I see on the screen
yeah who's Randy Rhoads and Duane Allman and Peter Green next to Frusciante?
Play that same stuff... without the screen dude
maybe i should just do half a backflip, land on my neck, and kill myself
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Morning /gg/
Are you ok??
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Trump just dropped a new signature Les Paul

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>all cheap oem chinese parts
will he be putting tariffs on those guitars.
whose idea was it to have a close up of the frets when they are absolutely shit.
No you really shouldn't, here are things you should do instead: practice playing guitar for an hour
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I got a Squire bullet a while ago and it's great but now I'm trying to into bass as well. Whats a good one? Associate of mine said it didn't really matter because there's less shit for the bass guitar but idk. Only one I know is the Ibanez Destroyer because Angelripper uses it I think but that's a big investment I'm looking for something thats like 200-500 dollars.
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just get a Squier Sonic if you're looking for a P bass/decent all around bass. Seriously don't get a pricey one. Theyre $150 to $200 (I believe there is a sale on one color on Fenders website) and play great. You'll want to spend more money on a decent bass amp.
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thanks broski
Affirmative action
did u guys memorize the fret board?
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How can you not. If you go someone to play and they give you a lead sheet are you going to just say "sorry I don't know where the notes are".
You can say a string 3rd fret, e string 3rd fret, e string 5th fret, e string 1st fret

Now you know my name is jonas and you didnt have to know a single chord name.
Yeah but every time I pluck a string, tuner pedal tells me what letter it is playing.

Idk if it's even worth it as a collectible
Hello Kitty strat is unironically superior
you're expecting a guitarist to read?
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I am really attracted to the Gibson SG Special with P90's and reacharound bridge. However, it is the least expensive Gibson guitar, and I am NOT poor. But I did some research and it turns out Pete Townshend, who is very wealthy like me, used this model live during the absolute peak of The Who.
ugly monstrosity
the guitar is okay
The space between bridge of the guitar and the end of the body is like the forehead. And this one is way way too big.
Thomann is weird. I bought a guitar from them, and a case, for that guitar. They shipped them in 2 boxes, side by side, inside a larger box. Instead of, you know, putting guitar in the case.
>6pm rolls around a/gg/ain
>/gg/ee /gg/ee on pa/gg/e 6
So the only guarantee that a guitar will play very well is if it's made in USA or Japan? Nowhere else?
not lying bro. im in 2 bands and part of the house band at the blues jam i go to at least once a week, then i have a restaurant gig with the blues band im in on saturdays.
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I just like playing guitar that's all.
The impression I got so far is that there is no guarantee whatsoever that a guitar will play very well unless you play it before you buy it.
Correct, higher end guitars have a higher percentage of playable guitars.
You are paying for a higher level of quality control as well as more premium parts.
Go flip the pickup selector on a Squier then do it on a genuine Fender, you can literally feel the quality difference.
Are you talking out of the box, or after a set up?
Face it, /gg/: you have what it takes. You can play guitar. You qualify as a musician. You're beautiful. You're rich. Everyone wants to be your friend. You even smell good. You're a born winner through and through. Everything you do in your day to day life is meaningful and important. You just really matter.

Go look in the mirror, am I lying to you? Seriously, am I? Your entire social life isn't posting the dumbest shit imaginable on 4chan all day like a retard. The cool part is this isn't all you have. Your life has a lot of value and the world would be a worse place if you were gone.

Don't kill yourself and get it over with already, every one would even notice, everyone would care.
>post generates endless seethe because it can't be refuted
Half of those replies are samefag though and half are taking the piss out of obvious projection. But you know this because you wrote it.
damn you weren't kidding were you
>guarantee that a guitar will play very well is if it's made in USA
The last USA guitar I got, a Tele Pro 2 had fucked up stripped out hex screws in the saddles, ended up having to replace the saddles.
There are no guarantee's, just better odds in your favour.

