What's with le 1980s cunts, why are they so jealous and unsufferable.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UZ--sD_DBQ
Only recognized Sir Paul, Bono and Chris, Anyone recognize all of the participants?
>>124479365the singer from Travisthe drummer from Supergrassthe Hawkins bros for the DarknessThom faggot Yorke and his faggot fren JonnyJoss StoneRobbie WilliamsDidoSugarbabesand the list goes on...2000s vibes are strongi had kinda forgot this videoit gets me back in time literally
>>124479365also Midge Urethe singer from Keanei think i see the singer from a band called Turin Brakesand a cute bitch called Katie Meluaand again the list goes i guess
>>124479015A good James Blunt songhttps://youtu.be/aUo8DxtsEtk?si=0unIstjLputBtKRG
>>124479015So based on the information in the bottom right corner of the video. Are we to expect a band Aid 40 to be released on 11-25?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGwEgY5An8w
>>124479469>the Hawkins bros for the Darknessthere's actually Frankie Poullain as well
>>124482824more like band aids
>>124483055i mean was it ever different anywaywe're talking about the fucking 1980s