Talk shit about music, share WIPs, diss FL, ask how you make *generic bass sound*, beat up SC kids, maybe learn a thing or two.>dither me timbers editionRemember to use:>vocaroo for posting WiPsNo one gives a print about your soundcloud, so dont post it unless specifically asked to.Stuff:>Pastebin - Links, books, videos, articles, tutorials and stuff:>/prod/ wiki - looking for contributors (wink, wink) my bass sitting right in this mix? Hows the hook and breakdown sound overall?
>>124480996The call and response really needs some filtering homie
At least one transcription a week should be the rule maybe idk made an romantic movie scene type of orchestral piece that I think I'm kinda proud of, for once, but I'll let you guys decide if it sounds good or if it can be improved.
>>124483429i think it sounds nice overall but several of the harmonies and phrase resolutions were like.... random, or were completely off from what's typically expected from this type of piece.i don't know how to phrase it without sounding mean, again, obviously it sounds good overall, but i'm almost expecting you to reveal that this is actually AI with those ??? moments
>>124483723That's a valid criticism. I tried to make the viola section do a countermelody, but it might have been better if the strings followed the same melody and allowed the countermelody to be done by a woodwind or something, so that the distinction could be more clear. As for the resolutions, could you be more specific?