Heard good things about Higher end Indonesian Ibanez guitars.
My yamaha is Indonesian made and has some of the best fretwork out of all my guitars. The painting and finishing is kinda scuffed in spots but the playability is great.
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>this combination of words made the failures in /gg/ LE BIG MAD
toppest of keks m8
Ask yourself, what would Kingfish do?
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Nice JM.
>eat fried chicken and purple drank until you get diabeetus
No thanks?
Play before you buy otherwise you may end up with a lemon
Design the ugliest retail telecaster deluxe ever (still not as ugly as the average parts caster tele deluxe but damn, tasteless)

All my Chinese and Indonesian guitar are fine. Just learn to use a screwdriver and hex key.

I don't get the incompetence of most guitarists
The most annoying thing is when the nut slots are too high.
Still don't believe you. Post hand for proof.
nice but you clip
Maybe a silly q, but why do you have two?

I played 5 different songs pretty okay today on bass. I get why people say playing piano before bass helps. I can't really explain why it just feels that way. It's easier to play bass than piano too. It's really fun too man I really missed out. Tomorrow when I read tabs I'll start writing the notes under the tabs. I feel like if I'm just remembering numbers instead the notes, it's bad.
Also my index and middle finger tips hurt a lot on my left hand
Great work anon. I'd recommend getting away from tabs as soon as possible. They're not conducive to "musical" thinking, purely mechanical.

I can read bass clef easily, but when I was learning guitar, which is all I play now, switching to treble clef scrambled my brain so I relied on tabs. Still takes me hours to learn just how to play a new piece, let alone dynamics, phrasing, etc. I mostly play classical so there aren't tabs for a lot of stuff
Doesn't cumshitter own a charvel or something
the only guarantee that a guitar will play well is if you learn to do your own repair and setup. necks warp, truss rods need to be adjusted, frets wear, tops sag, saddles sag. a guitar setup doesn’t last forever
Interesting, would you recommend something like John Carruthers book on guitar repair and maintenance?
bass is hard to master because they’re one of the few instruments that have to play under strict guidelines and half of the instrument is below the natural human register so it makes ear training more difficult. low skill floor, high skill ceiling
Nta but have you ever liked an instrument so much you wanted another in a different color?
what level of work are you trying to get into? fixing acoustic instruments takes a lot of dedicated tooling and practice, but watching twoodfrd or davesworldoffunstuff on YouTube can get you through a setup. I have several luthiery books including Dan erlewines but it’s nothing you can’t google. being a dedicated luthier is also a lot different than working on your own stuff because as a professional you need a lot of general knowledge about how guitars are constructed and finished because the goal is to make the repair as invisible as possible and some things are very fragile or impossible to take apart without knowing how it’s made (neck reset comes to mind)
if you really just want to learn how to work on guitars I would suggest buying some acoustics off of marketplace for like $25 and then into them. experience is better than knowledge when it comes to working with your hands
also, Rosa string works and Doug Maccormick guitar repair on YouTube are also good luthier channels. they’re a bit more practical than twoodfrd. twoodfrd is someone you would take your guitar to if you wanted to preserve every penny of its value
I fucking love Ted Woodford's videos. Watching him take a pile of broken wood and turn it back into a guitar just never gets old.
if you love em so much why don't you marry em?
I REALLY like my esp
I used to love him, but he made some comments in a video disparaging incels and now I begrudgingly watch his vids
their quality looks good. they’re just too modern for what I’m looking for
what's a brand/model that's more your speed?
One of those Beatles violin basses but setup to accommodate a set of 9s
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No, but I guess that's as good a reason as any
>at bars
so you have five figures worth of equipment to play to eight people who won't even listen because they're getting buzzed?
Do you not?
acoustic unironically. big into country and bluegrass atm
sorry I realize how dumb this sounded in context. for electric I honestly prefer one or two pickups, passive, with single tone and individual volumes. for some reason I get uninspired when I have too many tonal options
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some claw hammer bluegrassy shit

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