why do blues influenced singers are the most soulful ones?>layne staley>glen danzig>lemmy>ozzy>phil anselmoCompare them to technical wannabe opera singers like Freddie, Dickinson or Dior and it's insane how much phony they sound
This is 2/10 bait, but the retards here are still gonna fall for it.
why do is OP being a ESL retard?
Why is this crooner performing a lewd gesture?
>>124803658>Dior lol>how much phony...?
This site fucking sucks.
Blues influenced singers? You mean wiggers
>>124803658Ulver is pretty soulful.
>>124803658Bait and not even good bait
>>124803658Layne Staley is the greatest singer of all time. No one comes close.
>>124805601Danzig tho... Layne is good but never made power ballad on the level of Blood and Tears
>>124806692Love Hate Love (especially the live version) is better than any Danzig "ballad". There isn't a singer in existence that comes close to Layne Staley.
>>124806722oh no..dirt is a legit masterpiece but debut album had only we die young and man in the box. The rest is filler...LHL just a mood song, it doesn't go anywhere. Blood and Tears is much more emotional and better composed
>>124806948No, Facelift is also a masterpiece. Every Layne-era AiC and Above by Mad Season are masterpieces. Facelift had more than just those two songs -- Bleed the Freak, Sea of Sorrow, Love Hate Love, Sunshine, etc. Love Hate Love definitely goes somewhere in terms of Layne's voice. Down in a Hole is much more emotional than Blood and Tears and better composed.Layne is the greatest singer of all time and AiC are the greatest band of all time.
>>124804186Many such
>>124804291Do you deny it?
>>124807021OK bro I was on board with your layne worship but disrespect to danzig needs to stop or we gonna have a problem
>>124807703Danzig is great, just not better than Layne or AiC.
>>124807848how would you rate his voice? What is sounds like?
>>124807915Danzig is certainly among the best singers in hard rock / metal. I don't listen to his bands much anymore but I remember him having a versatile voice.
>>124807812What an egotistic response. You don't sound like a healthy person to associate with.
>>124804186There's nothing retarded with learning a 2nd language, fucking retardo>>124804158>Don't agree with my views?! You're baiting reeeeeeee>>124805296Whole rock music includiinthe racist groups/artists