The deadly European virus that has always been this band's curse here turns out to be their characteristic melodic device--an unresolved medieval fifth most commonly associated with monks in Hollywood movies. Other than that, their new album is hot rock-and-roll indeed--the Edge becomes a tuneful guitarist by the simple expedient of not soloing and if Bono still has too many Gregorian moments his conviction carries the music. Anyway, I'll take his militant (if pacifist) Christianity over the secular humanism and Jah love so many rockers are going for these days. B
>>124466007the difference between a young, hungry band and what they became in the 21st century
>>124466007One of the more interesting things I’ve read on /mu/
>>124466007Why is Cuckgau such a europhobe?Oh that's right it's because he's an afrophile.
>>124466007You're a midwit
>>124466007their best song is Gloria
>the christgau poster stopped using the same picture every time because he realized people were filtering him after all his threads died at page 10 with no replies
Wish they'd died in a plane crash in 1992 so we were spared everything that followed.
Cock [Africa, 2007]Yum. A+