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File: beetle-face.jpg (65 KB, 834x960)
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The members of The Beatles are annoying and my desire is for them to be tortured to death. My deepest wish is to go back in time and waterboard Ringo and whatever the others are named.

My question is; can someone explain the appeal of these fags and their gay music?
their music is good
stop being an uncultured fucking swine
>The Beatles are the great mediator between serious music and popular music
Karlheinz Stockhausen on the Beatles

>They were a driving force in the Velvets, and made us work harder and got us on our bikes. Rubber Soul was where you were forced to deal with them as something other than a flash in the pan. It was rich in ideas and I loved the way George managed to find a way to include all those Indian instruments. Lou [Reed] and I had tried to work with the sarinda. We were playing on it just to get a noise but I soon realised if you play a melody on the sitar as good as Norwegian Wood, it makes it easier to present the instrument."
John Cale on The Beatles

>When I was 20, I worked at a hotel in a dance orchestra, playing weddings, bar-mitzvahs, dancing, cabaret. I drove home and I was also at college at the time. Then I put on the radio (Radio Luxemburg) and I heard this music. It was terrifying. I had no idea what it was. Then it kept going. Then there was this enormous whine note of strings. Then there was this colossal piano chord. I discovered later that I'd come in half-way through Sgt. Pepper, played continuously. My life was never the same again
Robert Fripp on hearing Sgt Pepper

>Sampling has been around since the Beatles, they did it all. There is no difference between using tapes and digital machinery.
Karl Bartos (Kraftwerk) on the Beatles

>The Beatles. They broke down every barrier that ever existed. Suddenly you could do anything after The Beatles. You could write your own music, make it ninety yards long, put it in 7/4, whatever you wanted.
Bill Bruford (King Crimson and Yes) on The Beatles

>They were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, just outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid. They were pointing the direction music had to go.
Bob Dylan on The Beatles
>can someone explain the appeal of these fags and their gay music?

No. Just give it another chance. Listen to their late 60s stuff, or mid 60s. They had lots of phases. Choose your favorite.
>can someone explain the appeal of these fags and their gay music?
I don't think they're actually gay compared to bands like Queen
You can't listen to Abbey Road, the White Album, and Sgt Pepper's and not see why the Beatles were as popular as they are.
No answer as usual.

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