Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
>>124479151With Thom's lazy eye, he can actually look at the river and the sea at the same time
Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that paying attention to any of the band's politics is giving them too much attention in general.
>>124479151>Palestine will be freeFuck Palestine. It's over. There isn't shit you can ever do it. Not a billion tears or petitions or your faggot bands writing a tweet.
>>124479151only for the meme
>>124479362At least I still have my foreskin and a normal sized nose
>>124479362It’s in God’s hands now. Who sees you too. Good posting brah. Foolproof.
>>124479151Imposter>>124479338The real spergt. autism wrangler
>>124479528Let's be real, the real dude's a fence sitter
>>124479535Yeah that's how you can tell it's him, he only makes vaguely dismissive posts.
>>124479552Hardly vague. It's 100% dismissive. Although I'd like to imagine he does it to amuse himself.
more like oyveydiohead
>>124479362Who could ever think that jews are disgusting gargoyles after reading heartwarming thoughts like these?
>>124479138So why did /mu/ moved on from Radiohead? Arguably their quality improved over time.Also what are these guys politics? I thought they were libtards.
>>124479362Trump will be the finail nail in the coughin of th USA. His corruptions and reatrded policies will bring the destruction of that nation.Israel without USA will be easily squashed like ants.
>Thom York?More like TOM HORK!>AMIRITE?